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I'm sorry mate but bullshit!!!   If this happened in Iran and it was a white Christian who did it, how many more would die under the eye for an eye shit you live under there? Why is it OK in your fu

Probably like many others ive shed a few tears and just not been able to get this out my head today i think ive done well to get back indoors without decapitating someone......what i am absolutely sic

Ive been saying the same for years......start making these people accountable for the animals they are bringing into the world......start making the Muslim community accountable for their own people w

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A lot are just as barbaric but a good few are fighting them stop them and to get there homes back and get back to some kind of normality.


If im honest i couldnt care in the manner they dispatch them.They have killed people over there in horrific ways.

There were folk just getting on with life not bothering anyone when isis rocked into their towns and villages and caused murder and mayhem cause they didnt agree with isis ideology.


we cant really condem them for doing what we want to do to isis.


@BGD you do have a knack @getting under folks skin lol

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What a fecking retarded question :blink: They're cowards who need to be wiped out, thankfully there's brave folk willing to go over there and carry out that task.

Does that include the one who fight with Al qaeda against isis

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I've been in the forces for over a decade now


I've worked alongside and intergrated with some of the best soldiers the U.K. Has to offer including some specialised units


In my time I have heard of no one, as in not one person who has left and upsticks to join a pashmerga unit,


And I know plenty who would


So whose going?


Wagon drivers, day dreamers and play station clowns who seem to think they are making a difference


They aren't


If anything their efforts are hindering a full scale intervention from happening


Clowns, I need a car and a credit card paid off

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What a fecking retarded question :blink: They're cowards who need to be wiped out, thankfully there's brave folk willing to go over there and carry out that task.

Does that include the one who fight with Al qaeda against isis

They're two sides of the same coin, the fact that isn't obvious to you is quite concerning. I mean actually having to question whether Al Qeada are to be admired or not, what's wrong with you? :no:

Edited by BGD
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What a fecking retarded question :blink: They're cowards who need to be wiped out, thankfully there's brave folk willing to go over there and carry out that task.

Does that include the one who fight with Al qaeda against isis
They're two sides of the same coin, the fact that isn't obvious to you is quite concerning. I mean actually having to question whether Al Qeada are to be admired or not, what's wrong with you? :no:
Your the one stating those going to the middle east to fight are brave not me
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I've been in the forces for over a decade now

I've worked alongside and intergrated with some of the best soldiers the U.K. Has to offer including some specialised units

In my time I have heard of no one, as in not one person who has left and upsticks to join a pashmerga unit,

And I know plenty who would

So whose going?

Wagon drivers, day dreamers and play station clowns who seem to think they are making a difference

They aren't

If anything their efforts are hindering a full scale intervention from happening

Clowns, I need a car and a credit card paid off

The United Nations have been on and told me I am being held in reserve........they say the world not ready to witness something so lethal !

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As sad and twisted as it seems the west should be backing Assad secular modern and probably the most civilised of all the groups in Syria terrible when a regime ready to use chemical weapons on its own people is the best bet

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There used to be a similar weapons market just over the border in Jalalabad,dont know if its still the

Jalalabad was closed years ago Now its Torkham on the border but the main amoury is Darra Adam Khel in the tribal belt KPK every thing from a .22 up to and including RPG,s and even Stingers from the 80,s.One time even Uranium was on sal from the old USSR Every currency that can be forged is its hanging up outside the shops. Darra is the Bazaar of the middle East.

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If there were no muslims in this country there would be no muslims here to bomb murder and terrorise us, a no brainer for me

Wasnt it the Irish before the Muslims ffs. Reality check dreams of no islam and no Muslims in the uk are just that dreams. Realistic ways to deal with the problems have to be found this will be done by people with a desire and a determination to find realistic ways to move forward. I certainly dont know the final solution and I very much doubt the pie in the sky soothe sayers do either.

Edited by desertbred
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I really don't see how killing people in Iraq is going to ever stop this from happening, not destroying Libya would have though.


As I've said before there are several thousand people being watched here, on top of that there are many thousands of people who have fought in Afghanistan 1.0, Kosovo, Chechnya, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan 2.0, Iraq, Algeria and other countries. The seconds group are not dangerous in the sense they are likely to kill anyone because they're too old but they are the people who the young ones look up to. If you see if through their eyes why would they not look up to some 60 year old who has tails of fighting the Russians as a 'freedom' fighter. Those people are far more dangerous because they are part of the so called radicalization.


It would be simple to get rid of anyone and their families who have fought in any of these insurgencies but they don't, personally I think the government likes having them here it serves a purpose.

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I've been in the forces for over a decade now

I've worked alongside and intergrated with some of the best soldiers the U.K. Has to offer including some specialised units

In my time I have heard of no one, as in not one person who has left and upsticks to join a pashmerga unit,

And I know plenty who would

So whose going?

Wagon drivers, day dreamers and play station clowns who seem to think they are making a difference

They aren't

If anything their efforts are hindering a full scale intervention from happening

Clowns, I need a car and a credit card paid off

The United Nations have been on and told me I am being held in reserve........they say the world not ready to witness something so lethal !

Watch your corduroys don't ignite you old fire pisser
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