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First (successfull) pictures just in!!

Guest JohnGalway

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Guest JohnGalway

Evening folks,


Mods, if this is in the wrong section feel free to move it.


Cold one out there, love this weather. All the predators are hungry!


As some will know I bought one of these (I didn't get the combo deal but that's the camera) a little while back. Tried it out at a bit of bait to get some greycrow, magpie, seagull pics but that didn't quite work out. I've learned a bit more about it since though :yes: A lamb died on a farmer and I set up the camera at the site. Tonight I see we got some results :D


First up in the rogues gallery is a neighbours dog, let ramble around to his own devices all night as we all now can see :angry: The first bit of information on the bottom strip of the photo is the Atmospheric pressure, and the arrow indicates it rising or falling. Second is obvious, temperature and it can be C or F. Third is phases of the moon. Fourth is Americanised date. Fifth is again obvious, the time. And the last one is the Camera ID.






I have the camera set to take three photos in quick sucession (13 second gaps between each), then there is a one minute countdown before the camera will be "armed" to take more photos if the sensor is tripped.


Now, here's what I've been waiting for, Charlie makes his appearance at 6.42am. Myself and Conor had seen tearing done at the lamb but any trip out lamping nothing was seen, no wonder why :lol:




That's it so far. When I get more experience under my belt with this camera I'll do a sort of review or tell ye what I think of it anyway.


John :)

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i want one.... they dont cost that much around here, but then again i dont know about quality. my dad has a couple of game cams set up on his hunting land... just about leaves you salivating to see some of the animals that show up there Several healthy deer with full sets of antlers - and one of a BIG black bear with his nose to the camera...

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Guest JohnGalway

Mine cost around 200 Euro I think, I got it on Fleabay, it came from New Jersey. I won't yet say whether to get one or not, I want to play around with it a while yet.


LMAO @ K9, that's cheating!!


I think it's got a 50 foot flash on it, I personally wouldn't have it at more than 30 feet from my bait or whatever though. I won't be there tomorrow morning, Conor might be but I'll be tucked into my bed thinking of Britney Spears :toast::lol: :lol:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Fantastic!!! :clapper: :clapper: :notworthy: As soon as I saw the title I yelled, " Whooah! " and dashed in here! NOT Dissapointed!


I'm with BC on this one too: I want one! :laugh:


F*ck! The fun, games and possibilities!


Just wait till Dean O' the flush and gadget crazy sees this, John. Bugger'll have one in no time! :whistling:

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
Fantastic!!! :clapper: :clapper: :notworthy: As soon as I saw the title I yelled, " Whooah! " and dashed in here! NOT Dissapointed!


I'm with BC on this one too: I want one! :laugh:


F*ck! The fun, games and possibilities!


Just wait till Dean O' the flush and gadget crazy sees this, John. Bugger'll have one in no time! :whistling:

i want 1 to :yes:

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Guest JohnGalway
  foxdropper said:
Lazy buggers .I suppose seeing it is as good as shooting it -Get out there lol.


Do video recorders intimidate you FD :lol: That particular fox isn't doing nay damage around here htis time of year, not on my permission anyway, just sited the camera there as we knew "something" was around. If we'd no camera we'd never have known about the neighbours dog.

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Guest JohnGalway

Finally got to the camera with the lappy, colder than a very cold thing out there. Thought we had better pictures than what turned out but pleased enough. We reckon maybe this is the same fox in all the photos in this thread, what do you folks reckon?


Tried setting it on video and got 0 pictures/scenes. Not sure why, maybe it takes the camera too long to trigger for video. I'll attempt it again at another time, for the moment we want more pictures!


Although, for demonstration purposes I am in the process of uploading an IR video of... well... you'll see :lol: Watch it HERE (I hope).






Take note of the time stamps on the next three photos. It seems to us that this fox has become used to the camera, it does have a faint red glow when the IR comes on and it does make a little click taking the photos, we figure either or both of those two things perhaps spooked the fox in previous pics.







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