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Going To Let Her Go .....

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I've decided that the young bitch i bred cloud is not going to make it as a full time working dog in my team ... she just can't mentally handle the job and with my workload growing the bitch is getting put under more pressure than she can handle ...


she is a good ferreting dog with a fantastic nose and marks 100% ... she will hunt and find rabbits in any terrain in any weather ... has endless stamina and is no slouch ... the bitch has put a lot of game to bed in her young life ... I've started her lamping and although far from the finished article doesn't miss much ... she can jump like a kangaroo but will go under or through rather than jump unless she is on the arse of something .... she loves human company and is very obedient .....


Having bred the bitch I am gutted but it is what it is and can't be changed ... she will make somebody a cracking little working dog whether mooching ferreting or lamping .....


I had a home set up for her but due to sensible reasons that option is now not on .....


This pup will not be going to just anybody and will only go to somebody sensible trustworthy and a long term and respected member of here ......


If anybody is interested drop me a pm ........



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C'mon now lads,..lets not be silly about such things... Facts are,..if you choose to breed working dogs,.there will often be a skeleton in the cupboard, that can return to bite you in the bum...  

The issue is I do this game every day for a living and I need a dog with a certain mindset and she just doesn't have it ... the bitch will happily work two or three days a week with the odd night thro

Anyway all this is immaterial as the bitch is going to a good home with a well respected member of this forum ........

The issue is I do this game every day for a living and I need a dog with a certain mindset and she just doesn't have it ... the bitch will happily work two or three days a week with the odd night thrown in but I'm away a fair bit working and I've got a cracking trailer set up with the dogs in one side and the ferrets in the other but when it gets to three four or five days the bitch just doesn't like it and I've been around dogs long enough to know it's not going to change .... as an example I recently did 877 miles in three days covering 17 different jobs ... it takes a certain type of dog to put up with that and unfortunately cloud doesn't have it .........

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Socks how old this bitch now to much to soon of everything has a souring effect mentally has more than physically ,I know your job entails plenty mileage plus graft but kennel rest Cana be beaten travelling like one says can be gruelling more so for a sapling learning the trade .breeding can help and there be some breeds that are needy types , good luck finding her a good place atb bunnys.

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