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Conservative Manifesto

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Seriously, can anyone honestly imagine Diane Abbott as Home Secretary :blink:


Personally I hope she's never anything other than someone who's kept in a shadow cabinet so that Corbyn can put a tick in one of his diversity quota boxes.

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LOL, and yet for most of us it's still not right wing enough!   Feed ya own kids right and stop asking the Tories to do it.

I,m barely literate, have zero qualifacations, but I can pick up old washing machines and rummage through skips and still make more money than many, I don't care about the petty bollacks of politics,

It affects children upto 11 years old so they won't be leaving school at dinner time for fast food   Plus children from poorer families will still get free lunch and now free breakfast

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I personally hope loads of people DO vote labour......Tereasa May with a big commons majority will be a very bad thing.......she has already positioned herself as the new Tony Blair (more state, bigger government etc etc) and without her pro Brexit back benchers to hold her feet to the fire she will f**k the country over on Brexit as well.......you will get some sort of name only Brexit.

She is a f***ing dog at the head of a load of other dogs.........there's about 10 MPs in the Conservative party who may be worth a vote........the rest are no different to their Labour counter parts.


i've always thought that anybody who desperately wants to be a politician should be barred right away. People who don't necessarily seek power should be co-opted for a couple of years. Then the process should be repeated. Pie in the sky I know but I distrust people who tell you how wonderful they are and beg votes from you.

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I think it might be the social workers investigating your claim of sanity and normality. You home school,sorry flexi school. You subscribe to white supremacist sites and Nazi sites. You tell fantasy p orkies about your fictitious military exploits and have pit bulls chained outside your house. Watch out mate, there are social workers about.

And there's socialism showing its true colours "tow the line or we,ll take your kids away"

Can't believe you've just come out with that what an utter scumbag

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10 being a bit generous there wilf.


oh and the ones on here and out in the real world who are quick to brand anyone with a different opinion or criticism towards you're political idols liberal lefties and other slurs.You do realise you are behaving exactly like the liberals you hate.


The left branded trump supporters racists, idiots rednecks etc same as here for Ukip and brexit supporters. Since when the f**k did insulting folk win them over!


its all become divisions these days in world of poltics.makes an absoulete mockery of democracy (if it even exists now).


I cant stand trump think hes a f***ing clown and far worse than what he campaigned to replace, but im no f***ing liberal lentil eating leftie. Just a guy with an opinion and eyes in my head who sees the mans unblanced.


Lol btw not aimed @ you wilf just an add on.

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its really hard for people too make an informed choice both parties are so untrustworthy and deceitful, one way your depicted a red necked racist the other way a lefty loon, the middle ground is a pure smoke screen that nobody seems willing to seize hold of, important issues such as immigration cant be discussed on any serious level without a shit storm of cranks from both polar position having their rant, same with brexit, months on and we still swirling around in a malaise no real idea of a proper direction, what a choice to have too make for people eh? nobody worth voting for at all, nothing new to plug the obvious deficits the main parties show and yet again we might not eve get a straight result, I reckon it will be a real low turn out, no wonder they confident to produce manifestoes spending yet more of your hard earned and saved monies , they pretty much know were going to vote for one or the other and for me longer term they both locked far too much into America and American global interests, its served us no good so far and I cant see it getting any better, still stuck with the sad old fashioned voting system from the last century that just keeps the current system running which suits them that are really in charge of it all, rest of of just have too take a chances with whatever shit they serve us up

Edited by arcticgun
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I think it might be the social workers investigating your claim of sanity and normality. You home school,sorry flexi school. You subscribe to white supremacist sites and Nazi sites. You tell fantasy p orkies about your fictitious military exploits and have pit bulls chained outside your house. Watch out mate, there are social workers about.

And there's socialism showing its true colours "tow the line or we,ll take your kids away"

Can't believe you've just come out with that what an utter scumbag


That's true hence the case in Rotherham were UKIP supporters had kids they were fostering took away by a scumbag head of social services same scumbag who had to resighn when the towns CSE scandal broke out.

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LOL, those numbers are meaningless unless expressed in terms of GDP as well. They're still meaningless unless you consider what each government inherits.


I've got a graph of debt as a percentage of GDP coloured for the governments and it tells a different story.

Edited by Born Hunter
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Yep, those figures were all put together by an Labour supporting accountant who was desperate to be an adviser to them, even they didn't think much of him not to mention his own profession discredited his work.

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If all the politician's wore masks would you know who was who they all say the same shit they all do the same things there just going through the motions to make people feel like we have a say an a choice.


but really what they want to happen happens regardless who wins the problem I believe we have in the uk is we don't have very strong opposites that people can get behind when they do a speech it's fake there's no real emotion or feeling behind it they shout because on there script it says shout now to make it seem like they have passion.


why do they even need to read off a piece of paper in the first place if I was passionate about something an believed in something I would need no script it would be in my mind if I believed I was doing right by everyone I would need no fake emotion.

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Not sure how you could actually read all the parties manifestos and come away with the impression they all say the same shit :blink: There's huge policy differences between them.

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