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Conservative Manifesto

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Remember 'Thatcher the milk snatcher?'Well her horrible apparition is back, but this time it's May, literally stealing the dinners out of our children's mouths. Imagine standing on that platform -'we will take free lunches away from all children' and people actually voting for that! Only in the UK. Yes they will promise to give free breakfasts instead, knowing that option is less nutritious and a lot cheaper. Pure evil. Let them eat McDonalds' crap and fizzy drinks, after all children must have free choice say the tories... that's why kids are so bloody fat these days. I see this first hand, I volunteer both as a rugby and boxing coach. Kids regularly come in vastly overweight. As one kid said to me"I'm f****d before I start." They sure are..in every which way with the tories.


There's more. The b*****ds are going to make sure you pay the cost of social care and nursing care.If you don't have it up front, they will take the cost out of the sale of your house. F***ing outrageous. The 'death tax' is back. You can bet your life that figure will not be linked to inflation, so when you younger guys snuff it , your family will be cleaned out completely.


We will soon be back to pensioner poverty, they are going to scrap the uprating of pensions with either earnings or inflation. We are already among the worst rewarded pensioners in Europe.


Nothing to save the NHS from complete meltdown. (They don't give a toss they have private health care.) Where's the £350,000 a week we were promised by the Leave the EU campaign?

Nothing to reduce the recruitment chaos and funding crisis in our schools. They don't give a shit, they have private education for their kids. (Paid for in part by us.)

Nothing to address the fact that pay has not increased since the international financial crisis--unlike every other European country.

So vote tory lads, hope for scraps from the rich man's table. Continue paying through the nose for energy, rail and water. Your kids will be in debt from their uni fees and be stuck forever in rented accommodation. You'll have a shit NHS and then they will argue it must be privatised because it's so shit.

Oh, and they are not promising to freeze tax and national insurance levels as the last lot said they would.

I'll give up on it now. I am expecting dozens of 'likes'. Just form an orderly queue and 'like' one after another or you'll crash the site.

This is just a pile of absolute b*llocks. If you're that blinkered towards the left I suppose you'll write any old tosh to knock the Tories, are you a labour mp?

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LOL, and yet for most of us it's still not right wing enough!   Feed ya own kids right and stop asking the Tories to do it.

I,m barely literate, have zero qualifacations, but I can pick up old washing machines and rummage through skips and still make more money than many, I don't care about the petty bollacks of politics,

It affects children upto 11 years old so they won't be leaving school at dinner time for fast food   Plus children from poorer families will still get free lunch and now free breakfast

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Remember 'Thatcher the milk snatcher?'Well her horrible apparition is back, but this time it's May, literally stealing the dinners out of our children's mouths. Imagine standing on that platform -'we will take free lunches away from all children' and people actually voting for that! Only in the UK. Yes they will promise to give free breakfasts instead, knowing that option is less nutritious and a lot cheaper. Pure evil. Let them eat McDonalds' crap and fizzy drinks, after all children must have free choice say the tories... that's why kids are so bloody fat these days. I see this first hand, I volunteer both as a rugby and boxing coach. Kids regularly come in vastly overweight. As one kid said to me"I'm f****d before I start." They sure are..in every which way with the tories.


There's more. The b*****ds are going to make sure you pay the cost of social care and nursing care.If you don't have it up front, they will take the cost out of the sale of your house. F***ing outrageous. The 'death tax' is back. You can bet your life that figure will not be linked to inflation, so when you younger guys snuff it , your family will be cleaned out completely.


We will soon be back to pensioner poverty, they are going to scrap the uprating of pensions with either earnings or inflation. We are already among the worst rewarded pensioners in Europe.


Nothing to save the NHS from complete meltdown. (They don't give a toss they have private health care.) Where's the £350,000 a week we were promised by the Leave the EU campaign?

Nothing to reduce the recruitment chaos and funding crisis in our schools. They don't give a shit, they have private education for their kids. (Paid for in part by us.)

Nothing to address the fact that pay has not increased since the international financial crisis--unlike every other European country.

So vote tory lads, hope for scraps from the rich man's table. Continue paying through the nose for energy, rail and water. Your kids will be in debt from their uni fees and be stuck forever in rented accommodation. You'll have a shit NHS and then they will argue it must be privatised because it's so shit.

Oh, and they are not promising to freeze tax and national insurance levels as the last lot said they would.

I'll give up on it now. I am expecting dozens of 'likes'. Just form an orderly queue and 'like' one after another or you'll crash the site.

This is just a pile of absolute b*llocks. If you're that blinkered towards the left I suppose you'll write any old tosh to knock the Tories, are you a labour mp?


No. It's fact mate. Read the manifesto. I'm not making it up.

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The parts of the manifesto that appealed most to me, were reducing immigration, increasing defence spending, a free vote on fox hunting, and no chance of a vote on Scottish independence till after the brexit process. I'd like to see how Theresa performs over the next parliament, as she comes across as a far better leader than what the rest of the other parties have.

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The Liberals, when they were in coalition with the tories, insisted on all primary age children having access to a free nutritionally balanced free school lunch. The tories capitulated and reluctantly agreed. Now that the tories have taken away that lunch for all children, they will be vulnerable to fast food companies which, as we know, bombard children with adverts for junk food. Part of the reason for childhood obesity is poor parenting, agreed, but a major role is played by companies like McDonalds and Coca Cola which brainwash children into thinking that all food must be attractively wrapped, have a 'cool' logo and either be sweet or fatty. The conservatives love this type of "freedom". They believe business should not be constrained by do-gooders like me who believe children do not have the maturity to make a balanced decision on what they should eat. It is not specifically in the manifesto but is implied. Please read it.

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The Liberals, when they were in coalition with the tories, insisted on all primary age children having access to a free nutritionally balanced free school lunch. The tories capitulated and reluctantly agreed. Now that the tories have taken away that lunch for all children, they will be vulnerable to fast food companies which, as we know, bombard children with adverts for junk food. Part of the reason for childhood obesity is poor parenting, agreed, but a major role is played by companies like McDonalds and Coca Cola which brainwash children into thinking that all food must be attractively wrapped, have a 'cool' logo and either be sweet or fatty. The conservatives love this type of "freedom". They believe business should not be constrained by do-gooders like me who believe children do not have the maturity to make a balanced decision on what they should eat. It is not specifically in the manifesto but is implied. Please read it.

So that's a no then. As it now stands if you go into care you pay for it with your assets until you've got £23,000 left,if this proposal goes ahead you'll keep £100.000 so if your house is worth £100,000 your kids can have it, so this is a bad thing how?

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It affects children upto 11 years old so they won't be leaving school at dinner time for fast food

Plus children from poorer families will still get free lunch and now free breakfast

How dare you let facts get in the way of a bit of Tory knocking!

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I wouldn't have a problem with the NHS being privatised in the sense that we farm out sections of it to companies who can offer the best price & service but it still remains free, not private health care. The NHS is a huge organisation and very wasteful, it's procurement of drugs sounds terrible and they seem to let themselves get fleeced by pharmaceutical companies.


P.S this has already been done in some sections of the NHS.

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Jukel, I can accept that your a staunch labour supporter and your entitled to your opinion but do you really believe that having a prime minister who could be mistaken for the dad from steptoe and son is good for Britain?

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I do think a lot of parents use the free school meals for there kids as an excuse not to provide a warm meal at tea time,I dont necessarily think parents just dont have any money to provide food, there just not cooking anything , its easier to have a dish of cereal or chuck them a bag of crisps.


I do think if they scrap free school meals a lot of parents just wont cook anything when they get home , my kids where always starving when they came in from school & would have grumbled if i had said '' you've had a dinner at school''

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Jukel, I can accept that your a staunch labour supporter and your entitled to your opinion but do you really believe that having a prime minister who could be mistaken for the dad from steptoe and son is good for Britain?

Better than a childless vicar's daughter.(How can she understand the difficulties families face ?) A Thatcher / Cluella De Ville hologram who poses in Vogue magazine with a £1500 pair of leather trousers on ffs .

Granted Corbyn is not photogenic, and labour will not win the election, but I hope he's taken Labour in a different, more socially just direction. At least we can now recognise the difference between the tories and Labour. I hope that will be his legacy.

Nik B, I don't think the NHS will remain free at the point of delivery. The NHS is always under threat from the tories. They opposed its introduction with every fibre of their miserable beings right from its inception. They have underfunded it every time they've been in power. The tories believe in individualism. The state having a say in anything is anathema to them. They believe the state should wither away. Just as the extreme left does. Extremists generally meet each other in the middle. Get ready to pay health insurance . You've been very quiet Nik B. Admit it, this manifesto is not what you expected or welcome is it?

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I've never voted Conservative in my life. It will probably be a toss up between Plaid Cymru or Labour here but the conservatives might have a chance if those two split the votes.


I will stick with the retards that are UKIP or not bother voting, I don't think giving the Conservatives a giant majority is in anyones interest, I don't trust May she was a remainer as are much of her cabinet and I fully expect her to trash Brexit.


Also the Conservatives are about as conservative as Corbyn, wasn't it Cameron that gave us gay marriage? Something no one was even asking for.

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