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Conservative Manifesto

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Remember 'Thatcher the milk snatcher?'Well her horrible apparition is back, but this time it's May, literally stealing the dinners out of our children's mouths. Imagine standing on that platform -'we will take free lunches away from all children' and people actually voting for that! Only in the UK. Yes they will promise to give free breakfasts instead, knowing that option is less nutritious and a lot cheaper. Pure evil. Let them eat McDonalds' crap and fizzy drinks, after all children must have free choice say the tories... that's why kids are so bloody fat these days. I see this first hand, I volunteer both as a rugby and boxing coach. Kids regularly come in vastly overweight. As one kid said to me"I'm f****d before I start." They sure are..in every which way with the tories.


There's more. The b*****ds are going to make sure you pay the cost of social care and nursing care.If you don't have it up front, they will take the cost out of the sale of your house. F***ing outrageous. The 'death tax' is back. You can bet your life that figure will not be linked to inflation, so when you younger guys snuff it , your family will be cleaned out completely.


We will soon be back to pensioner poverty, they are going to scrap the uprating of pensions with either earnings or inflation. We are already among the worst rewarded pensioners in Europe.


Nothing to save the NHS from complete meltdown. (They don't give a toss they have private health care.) Where's the £350,000 a week we were promised by the Leave the EU campaign?

Nothing to reduce the recruitment chaos and funding crisis in our schools. They don't give a shit, they have private education for their kids. (Paid for in part by us.)

Nothing to address the fact that pay has not increased since the international financial crisis--unlike every other European country.

So vote tory lads, hope for scraps from the rich man's table. Continue paying through the nose for energy, rail and water. Your kids will be in debt from their uni fees and be stuck forever in rented accommodation. You'll have a shit NHS and then they will argue it must be privatised because it's so shit.

Oh, and they are not promising to freeze tax and national insurance levels as the last lot said they would.

I'll give up on it now. I am expecting dozens of 'likes'. Just form an orderly queue and 'like' one after another or you'll crash the site.

Edited by jukel123
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LOL, and yet for most of us it's still not right wing enough!   Feed ya own kids right and stop asking the Tories to do it.

I,m barely literate, have zero qualifacations, but I can pick up old washing machines and rummage through skips and still make more money than many, I don't care about the petty bollacks of politics,

It affects children upto 11 years old so they won't be leaving school at dinner time for fast food   Plus children from poorer families will still get free lunch and now free breakfast

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  On 18/05/2017 at 14:52, jacknife said:

If they can afford Mcdonalds then surely they can afford to pay for school meals


We haven't left the eu yet so I presume the 350 million is still being handed over to bruises each week


Not to mention the fact the Tories aren't the Leave campaign. Nor did the Leave campaign make the promise, because they were in no position to. Neither campaign for the referendum were in a position to make policy promises and more fool anyone that believed that.


So I'm gonna call "FAKE NEWS" on that one. lol

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Come on Nik b, you're one of these ultra-hard working successful tories with a degree and a dynamic, cutting edge rat catching empire..Is this a good manifesto for you?

Edited by jukel123
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  On 18/05/2017 at 15:12, W. Katchum said:

Why do i keep thinking most folk just wanna blame somebody other than themselves

You should have more sense. You're a scot. Scotland is a tory free zone. You should go round in sack cloth and ashes with opinions like that.

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  On 18/05/2017 at 15:12, W. Katchum said:

Why do i keep thinking most folk just wanna blame somebody other than themselves

Can i ask fella..do you even have a fcuking job? Your whole life evolves around this site with your stupid hahaha comments.. oh that and running about in your wifes pantys and thinking its funny..

There is a lot of people in the british isles who are stuggling to make ends meet and feed there families some sort of nutritous meal..pay rent.. cloth there kids and allsorts of other stuff and you sit back and laugh..knock off your computèr son and stop begging free pups of here..do your weins and wife even see you..you come across as a top class prick..

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What it is with people that think that if they have kids the state (everyone else) should pay for them?


In an already overpopulated world, those that choose not to have kids should be rewarded, not the ones banging them out any old how and then expecting someone else to pay for them. Having kids is a choice, you made it, you pay for it.

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  On 18/05/2017 at 15:21, jukel123 said:


  On 18/05/2017 at 15:12, W. Katchum said:


Why do i keep thinking most folk just wanna blame somebody other than themselves

You should have more sense. You're a scot. Scotland is a tory free zone. You should go round in sack cloth and ashes with opinions like that.
I've got some bad news for you, the Tories are making a comeback in Scotland. In fact, they're even more popular than Labour now :D
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The government's completely inept in virtually every area,I wouldn't feed the shit fed at my lads school to my dog, but you can bet it'll cost well over the odds.


They should go further and privatise all schools.

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  On 18/05/2017 at 16:20, neems said:

The government's completely inept in virtually every area,I wouldn't feed the shit fed at my lads school to my dog, but you can bet it'll cost well over the odds.


They should go further and privatise all schools.

They should go further than that and start putting lsd in the water supply so we can all trip like feck.and laugh our heads off.

There's way to much doom and gloom in the world.

Normal everyday folk are worrying about anything and everything constantly.

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