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Getting Back To The Sport

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Hi all been away from lurchers a few years now and considering a new one I've had bull x in the past but he was more a 57 then anything bit of everything chucked in the mix. I've got spaniels at the moment been working and training them. Plus a slight problem with the beloved rspca!! Are there any good dogs being bred these days I live in Devon but will travel as far as needed for the right dog. I've always like the wheaton crosses

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It's over with now but got in with the wrong bunch after not listening to other people telling me they will get caught out and sing like a songbird and they got caught and I got draged along for the ride. 3 year court case but had clive rees and he did his job and done a very good job.

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It's over with now but got in with the wrong bunch after not listening to other people telling me they will get caught out and sing like a songbird and they got caught and I got draged along for the ride. 3 year court case but had clive rees and he did his job and done a very good job.

anything to do with that poaching lot that got sentenced last year from exeter and N.A.?

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The rspca is a glorified charity that pretends to be higher then they actually are they no power what so ever there run by some of the most corrupt people in the country they live off of preying on wealthy pensioners and hoping that when they pass on they'll leave them a fat piece of there will to put it to there own pockets I could go on to say more but I'd probably end up being assasinated by there mascot ? I hope you find a dog mate ?

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They know nothing about the welfare of dogs or any other animal infact, just look what they did with the golden eagle, Roy Lipton offered to take it off there hands and re enter it tobthebwild yet they refused him, it died a week later, nothing else got said about that

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Trouble is rspca do the same old shit try and change the law to favoure them get a judge who's a complete anti and then throw useless propaganda into the fold thinking its Gona make them look good and the prosecuted look bad

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A few years back the rspca stapled printouts on telegraph poles in a local village near me asking for anyone to contact them if they see anybody walking a lurcher that looked like it had Staffordshire bull terrier in it.

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Hi all been away from lurchers a few years now and considering a new one I've had bull x in the past but he was more a 57 then anything bit of everything chucked in the mix. I've got spaniels at the moment been working and training them. Plus a slight problem with the beloved rspca!! Are there any good dogs being bred these days I live in Devon but will travel as far as needed for the right dog. I've always like the wheaton crosses

Put it behind you mate. Not as many bull or wheaton lurchers about nowadays but Im sure you will get something decent. Youve got a few summer months to find one.

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