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And That's Why Their Mans Best Friend .....

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They are amazing animals and taken for granted a lot of times.


We're taking ours for a very expensive (that we cannot afford) CT scan tomorrow, he's been a good dog (and a little b*****d at the same time) we feel we owe him a chance at a few more years of being able to run round. That is my dental treatment put off another year :laugh: After years of him driving me insane he has earned his keep as he's been amazing with our new pup.

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When you think about what they are able to do it's pretty amazing. Dogs that can detect cancer has to be at the top of the list.


I watched a program about dogs where they were trying to figure out how some dogs know when their owners come home from work, they tested the theory that the dogs nose was able to detect the owners smell fading away through the day and when it reached a certain level they would get excited, by putting recently worn clothes on the same room they were able to fool the dog and it didn't bark at 5pm or what ever time it was.


When humans communicate with each other we apparently have a tendency to look at the left side of the other persons face when they're talking, dogs do the same thing but Wolves don't. 30,000 years of domesticating them has made them be able to understand out mannerisms and facial expressions, something they said wolves are unable to do.


I had a hell of a time with my first dog, he became nervous in certain situations and it got worse over time to the point where I dreaded taking him out, I ended up getting a professional animal behaviour specialist, probably the best in the North West. While the things that scared him in the beginning wasn't my fault she explained that the dog was detecting that I was becoming stressed in certain situations which made it worse, she then explained that when we produce adrenaline the dog can smell it and acts differently and also that some dogs can even hear you heart beat, an intelligent but nervous dog puts 2+2 together and gets 5...in my dogs case he gets 7 lol


Looking back having a nightmare with the Lab taught me loads about dogs and also myself, I never realised how highly strung I was lol

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I I was walking the dogs one night about 3am and the bloody bullx ran into me and broke my leg at the knee joint long story short when the police arrived I was down a canal path away from houses etc and they would not let the police or paramedics near to help lol bast ads

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Both my staff and my old lurcher were very protective of my kids. They weren't trained to do it, they just did. Remember once the post man made the mistake of getting between the youngest and the staffy in the garden and all hell broke loose! He didnt even approch my kid.


The lurcher (Trevor) would stand next to my youngest all the time, wouldnt leave her side. When she was learning to walk, he taught her by being her portable table (parents will understand ?)

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