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Stick with them I say. They are all owed a chance. I remember saying to the wife when i got my pup if his rubbish his going. I was only kidding mind and I won't repeat her reply One thing this dog

I feel that if you have been in dogs for a while, and have (hopefully) learned something about the way they tick,..you are soon in a position to know as to whether they are going to make the cut,.or n

90% of the time it's the so called dog man that's at fault, and the main reason the dog won't perform.

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Putting a good dog out on the land doesnt happen by accident its a learning curve, some do it by pumping money like a tap pumps water and changing dogs at the change of the moon. Many follow this path and never get to even a reasonable level of stock or working ability. Stockmanship like any trade or profession needs to be taught and worked at, some folk have a natural aptitude but a good mentor can be the catalyst that makes the difference in capabilities. Pleny of alledged experts in the working dog fraternity but its strange the same names crop up years after year as having and producing good reliable working stock no matter which particular breed or branch of dog work. Human nature is such that they form attachmentsand bonds the reality is that once the heart takes over from the brain then things like gut instinct,knowledge and clarity of vision often go on a back burner and reality becomes blurd round the edges. Videos are good to pass an hour but the good bits are incorporated into the video cut and the not so good bits and often hours of filming ends up on the cutting room floor. Working dogs for many is a hobby and pass time for a few years untill they discover girls, start families or move on to the next x box .For some it is part and parcel of what they are, it forms an integral part of their life and is a love affair that lasts from the first cur to the end of life itself. Enjoyment and the knowledge that your charges and you have done your best is what it should be about, if the need for coin, fame and popularity becomes the motivation to keep and work dogs then thats sad and it becomes a chore and a job rather than a passion. Its a long Summer roll on the Autumn.


Edited by desertbred
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  On 18/05/2017 at 05:07, springfield said:

If you watch alot of videos. Yes the dogs in the videos are good but alot would say how many they had to get to that special one.

I think that's always been the case mate just like the wrecking crew, how many runs do they not show? There's runs on there dvds that I think dogs iv had before the ban would catch and there's foxes I don't think my dogs would catch that there dogs do catch, morale of the story every dog has off days just like everything else but itsbdown to the owner to understand this and give the dog the benefit of the doubt, can't stand people that cull a dog before it's 18 months old a good mate of mine once had a collie bull greyhound bred out of a real hard bull grey dog to a hancocks collie grey bitch useless on anything that could give her abit back, for 3 years the dog was naff, with the breeding he was too bulky to be a good rabbiting dog and his heart wasn't there for anything that bit him, I told him at 2 years old the dog needs to be pts it's no good for nothing, he never lost faith in the dog, at 4 years old something clicked in that dog and he was now all of a sudden a fully formed single handed dog, never did he become a hard dog he still didn't like getting bit but he had no problem in pulling a fox on his own re-positioning to be on his neck and had no problem killing that fox, he was still never tough enough for my liking and I'd of never gave the dog that many chances to click but it does show give a dog some time don't lose faith after the first couple of goes and that goes on rabbits and anything else

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  On 18/05/2017 at 08:53, Shaddy93 said:


  On 18/05/2017 at 07:52, Penda said:

One young hopeful showing he's very keen at the moment been showing him a few bunnies just before dark and he's showing promise

Smart mate how's he bred[/quote/] genuine 3/8 5/8 mate off two good dogs the bitch is the half x and the father was a good 3/4

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  On 18/05/2017 at 09:14, Penda said:
  On 18/05/2017 at 08:53, Shaddy93 said:
  On 18/05/2017 at 07:52, Penda said:

One young hopeful showing he's very keen at the moment been showing him a few bunnies just before dark and he's showing promise

Smart mate how's he bred[/quote/] genuine 3/8 5/8 mate off two good dogs the bitch is the half x and the father was a good 3/4


Decent! Good luck with him we will deffanitely have to sort some nights out come September time

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Don't get me wrong sometimes it doesn't take a rocket scientist to spot the difference. Etween a young dog that's going to be a single handed tondog to a young dog thats going to be a jacket, usually get an idea after one or two

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This dog was a nervous wreck when I got him at months old I don't think he was ever outside his pen till I got him took months to lead train and was very hard to bond with I'm not much of a dog trainer but I tried my best to bring him on he was hard work sometimes I'd slip him and he'd get spooked and I wouldn't see him for days I was always saying that cnut is getting pts tomorrow but I kept at him and he started to work out he's no world beater but he's a good honest dog that knows his job.



Edited by peterhunter86
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I've saw dogs like that one bitch I had half x sadly she shattered her leg in the end but 1st night I saw her run I slipped her with the bloke who had her and she wouldn't come back to me or him I thought this is good ?But I bit the bullet did loads of work with her and like you she payed me back ?

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  On 18/05/2017 at 09:03, Shaddy93 said:


  On 18/05/2017 at 05:07, springfield said:

If you watch alot of videos. Yes the dogs in the videos are good but alot would say how many they had to get to that special one.

I think that's always been the case mate just like the wrecking crew, how many runs do they not show? There's runs on there dvds that I think dogs iv had before the ban would catch and there's foxes I don't think my dogs would catch that there dogs do catch, morale of the story every dog has off days just like everything else but itsbdown to the owner to understand this and give the dog the benefit of the doubt, can't stand people that cull a dog before it's 18 months old a good mate of mine once had a collie bull greyhound bred out of a real hard bull grey dog to a hancocks collie grey bitch useless on anything that could give her abit back, for 3 years the dog was naff, with the breeding he was too bulky to be a good rabbiting dog and his heart wasn't there for anything that bit him, I told him at 2 years old the dog needs to be pts it's no good for nothing, he never lost faith in the dog, at 4 years old something clicked in that dog and he was now all of a sudden a fully formed single handed dog, never did he become a hard dog he still didn't like getting bit but he had no problem in pulling a fox on his own re-positioning to be on his neck and had no problem killing that fox, he was still never tough enough for my liking and I'd of never gave the dog that many chances to click but it does show give a dog some time don't lose faith after the first couple of goes and that goes on rabbits and anything else
I agree with that. My mate ran a bitch a few seasons ago and she never entertained retrieving foxes till she was 2 1/2. She came good on them in the end. She was a funny old bitch tho wouldn't even run the lamp for any one else.
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