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Tryed The Hollow Points

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went back to the new perm this morning for 2 hours with les and got these, i tryed the hollow point bizleys for the close range in the hw.177 and they worked great at between 15 & 30 yards everything i hit dropped like stones and most important for me the pellet stayed in the bird instead of going straight throu like the domed or round pellets did, we picked the 7 up but got about the same again that we couldnt get to,


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cheers rez, i know mate thev been around for years and iv used them years ago once or twice but after this morning i can say they are a realy good pellet for a certain job, for close range il be useing them all the time now mate,

well il be trying the baracuda hunter extreme that jonjon and si recommended

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Iv was that chuffed with the pellets i forgot about that les,

Ye the farmer has given us another farm a few miles away to shoot and ferret, he said its as bad as this one for ferrals, when you get time weel go have a look les,

Nice one mate

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good result with the hollow points bn :thumbs:

has he given you the green light for the rabbits now?!


atb si

Cheers si, yes mate yesterday he said we could go and shoot the rabbits if we wanted to but we left them and did the ferrals, i went back yesterday afternoon for a few hours and got another 11, so in 2 days we'v had 60 odd ferrals, the farmer has been about so he knows we'v had that amount and is well pleased
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