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Acid Reflux

Guest Ronny

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Guest Ronny

Had acid reflux for months .Tryed different tablets .nothing seems to work long time. Cut out booze and spicy food.now it's time for camera down.anyone else had it done ?

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I suffered from same thing, had camera down throat they discovered an ulcer and had a course of tablets for helio bacter, I now take 150mg ranitadine tablet twice a day never suffered from it since an

when I got the camera down my throat they told told me the diameter of it was 8mm and just to continually swallow, my f@ck it felt as if I was swallowing the garden hose

I was going to spare Ronny the details   Yes it is like that....never again

Ronnie I had this for years , had all sorts of tablets for it , I cut out coffee and white bread and spicy food and its had a bigger impact than the tablets I was getting...... Doctors think it could be linked to my work ..... Iam a dry stone Waller bent over all day but I think a lot to do with your diet

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Yes Ronny I have acid reflux or GERD probably caused by smoking, it weakens the muscles in the oesophagus which allows acid to come back up.


I am on Lansoprasol for it but as you said the best thing is a life style change, especially cutting out alcohol or cigarettes and changing diet, also gavascon it quite good although I find it disgusting to drink.



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Guest Ronny

Cheers .Yea I ditched fags bout 18 months ago.don't drink much .I.m a tarmacer by trade so also up and down.I was on llanloprazole but didn't work much .my mate gave me omeprazole that seemed to settle it down and now it's back

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I suffered from same thing, had camera down throat they discovered an ulcer and had a course of tablets for helio bacter, I now take 150mg ranitadine tablet twice a day never suffered from it since and feel great

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I suffered from same thing, had camera down throat they discovered an ulcer and had a course of tablets for helio bacter, I now take 150mg ranitadine tablet twice a day never suffered from it since and feel great


Good point


Ronny you have have a blood test for that helio bacteria, might be worth asking them about it

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Don't over eat i.e. only eat when you're actually hungry, and don't eat late at night. Drink plenty of water.

Good advice this. I've had it for a few years and only 28. My old mans got it and 2 of his 3 brothers get it bad.


Best thing is diet change. I cut out alcohol, caffeine and spicy food to help with a prostate problem I've been suffering with and it did help the acid reflux a lot.


However the best thing I've done is intermittent fasting. Start off with small fasts of say 12 hours. Easy enough as you're probably asleep for 6-8 of them hours. Then increase the window. It's easier than people think. I now only eat for a small window of about 3 hours and then fast for 21 hours. After a week or so you don't get hungry at all.


It's actually been tried with success by a lot in the fitness industry even though it goes against the advice of eating 6 meals a day "little and often".


I've not had acid reflux at all since doing this.


It's worth a shot anyway.

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Just take omeprazole. And take a calcium and magnesium supplement as omeprazole and other ppis lead to brittle bones . I have a flare up for a few days every few months but apart from that aslong as i take my omeprazole then i can eat anything.. dont just sit there letting it rot your esophogus as will lead to barrets and then 75 per cent more likely to get esophogul cancer which has no symtoms

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