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Women Welcoming Rapey Migrants

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After being instinctively shocked and angered by the women at the train stations in Germany and Sweden welcoming male fighting age migrants from a very misogynistic culture, who in at least one case were actually molesting the women as they disembarked the trains. They were literally being told to stop groping the stupid and nieve women.


Well I saw the article below the other day and wonder if there is something genetically inbuilt in women that makes them behave differently towards these so called refugees, than most men would?


We are all here in the most basic sense to reproduce and in days gone by, when one tribe or culture invaded another. The men would be enslaved and often murdered whereas the women would be enslaved and raped.

So the for the men it was the genetic dead end for there line, but for the women it was not the case.


Maybe there is something primeval in women that makes them accept invaders, maybe even better violent and rapey invaders?

It also says a lot for the state of our culture that even some men welcome rapey invaders.

In some ways it makes me think a culture that cares so little for it's own self preservation, has little right to exist?


Just to add the caveat, I deplore any kind of violence towards women and have never raised a hand in anger towards one.

Just sharing something I've been thinking about.



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I think there is something in what you write for sure, it's an inbuilt survival instinct which isn't going to go away in just a few generations, they probably unconsciously see them as victorious invaders because a few generations ago if these " rapey violent invaders " would of been killed by their own men and now we seemingly don't go all old fashioned on them, they are seen as victors ?

Liberal type women can't understand why they find themselves are attracted to real men over the more sensitive types as in their words the world doesn't need strong men anymore yet seemingly mother nature hasn't caught up with how they think the world should be !!

Edited by Paulnix
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The article about violent porn I understand but porn is fantasy I had a good lady friend of ours tell me this not so long back she told me and my Mrs how she fantasised about a bit of rough but in reality she wouldn't like it... Nothing wrong with that we all have our kinks... But Its a bit of a blanket statement to say all women think like this.. Now regarding the rapugees there's seems to be a lot of people men and women who seek some kind of self gratification by doing what in there minds is a good deed but they fail to see the full picture for this type it ends with welcoming them of the train and a self given pat on the back they have no real understanding of the consequences. The need to feel a good person over rules there brain.

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There was a woman, who travelled the Middle East, alone, to disprove the stereotype.

She was raped and murdered....


Well the outcome perhaps wasn't what she probably expected, but technically the experiment was a success and the point was proved.

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