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Tommy Robinson How Is He Viewed In Britain At The Moment

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Tommy Robinson is not far right, but as far as i am concerned he's not far wrong either.

You need 4 million to make change they are trying to stifle the movement. ...violence will push lesser people straight back  into the hand of labour/conservative ....disarm your enemies with a smile I

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9 hours ago, shepp said:

#FreeTommy Reason for Reporting Restrictions on Tommy's hearing Is according to Judge Geoff Marson- to protect Rotherham Town councillor Jahangir Akhtar who is on trial with others as part the Rotherham Child Sex Grooming Rape Gang. Marson is the chosen 'boy' for all these jobs.

That's the first I have heard about Ahktar I hope its true he is on trial.


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Everyone condemned the lads that were prepared to do something as “disgusting” etc ...........nobody wants to be associated with them.

They only want them to pick on specific targets, they don’t realise that it just don’t work like that.

The enemy is the blood, it’s the culture and it’s the ideology.

Nobody, but nobody is preapared to go to that level. 


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His wife cant speak English so (I know he was caught in 2014 but theres a discrepancy in how the laws are applied)......

Koran teacher who abused girl is spared jail to help his family

Arabic tutor Suleman Maknojioa repeatedly rubbed the 11-year-old’s leg and reached underneath her headscarf to touch her chest

An Islamic teacher who molested a girl as he taught her the Koran has avoided prison after claiming his family was dependent on him because his wife speaks “very little English”.

Suleman Maknojioa, 40, repeatedly rubbed the 11-year-old’s leg and reached underneath her headscarf to touch her chest while giving her and her two brothers private tuition in Arabic.

Maknojioa was said to have “favoured” the girl and believed the touching was “appropriate” to reassure her.

The girl was said to have become frightened of what the tutor would do to her. He was reported to police after the children’s mother overheard her sons, aged 13 and seven, talking about the incidents in the kitchen.

On the day he was arrested, Maknojioa, a father of six, was due to teach 30 children at a mosque near his home in Blackburn, Lancashire.

He was later convicted of five counts of sexual activity but on Monday he was given a 40-week sentence suspended for two years after a court heard he was on benefits with a family reliant on him.

Preston Crown Court was told Maknojioa had been employed by the children’s parents in 2012 to teach them about the Islamic faith up to three times a week at their home in Lancashire.

Problems began in September of that year after the girl and her brothers started tuition in their living room. The abuse lasted around nine months. The court heard that during the lessons Maknojioa began touching the girl’s arms and head, then moved to the legs, feet, chest and thigh.

She told the jury: “I did not want it, but I was too afraid to say something. My brothers asked me what he had been doing and I didn’t know how to describe it. I told them he had touched me up.”

The girl’s father later confronted Maknojioa but he denied all the charges. He was found guilty after a trial.

In mitigation, Frida Hussain said: “This is a man who doesn’t pose any risk to his children. He has problems with his kidneys and is due to go back into hospital for a further follow-up operation.

“He is married with six children, that family unit depends on him. His wife doesn’t work and speaks very little English, they are dependent on him to lead their lives and with the running of the household.”

Passing sentence, Judge Michael Byrne told Maknojioa: “There could be no greater recognition of trust than between a minister of religion and pupils whose care is entrusted to him by parents.

“You breached that trust deliberately and repeatedly. I bear in mind that social services conducted their own assessment and found that you do not pose a risk. You are now unemployed, living on state benefits.”

Maknojioa will be under supervision for two years and made subject of a sexual offences prevention order for 10 years.



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The enemy is not just one paticular faith or colour, if anything they are the least dangerous.......it’s their facilitators that are the really dangerous c**ts because they look just like us, they share our streets, we elect them and they make our rules, they teach in our schools and our university’s, they make the programmes we watch on TV........

Edited by WILF
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2 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

Any c**t not wishing to conform to British law and customs us the enemy mate. 

Mate, let me say this to you in all sincerity.....YOU are the outcast, YOU are the one that’s not wanted by Britain, YOU are the one that’s not conforming.

Don’t feel bad pal, I know exactly how that is ;) 

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