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fen mk 4 and mk 6

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

In all honesty, Mark; I'm simply finding less and less of interest to me. I don't do " Pre Ban ". I don't " Rabbit Dig to Electronics ". I'm woefully tired of repeating my own findings in the 'usual' matters, only to find the self same question posed again, five Threads later. Know what I'm saying? So it's always nice to find something like this to have a chat about ;)


Basicly, mate: Go with Mk VI's. They're legal for rabbit and mink, as well as anything else the Mk IV is meant for. Only they'll do a better job of it.


Regards the exact quarry list for uk? Spring Traps Approval Order states all that. Scratch about in this board and I Post about it, a page or few back. There's a link in there.


Finally; Buy ONLY traps which ye have a written assurance will arrive with FENN or SPRINGER stamped on the pan. Anything else is liable to turn out as shit. Cheap traps are crap traps.

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thanks mate you knowe where i can buy them whole sale at all


cheers mark



Again DS is probably your man here BUT there are genuine Fenn or Springer on Ebay.


I've had a few bits from Atlantic Stratford (the site you saw the copies on)...you just need to be careful exactly what you do get from them!


Also http://www.decoying.co.uk/ 10% discount for members of this site!

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Mark; The only people I know who sell 100% Genuine Fenn Traps, on the Bay, are John Dee Humane Traps.


Our own " Moley ", last I ever heard, also supplied Genuine Fenn's. Try asking both for a quote on ye requirements and see what they say.


As Deker indicates though; Atlantic and just about every other Bayer sells chinese imports and they are utter crap. I bought a bunch, just so I could speak from experience of them. Now those which didn't fall apart in attempted usage are hanging on my fence. They've been there most of a year. They can bloody well stay there. If I ever get a skip here, they'll go in it without a seconds thought.


And before anyone pipes up with a link to Crap Man ....? :rolleyes: Just find and buy Genuine Fenn or Springer. Period.

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