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And In The New!!! Bring Back Fox Hunting Say Prime Minister.

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You would need to be mad to believe any of them. Even though voted tory and will again there not to be trusted. They promised to curb immigration. Even had in in their manafesto not once but 3 times! Did they honour it like f**k they did.Only yesterday she was yet again giving a speech saying the same shit just to get votes.


even the pledge about tax for the big companies and uber rich they raise the tax on them but the sneaky c**ts write in a shady tax loophole for them to get out of it.

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what a load of shite. It affects all of us.

What ban ?

it won't affect most people on here neil. There never in a field. Do all there hunting on here

f**k me, someone else has started a thread too on the fact that Theresa May has said she'd bring back Foxhunting and not one of ye has said "that's great news".

So I'll presume ye are happy with the current way ?

It's because it's a load of bollocks mate, everyone knows it.......

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It's not down to Mrs May though, is it ?


Presumably, any repeal would be put to a free vote ? My MP, for instance, (Mark Lancaster, Conservative, Milton Keynes North, 9,000 majority and an utter Wanker) has made it clear that he "favours the current situation".........despite the fact that a good deal of his constituency is Oakley territory !

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It's not down to Mrs May though, is it ?


Presumably, any repeal would be put to a free vote ? My MP, for instance, (Mark Lancaster, Conservative, Milton Keynes North, 9,000 majority and an utter Wanker) has made it clear that he "favours the current situation".........despite the fact that a good deal of his constituency is Oakley territory !

That's how they roll though isn't it, they use their own views to vote not those they represent's, or they will use the excuse they voted in support of their constituency's views if it suits them to not have to show there true thoughts, of course then you get the turncoat like we had, paid up and very active hunt supporter for years who went full circle when had the chance to run as MP for the liberals..........

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I doubt it's to try to hide anything. Probably the opposite, Brexit is such a big issue that people are likely to vote Tory for that even if they aren't big on repealing hunting. Basically using Brexit to overshadow a free vote on repeal.


Making a free vote part of the manifesto is still a point scorer with their traditional rural vote.


As far as I'm concerned, this is the closest we'll get to a repeal. Repeal hasn't been a realistic possibility without a large Tory majority, this is the first time that's looking likely since the ban.


Whether or not repeal is a good thing for hunting and coursing is debatable. Arguably the only real victim of the ban has been the organised coursing meets. (Not that that okay, it's shit!) Another angle is that if it is repealed it's a push back against the progressive prohibition of all country pursuits.

Edited by Born Hunter
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Born, while everyone on this forum would support a repeal the time and money it will cost to debate it is another burden on the taxpayer. I'd rather they took care of the really important stuff, first. The amount of soldiers with mental heath issues would be a higher priority? :hmm:

They could have a quite word and tell them not to enforce it.

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Born, while everyone on this forum would support a repeal the time and money it will cost to debate it is another burden on the taxpayer. I'd rather they took care of the really important stuff, first. The amount of soldiers with mental heath issues would be a higher priority? :hmm:


They could have a quite word and tell them not to enforce it.


Hopefully it's so costly that no government will want to go near it ever again. I doubt it, but I've got a real "some men just want to watch the world burn" streak going through me at the moment so f**k it. LOL


The Home Office making it a low priority doesn't cut it with me I'm afraid. So long as the legislation is there it's a threat to this lifestyle and many folk's livelihoods.


There's always a more worthy cause. But that ain't the game everyone else is playing so I figure I'm daft to.

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Fair comments, sir.


To say I'm skeptical of their comments, is an understatement.


It'll be a cold day in hell when I think a politician is looking out for me, and not him/herself. :thumbs:


They're only after retaining the rural vote and trying to show some sort of traditional Toryism while running a party that is the personification of Big Gov'/Centrist/Social Democracy. I shouldn't think any of them give a feck about my liberty.


TBH, they'd probably be quite happy to put it to the Commons and see it lose. They'll be able to say to us that they tried their best and at the same time be able to shed the toxic subject from their New progressive image of the people's party.

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Over half a million have signed a petition already against Teresa May


99.9% of whom wouldn't have the first f***ing clue what they are actually petitioning against beyond "Toff scum ripping foxes apart with their dogs". These internet polls and petitions that are everywhere are utterly meaningless.

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Over half a million have signed a petition already against Teresa May

99.9% of whom wouldn't have the first f***ing clue what they are actually petitioning against beyond "Toff scum ripping foxes apart with their dogs". These internet polls and petitions that are everywhere are utterly meaningless.

I agree with you completely mate!
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Over half a million have signed a petition already against Teresa May


99.9% of whom wouldn't have the first f***ing clue what they are actually petitioning against beyond "Toff scum ripping foxes apart with their dogs". These internet polls and petitions that are everywhere are utterly meaningless.

I don't agree really mate, to most that is exactly what they are petitioning against and a million of them bothered to sign........which is about a million more than the pro hunting organisations have managed to get with their campaign in support of a return to full hunting.

Which as far as I can see they have not actually started yet !!

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Over half a million have signed a petition already against Teresa May

99.9% of whom wouldn't have the first f***ing clue what they are actually petitioning against beyond "Toff scum ripping foxes apart with their dogs". These internet polls and petitions that are everywhere are utterly meaningless.

I don't agree really mate, to most that is exactly what they are petitioning against and a million of them bothered to sign........which is about a million more than the pro hunting organisations have managed to get with their campaign in support of a return to full hunting.

Which as far as I can see they have not actually started yet !!



I nearly edited my post to say "....should be utterly meaningless" as obviously in our system they are very meaningful.


A lot of noise made by an ignorant majority is democratic but a long way from just.

Edited by Born Hunter
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Over half a million have signed a petition already against Teresa May


99.9% of whom wouldn't have the first f***ing clue what they are actually petitioning against beyond "Toff scum ripping foxes apart with their dogs". These internet polls and petitions that are everywhere are utterly meaningless.

I don't agree really mate, to most that is exactly what they are petitioning against and a million of them bothered to sign........which is about a million more than the pro hunting organisations have managed to get with their campaign in support of a return to full hunting.

Which as far as I can see they have not actually started yet !!

I nearly edited my post to say "....should be utterly meaningless" as obviously in our system they are very meaningful.


A lot of noise made by an ignorant majority is democratic but a long way from just.

Unfortunately it seems to get results looking at the evidence mate.

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