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i want a ferret - will it be ok with that cat??????


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ok, so its not my cat, its my bf's! :thumbdown:


but ive always wanted a ferret!!! .... and sooo many ppl have said that they wont get along and one will try and kill the other????

the cat, is very timmid, and hasnt killed anything yet - as far as we know. I was going to build a nice ferret house in my coal shed?


any suggestions about ferrets and cats mixing pls, i cant imagine they would ever come into contavt with each other?


kim x

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Unless you plan to put them in the same hutch together :laugh::laugh: I would say there wouldnt be a problem, ferrets are not indoor animals anyway, they are best kept in a hutch outside, so theres no reason why the cat and ferret should ever have to have much to do with each other :thumbs:

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My ferrets live ourside, but i take them inside everyday to play with them. My cats deal with them in different ways


I have had ferrets for 3½ years

Cat 1: Is a nervous kat, 8 years old, hates the ferrets but jump up high where they can't reach him. If they can reach him, he hits them! With a flat paw, no claws.


Cat 2: Is a weird cat, 4 years old, she is interested in the ferrets, but get mad at them when they bite her (surprise :whistling: Ferrets bite), so she hits them also.


Cat 3: 13 years old. Runs away as soon as he see the ferrets. ;)


No cats has ever tryed to kill my ferrets, i have been more worried for the cats health. :D But then again, my ferrets also bites dogs that are 10 times their size. :whistling:



I would't be worried, as long as the cat has a ferret-free zone, preferly a high place where the ferret can't come up. The cat vil quickly learn to move when the ferret comes his way. After a bite or 5. ;)

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wow ... thats great news!! i thought they would be ok, and the cat is pretty crap really! (im not a cat person - dont mind them about the stable yard but in the house. it is a pointless eating machne!)


ive been reading up on adoption ferret sites, there are ferrets and polecats up for adoption (or would you not bother adopting????) Am i better off with a ferret?

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