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Had A Cracking Day At The Show

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Me and viz and little hunter had a cracking day met up with philpot and peskyrabbit


spent all day with Phil had a look at some cracking rifles and scopes feck me you could go to one of these shows and spend 1000,s and that would just be on the food lol


i was going to give the owner of AA a piece of my mind on the pro sport and why they do not do a left hand one but thought why bother all you could here was tx this and tx that


what gets me is if there is no market for the left hand PP then why do they make a full left hand tx now that is the question i would of liked to put to her but unless you had a suit on she did not seem to want to talk to you ,


Ethan (little hunter) had a go of a MP5 live firing at targets only the length of an artic body but even the lad who gave him the lesson say,d it was impressive and shook his head lol


Phil it was nice to catch up again mate and spend some time with you we totaly enjoyed the day with you even if we did loose each other a few times lol


Ill let viz tell you about his day and his new toy he bought


O,,and mitch i may be onto a new daystate mate its in the pics


Phil i hope the kid likes the new rifle when he gets old enough to use it lol


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:





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It really great to see Jimmy and Ethan again and finally meet Viz, sorry I missed you Pesky.   The three musketeers Viz Mac & Philpot, then I swapped over to let in Little Hunter.     Don

Me and viz and little hunter had a cracking day met up with philpot and peskyrabbit   spent all day with Phil had a look at some cracking rifles and scopes feck me you could go to one of these shows

The new mk1 rapid , .22 from October 1992

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It was a good day out, nice to eventually met Philpot, I was all set to buy a hw80k in .22 but the only 1 at the show was a badly finished piece of woodwork overhanging the butt pad so no deal was done, then low & behold on a gun rack there she was, a nice left handed mk1 rapid 7, I had a look & tried to seal a deal with the dealer on it, I walked away without it, 10 minutes later I went back, asked to see the paperwork for it & paid for it, it's now safely home with me, its 100% original, it even came with the genuine offset theoben silencer, which is very rare, I've just put 7 pellets through it & its sweet as ! I'm going to strip & revamp the stock and give it a service !!! This is another keeper that made the trip to the show well worth it.

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My friends and I arrived at 11am and left at 4.30pm.

We didn't cover all of it - I am not known for my sense of direction, so no surprise that I couldn't find the muzzle loading shooting range though I did find their stand.

I bought a floppy cammo hat, a Jack Hargreaves book and a pie and cup of tea.

I met all sorts of very interesting people.

Good to finally meet you Jimmy and Ethan.

Prices for kit didn't seem any cheaper than normal, second hand air rifles seemed 'very Gunstar' in pricing. Shot guns and cartridge guns though.. £60 to £250,000.

I was overwhelmed by the whole experience.

I have been to various country and agricultural shows, but this... dedicated shooting and paraphernalia, it was great.

Yes, the class division between shotguns and airguns was so evident but other than that, what a buoyant industry?

You wouldn't think we had all this negative pressure from the media etc.


Sorry I didn't see some of you from here but hopefully at the Doncaster one in September



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  On 06/05/2017 at 19:11, si brown said:

sat at home gutted jimmy :(

wish id of been there... thats when springing a surprise goes tits up!!

glad you've all had a good day


atb si


You were missed today mate
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  On 06/05/2017 at 19:12, vizlauk said:


  On 06/05/2017 at 19:11, si brown said:

sat at home gutted jimmy :(

wish id of been there... thats when springing a surprise goes tits up!!

glad you've all had a good day


atb si

You were missed today mate


cheers viz....

my lad said we'll go dad but he was just saying it for me, the little feckers football mad!!

next time he's on his own!! lol

hows your back now?!

are you up for dragging the big fella down for a night on the toon and a day/night hunting soon :yes:


atb si

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It really great to see Jimmy and Ethan again and finally meet Viz, sorry I missed you Pesky.


The three musketeers Viz Mac & Philpot, then I swapped over to let in Little Hunter.





Don't know what the hell happened to this second photo, crap photographer. :blink:


The show was as good as last year with loads to see and a few bits I bought although I have come back with some very interesting ideas for the coming months including A 12 gauge reloading machine. Now at one time I loaded all my own 12 gauge shells and really thought it was a thing of the past but not the case at all and from a company based not far from me so that will be high on my to research list.


I didn't look at any guns............................................well not quite true, I had a closer look at the HW57 and even Jimmy was surprised how nice this little under lever was to hold.................hmmmm


Si you missed out mate :censored: and we missed you.


It was fun watching Shaun debating with himself over this Rapid..................yes I am , feck it, no I am not.................well perhaps.................................okay I will have it and a broad smile as he walked out with this ill fitting box containing the gun.


It was also funny to see Jimmy turn a little green after sitting in the Ford Ranger in the photo above.....................green is not your colour buddy :whistling:


I have to say that when Ethan walked back from producing the score card above, all he kept saying was ' I HAVE GOT TO GET AN FAC, IT WAS MINT', I think it is safe to say that little hunter will go FAC asap.


Thank you again Jimmy for my grandson's little starter rifle, brilliant.


I hope it is not too long before we can do it again, now I'm off to read all the literature I brought home.



Edited by philpot
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  On 06/05/2017 at 19:34, si brown said:


  On 06/05/2017 at 19:12, vizlauk said:


  On 06/05/2017 at 19:11, si brown said:

sat at home gutted jimmy :(

wish id of been there... thats when springing a surprise goes tits up!!

glad you've all had a good day


atb si


You were missed today mate

cheers viz....

my lad said we'll go dad but he was just saying it for me, the little feckers football mad!!

next time he's on his own!! lol

hows your back now?!

are you up for dragging the big fella down for a night on the toon and a day/night hunting soon :yes:


atb si

  On 06/05/2017 at 19:34, si brown said:


  On 06/05/2017 at 19:12, vizlauk said:


  On 06/05/2017 at 19:11, si brown said:

sat at home gutted jimmy :(

wish id of been there... thats when springing a surprise goes tits up!!

glad you've all had a good day


atb si


You were missed today mate

cheers viz....

my lad said we'll go dad but he was just saying it for me, the little feckers football mad!!

next time he's on his own!! lol

hows your back now?!

are you up for dragging the big fella down for a night on the toon and a day/night hunting soon :yes:


atb si

  On 06/05/2017 at 19:34, si brown said:


  On 06/05/2017 at 19:12, vizlauk said:


  On 06/05/2017 at 19:11, si brown said:

sat at home gutted jimmy :(

wish id of been there... thats when springing a surprise goes tits up!!

glad you've all had a good day


atb si


You were missed today mate

cheers viz....

my lad said we'll go dad but he was just saying it for me, the little feckers football mad!!

next time he's on his own!! lol

hows your back now?!

are you up for dragging the big fella down for a night on the toon and a day/night hunting soon :yes:


atb si

my back is getting there mate, still a bit pain but that sounds like a plan mate, let's get something arranged mate
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It not his back, it's his neck, twisting around looking at those women in the tight white trousers......................................or was that me :icon_redface: okay it was both of us.



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  On 06/05/2017 at 20:24, philpot said:

It not his back, it's his neck, twisting around looking at those women in the tight white trousers......................................or was that me :icon_redface: okay it was both of us.




couple of perves!!

i do believe i heard your mrs saying to you about green not being your colour when we were looking at that smart jag Phil :D


nice to see the boys together :thumbs:

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