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Saluki Greyhounds

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  On 10/05/2017 at 08:08, desertbred said:


  On 10/05/2017 at 04:43, Shaddy93 said:


  On 09/05/2017 at 22:15, desertbred said:


  On 09/05/2017 at 19:19, Shaddy93 said:


  On 09/05/2017 at 11:57, desertbred said:

Salukis were bred for the last 6,000 years for running deer and bull x grey are better give your head a rattle.


I'm confused wether your being sarcastic or serious? I personally do beleive bull greys are better overall on deer and anything else other than hares personally, the deer that Salukis were bred to run 6000 years ago as you say, didn't weigh as much as your average muntjac, wouldn't even call them deer to be honest I'd like to see a saluki greyhound pull 6 red hinds in two days single handed like I know the average joe bull greyhound can do
ive forgot more about running pures on deer or any other stuff than youve even read about you certainly know nothing about salukis thats certain, you talk madam full stop.
Okay big lad well the topic is originally about running saluki greyhounds on fox and if you think there better for that job than a bull greyhound then your a f*cking wet wipe yes it might pull one or two but lets see if it's still doing as good on the third or the next night or pulling them out of wholes etc etc saluki greyhounds might do the job just like the off collie greyhound does but there not bred for that job for a reason

E very time you open your mouth you dig yourself a bigger hole . I posted about deer in my post not fox.
Dig myself a hole? I couldn't give two sh*ts what you think my freind iv seen enough dogs run to know I'd sooner run a bull x on them than a saluki x, like I said can a saluki greyhound pull 6 red Hinds single handed in the day time in one weekend? Doubt it, iv seen them take 1 swift kick off a munty to the face and watch it run away, let me guess iv only seen bad saluki crosses, iv nothing against the cross but to say there better than a good bull x on deer I think youvtalking abit wet Edited by Shaddy93
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i have a 1st x and hes done a lot of foxes over time,,and he does them well enough..he hasnt got the jaw power of a bull x and it takes a tad longer to finalise the situation,which has him taking a bi

On the lamp the deer is a different animal. In the daytime is when you'll see what you've got. I'm not talking gameness, I'm talking single handed running. I seen more Bull crosses get straight lined

yer coursing dog

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  On 10/05/2017 at 08:11, lad101 said:

Don't get me wrong bull x are obv the main choice for it but like all crosses get good and bad they i don't care what you say they ain't allrounders u try running a bull x or 2 hares then get him to catch a fox and kill see how you get off that's the point in making with saluki and majority of these so cold bull x around now have got saluki in them .... and another point I made in previous comment my bull x was retrieving perfect in training but once she had the first rabbit and it made a noise she just shock it and left it there

So a dog that can run two hares and then catch and kill a fox is an all rounder in your eyes? Just asking like as I'd say a dog that can catch rabbit, hare, pull any of the deer species, catch and kill a fox single handed and help the terriers out without messing about is an all rounder imo, don't think you'll get many saluki greyhounds doing that but I know a decent bull cross can

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  On 10/05/2017 at 15:02, Shaddy93 said:


  On 10/05/2017 at 08:08, desertbred said:


  On 10/05/2017 at 04:43, Shaddy93 said:


  On 09/05/2017 at 22:15, desertbred said:


  On 09/05/2017 at 19:19, Shaddy93 said:


  On 09/05/2017 at 11:57, desertbred said:

Salukis were bred for the last 6,000 years for running deer and bull x grey are better give your head a rattle.

I'm confused wether your being sarcastic or serious? I personally do beleive bull greys are better overall on deer and anything else other than hares personally, the deer that Salukis were bred to run 6000 years ago as you say, didn't weigh as much as your average muntjac, wouldn't even call them deer to be honest I'd like to see a saluki greyhound pull 6 red hinds in two days single handed like I know the average joe bull greyhound can do
ive forgot more about running pures on deer or any other stuff than youve even read about you certainly know nothing about salukis thats certain, you talk madam full stop.
Okay big lad well the topic is originally about running saluki greyhounds on fox and if you think there better for that job than a bull greyhound then your a f*cking wet wipe yes it might pull one or two but lets see if it's still doing as good on the third or the next night or pulling them out of wholes etc etc saluki greyhounds might do the job just like the off collie greyhound does but there not bred for that job for a reason
E very time you open your mouth you dig yourself a bigger hole . I posted about deer in my post not fox.
Dig myself a hole? I couldn't give two sh*ts what you think my freind iv seen enough dogs run to know I'd sooner run a bull x on them than a saluki x, like I said can a saluki greyhound pull 6 red Hinds single handed in the day time in one weekend? Doubt it, iv seen them take 1 swift kick off a munty to the face and watch it run away, let me guess iv only seen bad saluki crosses, iv nothing against the cross but to say there better than a good bull x on deer I think youvtalking abit wet


LOL Your full of it I run pures not x,s bye the bye you stick to your bull whatever I know which I choose to run and what they can do ATB.

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My own personal experiences of sal/greys is if you have a tidy one then some dirty prick will chore them away and keep coming back to take what ever else is in your kennels time after time...im yet to see one I'd want to feed myself...but on the upside you can peddle the f**k out of them with bullshit peds...add the right type of bull to the mix and you can have a true machine that's capable of some impressive feats other than chasing puss around for 3 mins plus.atb dc

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  On 10/05/2017 at 17:10, Daniel cain said:

My own personal experiences of sal/greys is if you have a tidy one then some dirty prick will chore them away and keep coming back to take what ever else is in your kennels time after time...im yet to see one I'd want to feed myself...but on the upside you can peddle the f**k out of them with bullshit peds...add the right type of bull to the mix and you can have a true machine that's capable of some impressive feats other than chasing puss around for 3 mins plus.atb dc

ha ha ha ha this comment is funny as f**k and it's the whole truth about it ?
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  On 10/05/2017 at 17:38, desertbred said:

Never seen a bull x I would want to put a slip on including ones lads claim to do all sorts , seen them not impressed at all

Seems an odd statement.


What's your definition of a good lurcher then?

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  On 10/05/2017 at 17:38, desertbred said:

Never seen a bull x I would want to put a slip on including ones lads claim to do all sorts , seen them not impressed at all

Haha your making a fool out of ya self mate please stop it's cringing! Any lad on here that works a decent bull greyhound knows your talking out your arse ye tit

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  On 10/05/2017 at 19:34, W. Katchum said:

I honestly think the pair a yous are full a fcuking poop poooop

Fella no disrespect but you run collie greyhounds your not even worthy of commenting on saluki greyhounds or bull greyhounds

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  On 10/05/2017 at 19:41, W. Katchum said:


  On 10/05/2017 at 19:39, Shaddy93 said:


  On 10/05/2017 at 19:34, W. Katchum said:

I honestly think the pair a yous are full a fcuking poop poooop

Fella no disrespect but you run collie greyhounds your not even worthy of commenting on saluki greyhounds or bull greyhounds

An no disrespect, but you no clue what ye talking about, on what dogs i keep or this thread haha you have wrote more cringe worthy shite on here than anybody, ye a kid ffs haha

Haha there's a fella on this thread that's good mates with a mate of mine who knows exactly what I'm about and exactly what I do, say what you like mate but there's nothing iv said that isn't true, any time your down this way your more than welcome to come out for a lesson, wouldn't really say 24 years old is being a kid either mate I have a mortgage two kids and a good job, not exactly the life style your average kid lives ay

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  On 10/05/2017 at 19:52, W. Katchum said:

Stop typing childish shite then ye muppet

Mate you wrote "poop poop" and you say im childish! Tell me what iv wrote that is bullsh*t??

Edited by Shaddy93
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Ha ha ha I love a good saluki vs bull vs collie battle royal nah seriously like I always say everybodies got there on views on what breed they prefer what breeds good for the job they want etc etc we all have one goal and that to enjoy your dogs working I've got a German pointer bitch and sometimes I can just take her out and watch her use her nose point things up and not listen too my commands ? But at the end of it it's just nice to watch and read the dogs body language fight the power people

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Bull greyhounds are good for foxes but they seem to me to get marked up quite a lot, I've never owned a dog with bull in so I'm only making an observation from the dogs I've seen at shows. Please don't make absurd comments about collie greyhounds they make some of the best lurchers in the right hands and like my dad always says it says more about the person who can't train them than it does about the dog. Personally I would have thought the coursing best dog for deer would be the deerhound and the best dog for the big land would be a saluki or a saluki hybrid.

In the end the best dog on one piece of land may not be the best on another.

Each to his own and just enjoy your dog and don't worry or be envious of someone else's.

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