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My Somerset / Wiltshire Trip

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I've been wanting to put a post up of this trip for a while but been so busy with work kids etc

Here go's so at beginning of April I had an invite to try for a roebuck down in Somerset, the weather was looking to be perfect for our weekend and on the 1st morning the conditions were perfect. We searched from 1st light until around 9 ish and was about to call it a morning and head back for some breakfast when we caught sight of the farmer who was frantically waving for our attention. He jumps out of his tractor runs to the side of our motor to inform us that there a deer with either big ears or got horns literally crossed the bottom of the field he was rolling only 2 minutes ago. We drove down the side of the field down a hill and glassed the edges of the hedge rows alongside a wheat field and Matt spots a decent 6 point buck nibbling the ends of the leaves. A quick brief on how we was going to attempt the stalk. In the adjacent field we made our way down the hill having to get through a gate unheard so the string was cut so as not to cause any horrendous gate clonks and clanks. We're not on our bellys crawling to a gateway to see if the buck was still around, thankfully still nibbling away completely oblivious to our presence. Rifle up on the sticks and hairs lined up on the buck which was standing diogonally so only shot which would cause too much damage was a neck shot. Matt said to take him when I was ready, I'm thinking I can't f**k this up now we're in full view of this farmer who's desperate for the fence breaking deer to be taken out. Luckily I delivered an accurate shot dropping the buck on the spot, reloaded quickly just in case a follow up shot was needed but no movement. Massive adrenaline rush that was, we walked through the tyre tacks on the wheat field to see my prize. A nice symmetrical six point Buck with nice pearling I'm literally over the moon ? One happy boy. So much thanks to my mate Matt for having me down I truly am over the moon with my buck which now hangs on the wall next to my fallow bucks. Also a massive thanks to Tim for having us down in Wiltshire to try for a buck managed to grass a 4 pointer still in velvet had a great weekend. Pics to follow soon as I figure out how to get them on here

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Very nice mate , you could of made them a bit darker before you stuck them on the wall , i think because he was in velvet there a bit pale ?

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