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Separating Pregnant Ferret?

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Hi guys n gals...

I have a pregnant ferret (due tomorrow), she has lived in the same quarters as my other ferret, they are the same age but are not related. They are fine together and have never been violent towards each other.

They sleep in the same box and get proper snuggled up too, can this harm the kits?

Just lately the non pregnant ferret has been scruffing the pregnant one.

I this jealousy?


I have read a few books and been on the web but its quite contradictional to what people say.


So does that mean there is no correct answer?


Anyone bred ferrets could give me the answer as to what works for you would be brilliant.


I am mainly worried about her getting stressed out and killing the kits, through separating, and also the non pregnant ferret killing the kits...


Please help



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Personally id seperate them if the non pregnant ferret is scruffing the pregnant jill, just to be on the safe side. Iv had a jill in with the hob and a few other jills before and lost no kits but they all got on fine, then i had ferrets on their own and lost a couple if young, depends on the ferrets and their mood when they drop the kits. Snuggling up shouldnt harm the kits if their is only two of them it should keep them warmer if anything.

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The non pregnant?


If she is producing milk?


Phantom pragnancy?





And Yes

The fact that shes scruffing her shows shes having a false season so i would leave them together and if shes producing milk so much the better if its a larger litter of kits and it would make her less likely to harm them

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Mate I'd seperate her,she's going to be too busy to be stressed and I've had non pregnant jills and bucks eat newborns.Never had a jill kill its own kits for any reason.The kids pet mice would kill there own young often.

Bet theres a few guys on here have had jills eat there own young some up to a good age just when you thought all problems where behind you , its a gamble do you leave two jills together its one i try all the time when i had kits as long as your left with a few kits i honestly dont see the problem i dont want or need 15 kits every time i breed every three years for one or two replacement jill kits , but i would never leave a hob in even my old hob used to lie on them and flatten them and he didn't have a bad bone in his body . but each to there own if you keep two jills together and you loose the kits they will come back into season mate them separate them and youve got your kits lesson learns and the only thing is come September the kits wont be so mature or well grown but with the right handling should still make the grade though nothings guaranteed

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