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Scope Mounting And Ring Lapping Question

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I have a question for people, do you lap your rings when installing a new scope? I've just bought a new s&b for my rimmy, replacing a fixed 6 s&b that was on there, has anyone found that not lapping rings damages scopes? I've had several slopes over my shooting time and never lapped anything, it seems an American thing, or one more prevalent amongst target and bench rest shooters....spending a fair few pennies, I wonder if it's worth the extra to lap the rings or not worry about it?

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I haven't ever had an issue, no, I haven't taken the rings off the scope that's on the rifle yet, but when I do I'll see if there's anything untoward. Probably what I will do though is make some alignment bars from some 30mm bar stock and see if the rings are out at all, that'll surely give me a good idea whether I need to be doing anything. I think with rings like the factory ones on ruger rifles, because they're all to cock when they're made, they definitely benefit from lapping, but not so sure about the rest, it seems to have a definite yay/nay split....

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Well, I haven't bothered, the s&b looked fine when I took the rings off, but what surprised me was that there was some sticky tape on the inside of the rings, presumably to take up room, and to provide a higher purchase. In any case, I did buy a torque screwdriver to do the ring caps up with, simply because I'm a bit of a sissy and don't want to damage/under tighten, the best part of a grand Zeiss?, just need some still weather to zero it now...

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I purchased a 7mm-08 Savage....the caliber based on one of your other videos...thanks for that....The rifle came with a Weaver scope mounted and was advertised as being bore sighted etc. What I found was that none of the mounting screws were tightened, and I decided to remove the scope and place a vortex I had. In removing the mounts, the front screw was obviously bound and I found it to have the end threads stripped which left burrs and material in the hole where the barrel screws in (the one that does not enter the chamber) I cleaned the hole with alcohol and inspected as best as possible. I proceeded to place a leupold one piece mount and it seemed to tighten ok. I have since heard that I should have had the hole retapped. I have mounted scopes many times, and I have never found this before, and I have never stripped a screw. Do you have any comments? BTW, your information for the mounting process is great. There was so much oil on top of the receiver from the factory mount that I would recommend anyone buying a rifle/scope package would be well served to remove and remount the scope.

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