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Stock Carving

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Just wondering what you guys think about relief carvings on rifle stocks. Would you like something similar if you could or do you think it would ruin the stock? Would it devalue it or make it more desirable?


Personally I think it's great, but would be a big commitment to undertake in case of a slip up.


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I'm soon to undertake re-engraving the filligrees of my Pro Sport walnut stock after some reshaping and modifying work has been undertaken on it. For me, it's a little nicety to adorn the chequering panels. And that's all it shpould be really.


I suppose it all depends on what is carved, how well it is undertaken and how well it is finished. I like to see classical filligree and Acanthus Leaf scrolls carved and engraved on a rifle or shotgun. But it must be of the highest standards of craft and draughtsmanship. Not just some wannabe novice let loose with a Dremmel who's never drawn a matchstick figure in his life!...... Ugh Jesus!


This guy in the vid is a decent artist for what he's doing here, but his work is not to my taste for gunstock carving and engraving.


Hunting scenes, Oak leaves and game animals of dubious artistic merit, are a big turn off for me. I'm a professional military Aviation and Naval artist and Fine Art Publisher; and looking at badly rendered and drawn shit is like listening to a screaching wailing row of poorly played, detuned musical instruments or the bloody worst dreadful auditionee for Britain's Got Talent there ever was!.


And the stock is ruined to hell and crap forever.


The beauty lies in the wood and its depth of natural colour, grains and figures. A little scroll work around the chequering is all I would like.

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I actually really like some of them :yes:


If I was going to have it done, it'd have to be either a total art job or something subtle and classy - like these :good:


But, I wouldn't have it done on a nicely figured piece of wood.



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I'm the same actually, I wouldn't go near my walnut HW100 stock with a chisel or a dremmel. It was gut wrenching just drilling a hole in the stock for a sling stud. I did have an old cheap chinese springer a few years back, and I did ponder about having a go at it, but gave it to a neighbour instead.


I once made a memorial bench out of Iroko and they asked me to carve an inscription on it, and although I have the appropriate chisels, I declined. Didn't want the responsibility of potentially ruining an £80 piece of hardwood, nor the expense of replacing it.

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Carving/engraving on any gun is almost entirely down to aesthetics, there is seldom any debate about it adding to grip or handling.


If you want to spend money on making something look pretty to "YOU", then fine.


My guns are tools, I look after them and care for them but I don't have any need to decorate them!



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