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Evolution V God.

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Throw up a link of these geographical scars mush, i doubt theyd be from ice melting sure itd would of been a slow process like filling up as you say.


The flood in the bible says that the fountains of the deep broke open on the sea bed an it was catrastrophic event not a filling up.

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I don't know why people can't agree to disagree ,I can't for the life of me see the need for either side to prove the other wrong ,let people believe what they choose and we would all be a bit happier

Do you want to go down a rabbit hole mate lol The reasons are for another topic? Enjoying this one myself, no shitetalk, nice an civil.   Thanks mate, im just repeating what i read?

The fear of "HELL" must have been a great stick to control the hordes when they would not do as they were told. and "HEAVEN" was a cracker of a carrot to get them to do what they were told, win, win,

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Several different wax and waning events. Thousands of miles of geological scars that have been created by a huge release of water, not a filling up flood.


Do your research, instead of reading your badly translated book ;)

Yeah i have mate, its says they are at least 60 theorys, but your the one said ice age was wondering could you expand on it?




I am not going to argue with a fool to show there are two in the room! Research it yourself or believe ya fairy tales.


Peace ;)

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Several different wax and waning events. Thousands of miles of geological scars that have been created by a huge release of water, not a filling up flood.


Do your research, instead of reading your badly translated book ;)

Yeah i have mate, its says they are at least 60 theorys, but your the one said ice age was wondering could you expand on it?



I am not going to argue with a fool to show there are two in the room! Research it yourself or believe ya fairy tales.


Peace ;)

Well if your gona throw something out there an not back it up, fair enough.


Ive done a bit of research an the secular scientists said the last ice age was 2.4 million years ago, that would mean that humans were here 2.4 million years ago an built cities, doesnt really match timeframe does it?


Im not doubting there was an ice age, but not that long ago.

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If there is a God why doesn't it show itself and make us all believers

Because you have a choice to beleive or not to beleive, its upto you mate.

Why send jesus why not just leave it as it was before him

Jesus was God manifest in the flesh, who lived a sinless life, he was born a man an suffered like we do, an ultimatley die for our sins.


If we accept jesus as our saviour, his blood covers our sins on judgement day, because we all come short of the glory of God an were unrightoues in the eyes of God, unless we have jesus blood covering our sins.

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Throw up a link of these geographical scars mush, i doubt theyd be from ice melting sure itd would of been a slow process like filling up as you say.


The flood in the bible says that the fountains of the deep broke open on the sea bed an it was catastrophic event not a filling up.

Geology backs up the great flood I think ? It's thought it was the Med bursting into the area the black sea is now after big ice fields melted in the north ( about 15 mil km's ) and was the pressure bursting through making it catastrophic rather than a rising tide.

Saw a doc on TV a couple of years ago where they looked at a few of the bits in the bible and tried to put them into context, was pretty interesting how the stories or flooding, famine and plague generally had some sort of basis in real life and not totally made up but could of originated many centuries before.

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If there is a God why doesn't it show itself and make us all believers

Because you have a choice to beleive or not to beleive, its upto you mate.
Why send jesus why not just leave it as it was before him
Jesus was God manifest in the flesh, who lived a sinless life, he was born a man an suffered like we do, an ultimatley die for our sins.


If we accept jesus as our saviour, his blood covers our sins on judgement day, because we all come short of the glory of God an were unrightoues in the eyes of God, unless we have jesus blood covering our sins.

That's the bit I don't get... The Jews don't believe in jesus being God yet god gave the ten commandments to moses and saved the Jews


But couldn't make the very people who worshiped him accept him in the flesh

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Throw up a link of these geographical scars mush, i doubt theyd be from ice melting sure itd would of been a slow process like filling up as you say.


The flood in the bible says that the fountains of the deep broke open on the sea bed an it was catastrophic event not a filling up.

Geology backs up the great flood I think ? It's thought it was the Med bursting into the area the black sea is now after big ice fields melted in the north ( about 15 mil km's ) and was the pressure bursting through making it catastrophic rather than a rising tide.

Saw a doc on TV a couple of years ago where they looked at a few of the bits in the bible and tried to put them into context, was pretty interesting how the stories or flooding, famine and plague generally had some sort of basis in real life and not totally made up but could of originated many centuries before.

Interesting paul.


Was it anything to do with this.


Mr mallard world renowned underwater archaologist, who discovered the titanic also says that the flood of the bible 5000 odd years ago could be true, heres the link.




Edited by Francie
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Why do they have to different can't evolution and God be all the same thing... When you plant a forest you don't plant fully grown trees do you?

Because the whole creation of mankind would be different.

Because modern humans have evolved from earlier species, modern man just didn't land on the earth brand new. It was a gradual change of millennia.

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If there is a God why doesn't it show itself and make us all believers

Because you have a choice to beleive or not to beleive, its upto you mate.
Why send jesus why not just leave it as it was before him
Jesus was God manifest in the flesh, who lived a sinless life, he was born a man an suffered like we do, an ultimatley die for our sins.


If we accept jesus as our saviour, his blood covers our sins on judgement day, because we all come short of the glory of God an were unrightoues in the eyes of God, unless we have jesus blood covering our sins.

That's the bit I don't get... The Jews don't believe in jesus being God yet god gave the ten commandments to moses and saved the Jews


But couldn't make the very people who worshiped him accept him in the flesh

Yeah mate i know, they have few reasons why they didnt accept him as the messiah, thats there choice.


Not all jews rejected jesus, the leaders of that time did, but lots of jewish people accepted him.

Edited by Francie
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Throw up a link of these geographical scars mush, i doubt theyd be from ice melting sure itd would of been a slow process like filling up as you say.


The flood in the bible says that the fountains of the deep broke open on the sea bed an it was catastrophic event not a filling up.

Geology backs up the great flood I think ? It's thought it was the Med bursting into the area the black sea is now after big ice fields melted in the north ( about 15 mil km's ) and was the pressure bursting through making it catastrophic rather than a rising tide.

Saw a doc on TV a couple of years ago where they looked at a few of the bits in the bible and tried to put them into context, was pretty interesting how the stories or flooding, famine and plague generally had some sort of basis in real life and not totally made up but could of originated many centuries before.

Interesting paul.


Was it anything to do with this.


Mr mallard world renowned underwater archaologist, who discovered the titanic also says that the flood of the bible 5000 odd years ago could be true, heres the link.





It could well of been the same guy as the documentary used mini subs to go down and even after all those years could see walls and homes under the waters as they were so clear and had very little sediment, they had several programmes on it and a few different theologians, geologists and scientists having input, was a seriously interesting programme which for once didn't try to place one side against each other but they all worked together, was repeated again late last year and although and was definitely worth a second viewing though buggered if I could guess what is was called.

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Throw up a link of these geographical scars mush, i doubt theyd be from ice melting sure itd would of been a slow process like filling up as you say.


The flood in the bible says that the fountains of the deep broke open on the sea bed an it was catastrophic event not a filling up.

Geology backs up the great flood I think ? It's thought it was the Med bursting into the area the black sea is now after big ice fields melted in the north ( about 15 mil km's ) and was the pressure bursting through making it catastrophic rather than a rising tide.

Saw a doc on TV a couple of years ago where they looked at a few of the bits in the bible and tried to put them into context, was pretty interesting how the stories or flooding, famine and plague generally had some sort of basis in real life and not totally made up but could of originated many centuries before.

Interesting paul.


Was it anything to do with this.


Mr mallard world renowned underwater archaologist, who discovered the titanic also says that the flood of the bible 5000 odd years ago could be true, heres the link.




It could well of been the same guy as the documentary used mini subs to go down and even after all those years could see walls and homes under the waters as they were so clear and had very little sediment, they had several programmes on it and a few different theologians, geologists and scientists having input, was a seriously interesting programme which for once didn't try to place one side against each other but they all worked together, was repeated again late last year and although and was definitely worth a second viewing though buggered if I could guess what is was called.

Il search it out paul thanks

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Why do they have to different can't evolution and God be all the same thing... When you plant a forest you don't plant fully grown trees do you?

Because the whole creation of mankind would be different.
Because modern humans have evolved from earlier species, modern man just didn't land on the earth brand new. It was a gradual change of millennia.
Then we agree ? that's what I'm saying we evolved but evolution in itself doesn't prove or disprove a creator of some sort
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