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Anyone Else's Kid Doing This For Homework?

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Nelson Mandela: Targeted innocent civilians with terrorist tactics, had multiple affairs, never tried to sort out the AIDS issue in Africa whilst in power but instead spent billions on a new military defense. What a hero.

Rosa Parks: Wasn't the first but was the straw that broke the camel's back for the NAACP, so what about all the other stuff that went on before that?

Will Smith: Really? Of all of the actors and rappers that have influenced others you have to choose Will Smith?

Tiger Woods: ***!!!

James Brown: WAAAAAH!! I feel good, must be the crack that I just smoked.

The only others that are worthy of maybe looking into are MLK jnr and Muhammad Ali.

Luckily he has chosen to do Jesse Owens as he watched the film Race with his mum and I the other week. Personally I;d have gone with William Wilberforce.


What puzzles me is when do they start learning about British history, local history, 1066, English Civil War, The British Empire, The Napoleonic Wars, the early battles for Scottish independence (the proper ones, not all this me, me, me, me, me balls from the little Krankie) Nelson, Wellington, Anglo-Saxon settlements, The Bubonic Plague, The Industrial Revolution, etc? Not once have we been asked to do anything with the local history which is amazing and should be taught to bring a feeling of belonging, a connection to where you are in the world. Half of the kid sin his school haven't even been to Europe let alone America so why get them to pick a state of a country they have no connection with or of a people's that lived on the other side of the world so any artifacts they left aren't all that tangible where as they are hundreds and thousands of iron age, bronze age, viking, anglo-saxon, industrial rev all around in a two mile radius?

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My boy of 9 had to do a little guess who project and each kid picked a person to do it on.......so, being in the Republic of Ireland who did my boy choose you may ask?............Oliver Cromwell !!

When they led that group of boys out the front entrance of the court at Elephant & Castle to be set upon and spat at by a baying mob of hundreds of blacks when they could have quietly slipped them

I think I could too easily find myself telling the school to shove its cultural Marxist shit up their arses.

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Not me my kids the deputy head sorry and we argue quite a bit about how schools are trying to mind f**k the kids into being passive, compliant workers ready for 80 years in a warehouse working alongside there colonial cousins without ever moaning on shit wages it's all part of the global dream my friend either embrace it or get ready for the racist xenophobic anti Semitic homophobic branding iron to be stuck firmly on your forehead by the peace loving liberals

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I think I could too easily find myself telling the school to shove its cultural Marxist shit up their arses.


I was just trying to thinking of an answer similar but that does the trick perfectly :laugh:


It is clearly political and my daughter wouldn't be doing it end of story

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When you have to include Will Smith and Tiger Woods on your list, you know you are seriously lacking great and influential people from your race, surprised Lenny Henry is not included lol !


Imagine doing a list of outstanding British people let alone Europeans, it would be endless.

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Wow you could have a lot of fun with this


Rachel Dolezal claimed to be black and was a black rights activist until it came out that she was actually 100% white lol


Or Sean King, there's another one :laugh:

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My boy of 9 had to do a little guess who project and each kid picked a person to do it on.......so, being in the Republic of Ireland who did my boy choose you may ask?............Oliver Cromwell !!


I laughed when he told me, I bet that went down like a lead balloon ! Lol


Even his teacher didn't guess it but said to him after "you know he attacked a lot of places in ireland" lol

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I think I could too easily find myself telling the school to shove its cultural Marxist shit up their arses.


I'm of the same opinion. Couldn't believe what I was reading at first.


I might have to print off the following and go ask where this fit sin with the curriculum:




I wouldn't mind but it falls on myself to teach him what I was taught at school about British history and geography as they just don't touch on it. He didn't even know the name of the river that runs through our town FFS!!

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MLK was groomed by communists to push their agenda,they even allowed for his plagiarised thesis (meaning he wasn't even a legit doctor).

And Ali was all for segregation.


Owens seems like he was a good egg,I'm sure his liberal teachers will love this story.



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is that your sons homwork hutch?


cant for the life of me see why will smith is on it,,,and espcialy james brown,,,great singer yeh,,but by all acounts a right fecker...


martin luther king ,,fair doos and rosa parks,,,,


the project is about black history,,,,,,two people that should come to mind is abraham lincoln,,,who passed the bill to abolish slavery in usa,,,,and the original cassius clay,,who worked with lincoln,,he was a white politician working towards the abolishin of slavery...


plenty of info on line about both of the above,,, :thumbs:

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is that your sons homwork hutch?


cant for the life of me see why will smith is on it,,,and espcialy james brown,,,great singer yeh,,but by all acounts a right fecker...


martin luther king ,,fair doos and rosa parks,,,,


the project is about black history,,,,,,two people that should come to mind is abraham lincoln,,,who passed the bill to abolish slavery in usa,,,,and the original cassius clay,,who worked with lincoln,,he was a white politician working towards the abolishin of slavery...


plenty of info on line about both of the above,,, :thumbs:

Aye, that's why I wanted him to to William Wilberforce, Granville Sharp and Thomas Clarkson, at least they were British and started it all off for Britain and America.

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