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Irelands Super Predator

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Lol. Well all this talk about predators, I said i'd start a little conversation about the elusive Pine Marten. Love them or hate em, you gotta admire them. I mean, they are a fantastic predator ain't they. They can hunt on the ground, in tree's, can swim out to Islands to raid nests etc. Will tackle prey much larger than themselves, and even chase down a hare if it gets the opportunity.


They are a thing of real beauty, but also very destructive if populations are too high. Very much protected here of course.


They are still seen as Irelands rarest animal, but where I live, they are far from rare. In fact, some area's here in the Midlands, your liable to see more Pine Marten than you would fox. More killed on the roads too.


My old friend Ditch sent me this picture. He has them nesting in his chimney. He's had them before, maybe same one.




He knows how plentiful they are here. He see's them quite regular too.


Personally I like to see them, but in numbers like we have, a lot of other species has to suffer to feed this population. I think a balance is the key.

Edited by EDDIE B
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The 'Ditch?' If so thats probably not a piney, its the f**king mink he's been trying to catch for the last decade taking the piss out of him! :laugh:

A he was right when he said half of you lot wouldn't know what a Piney looked like lol

Edited by EDDIE B
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Had we not better have the Official THL Independent Adjudicator ( Socks ) to formally identify this animal before we all start jumping to conclusions.......it looks more like a squirrel to me.

I thought it was a magpie with its wings pulled off.

@daniel yea they are a pest by all accounts. Guy i work with hates them.He has had his chickens taken along with the eggs aswell. Its funny watching his reaction when you mention them lol

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Don't get them in fife but there was one around my place a few years back. My neighbour said he saw it, I actually thought he was mistaken because they are not around here. But I seen it myself one day.

I don't know if someone has let it go around this area.

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Seen one this morning walking the dogs. The terriers chased after it and hadn't a hope of catching it. Them little boys can move when running through cover. They are as common as foxes here now.

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Very common here, along with Beech Martens.......those fcukers get in your motor & cause damage, it's happened to me!


Seeing one after being here a year was a buzz, but I've realised since, after a while, they are just common vermin in a lot of places.........I've had to deal with one myself.

Edited by Accip74
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