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Yesterday, I popped down to a field where I set up a hide two weeks ago for shooting crows on a freshly drilled area. I have used the shotty most of the time but yesterday I thought I would take BOTH rifle and shotty..........................fcuk me, talk about working my nuts off, not in numbers shot but in holding two guns by the barrel whilst the butts are on the deck so that if the bird is deffo landing, I use the rifle (impact) but if they are not so keen on dropping in on the deeks, the shotty is the tool for the job.


After an hour, my back was killing me as I was in a stooped position, arms outstretched on the muzzles looking through the netting on uneven ground. I just couldn't understand why my back was so bad as I had shot from this hide now five times BUT it was either taking the shotty or the rifle and I was able to lean back on a tree stump and only think about the one gun although I had got both with me on two other occasions, they were not used in the way described above.


It was fun for a while but not something I am in a rush to do again.


Oh yes, the tally, Impact.........3 crows, shotty.........9 crows and a woody. The phone was back in the car at the other end of a long field so no piccies.


The next time I think of doing that, I MUST NOT BE A FCUKING IDIOT AGAIN.



Edited by philpot
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Well if my back didn't ache before, it does now, all day building a greenhouse for my eldest daughter.


To be honest, I far prefer crow shooting with the shotgun when numbers are an issue and as I had taken about 80 during the last three sessions, I thought I would play a little.



Edited by philpot
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No pain no gain pal!!


It's the fact you were out and at it pal but I guess that's not helping much when you try and put your socks on in agony and sound like a beached bull elephant seal



And who has been telling you what I look like Matt !!!!!!!!!! however it is true. :yes:



No room for a chair Jon as I set the hide in the best spot with a great backdrop and not sticking out into the field at all, to be quite honest leaning back on the tree stump was very comfortable with one gun.



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