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What Would Your First Reaction Be?

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Straight to my Ipad, google Hunting Life & see what was reported in the general section, then post advice request?

Get a dictionary and look up what a barrio is lol

Wait for Godzilla stumbling over the horizon safe in the knowledge dogfox was on his way to meet him at the nearest racecourse   And in the unlikely event of him escaping instant death there , his f




Surely the end of the world calls for something more.....chokey pokey bum wank perhaps?

With the curtains open...?
Is there any other way to do it?

I met my wife whilst wanking with curtains drawn back

Have you ever been back to that Theatre?

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Surely a pokey bum wank would be first thing you would do? Followed by 5 minutes of self loathing and a cigarette

Nice to see somebody with there priorities in order
Well it might be your last lol

An prob yer best, as never been a truer description of a danger wank, ever haha

What not even when back door fred was galloping down the final furlong the deranged mule
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I have holidays today so milling around my gaff cleaning up... suddenly this almighty fuucking alarm starts going off in the barrio/area. Never heard anything like it in real life but my brains first thought was air raid siren or similar type :blink:


Instantly I started packing my rucksack without any thought. Started to leave, planing a route to my daughters school. As I was leaving.... I bumped into an old chap who lives next door and asked wtf is this siren.... apparently Spain has these alarms all over and test them periodically :laugh:


I was ready in under 3 minutes and out of the door calm as fuuck in 5....


What would you ladies and gents do?

first reaction shut that fkn noise off im trying to sleep :laugh:

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Surely the end of the world calls for something more.....chokey pokey bum wank perhaps?

With the curtains open...?
Is there any other way to do it?

I met my wife whilst wanking with curtains drawn back


Thats why dogman didnt get out the car , ketcham shouted i will be out in a minute , and dogman thought sod that hes no even going to wash his hands

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