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Were Clean F****d, Its Happening

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Pots and kettles

At least I can back my beliefs up and will answer when asked

Why engage in debate if you can't do it

There's nothing un natural in nature it's people like you who pervert things[/quote


Youve backed nothing up only give your opinion as i have, iv told you already to repost your question an i will answer, can you not understand this or do you just want to bark?


Your trying to convince me homosexuality is normal, when the facts state otherwise.

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I'm sorry mate and I'm not trying to start a row but I don't see any difference in allowing a 40,50,60 year old man to bugger a male child of 16 to what sick fuckers ,like the one FranceI mentions in

I thought ww3 had started

It's not natural and things that are not natural should not be accepted, I freely admit is does little harm to anybody, but in my very humble (and it seems somewhat outdated) opinion it's the constant

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How can "born that way" be an excuse for deviant behaviour.......I just don't understand?

According to till its normal wilf, even in the animal kingdom, hes said earlier animals understand consent lol an that he has no problem with me having it off with me dog if the dog consents haha

You couldnt make this tripe up.

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You twat I have never said anything about inter species sex ever

You have

You're clearly a ducking moron

I asked you earlier an you didnt answer.


So you dont agree with it? Whys that two consenting species you said?


Ok what about a man having it off with another primate, after all were primate also according to evoloution?


Do you agree with that?

Edited by Francie
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Read back I did not agree with I pointed out you were the one to bring it up

You're a freak mate

You don't read posts and make shot up

I'm out you're a nutjob

Thank fook for that pal, im showing you threw your own theory evoloution that your talking shite.


Your the one shouting animal understand consent, did you not?


So i was asking you saying humans are animals according to you, would you agree we a man having it of with a primate, cause were primates also?


Your not going to answer because you know its f***ing tripe, but im picking your argument apart an you cant take it.

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Hi mate

Science proves we are animals

I'm bowing out now as it's gotten very wierd

I'm not interested in chatting about inter species sex

Take care

Your full of excuses now lad, you chat about same species sex but not inter species, that makes sense lol


No but youl talk about homosexual animals lol your mad ya c**t ye

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Russia's got the right idea imo,no homosexual or other deviant propaganda can be aimed at children.

They shouldn't be corrupted or indoctrinated at all,when they're no longer a child they can make their own minds up on these various lifestyles,or whatever you want to call them.


I thought gay and lesbian were just insults until I was about 14!


And Francie,there's no need to watch this sort of thing,it's bad for your health :thumbs:

Just know that post-modernism and it's ascendants call for the destruction of every tradition,institution and social as well as biological norm and ultimately the complete breakdown of society.


They'll do the opposite of what makes a people as a collective strong,whether that's as a family,nation or entire race.

I'm only surprised that so many are surprised that this is being pushed for,again.

Brilliant post neems
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Fixed that for you.


And I'd suggest once we're fully domesticated with all our survival instincts rendered inert,our days are very much numbered.

We've not been hunter gatherers for thousands of years. Evolution has bred that out for the vast majority of human beings and that's generally why we live longer than our mid 30's.. Hunter gatherer communities are now relegated to the third world and you're watching an extinction in progress. Agrarian lifestyles added years and quality to human life. As soft and as useless as many think we are, as a species, we've never had it better. Reliable shelter, regular food, clean water, vaccinations, etc... No hunter gatherer society could have ever provided that in the guise of homo sapiens.


But we're still running on stone age hardware, and we still carry those markers and instincts. It's not self domestication, it's natural selection. Whatever species comes next, whatever comes after that, will be related to us and will still carry many of our characteristics. It may take many directions before it improves but we'll never be around to see. We'll be gradually bred out of existence, and so on, and so on.


Of course if we're suddenly thrown into a mass extinction event then all bets are off. We go back to insects and then we can reconvene in a few billion years to see how it went from there...

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I personally don't care if something is right or wrong in the Bible or unnatural or people are born this way or that, I find homosexuality wrong because when I see two men kissing or holding hands I feel sick to my stomach. To think of 'other' things they get up to does make me feel homophobic. I don't like or agree with it, but in saying that I don't think it is my place to tell everyone what to do or who to do it with but when I hear of kids learning in school about how to have a homosexual relationship or legalising gay marriage and priests will be forced to marry men whether they like it or not and especially the queer manipulations like mushroom mentioned earlier in this thread, which I have witnessed myself a few times makes me feel like blood letting. As Wilf says keep it underground and people like me won't feel like spilling blood everywhere.

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Fixed that for you.


And I'd suggest once we're fully domesticated with all our survival instincts rendered inert,our days are very much numbered.

We've not been hunter gatherers for thousands of years. Evolution has bred that out for the vast majority of human beings and that's generally why we live longer than our mid 30's.. Hunter gatherer communities are now relegated to the third world and you're watching an extinction in progress. Agrarian lifestyles added years and quality to human life. As soft and as useless as many think we are, as a species, we've never had it easier. Reliable shelter, regular food, clean water, vaccinations, etc... No hunter gatherer society could have ever provided that in the guise of homo sapiens.


But we're still running on stone age hardware, and we still carry those markers and instincts. It's not self domestication, it's natural selection. Whatever species comes next, whatever comes after that, will be related to us and will still carry many of our characteristics. It may take many directions before it improves but we'll never be around to see. We'll be gradually bred out of existence, and so on, and so on.


Of course if we're suddenly thrown into a mass extinction event then all bets are off. We go back to insects and then we can reconvene in a few billion years to see how it went from there...



Fixed again :whistling:


We're 'naturally' (or not) breeding ourselves stupider,fatter,slower,weaker and less healthy.

There is virtually no selective pressure on humans,other than a desire to have a higher number of children,the child who'd have abandoned in the woods or at the top of a mountain a few 1000 years ago,now grows up gets a council house and benefits to raise as many children as he can sire!


Those mutations aren't punished by nature or human foresight and haven't been for along time now.

And we're objectively worse for it.

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