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I can'tbecausebtheres probaly twelve seconds combined of snow leopards

but there's lots of video of homosexual behaviour in animals


Even though you claimed it doesn't exist

Because you claim it's not natural

If you read up on it

It serves a purpose as

It's up to you to prove it doesn't exist because I know it does

I also know it's there for a reason

Nature abhors vacuum as they say

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I'm sorry mate and I'm not trying to start a row but I don't see any difference in allowing a 40,50,60 year old man to bugger a male child of 16 to what sick fuckers ,like the one FranceI mentions in

I thought ww3 had started

It's not natural and things that are not natural should not be accepted, I freely admit is does little harm to anybody, but in my very humble (and it seems somewhat outdated) opinion it's the constant

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There's only one dim bulb here mate I was making a joke at your expense

You're the one refusing to believe something presented to him by scientists and learned men because he has never seen it

What that line from Shakespeare's

Me think he doth protest too much

So now you a scientist and a learned man? And don't start trying to deflect I'm happy in my skin whatever i was, i think you'll find your the one getting hot under the collar when people have merely stated their personal opinions.
no I'm neither a scientist or a learned man

And I'm more than comfortable with who i am

But I'm not the one claiming it's in natural and then ignoring all the facts presented

That makes you ignorant in my book chap

I'm also not getting hot under the collar that's why I'm debating with you

I've no axe to grind here unlike you

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I can'tbecausebtheres probaly twelve seconds combined of snow leopards

but there's lots of video of homosexual behaviour in animals


Even though you claimed it doesn't exist

Because you claim it's not natural

If you read up on it

It serves a purpose as

It's up to you to prove it doesn't exist because I know it does

I also know it's there for a reason

Nature abhors vacuum as they say

I'll post you a video of a female lion nursing a fawn it doesn't make it natural just nature gone wrong as sometimes happens Edited by JDHUNTING
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No prove there is no homosexual behaviour in animals as you claimed

Because lots and lots and lots of video and scientific data says you cant

There's car parks and toilets full of animals at it all around the country so i couldn't possibly prove that, but like i stated at the very beginning it is NOT what nature intended.

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If it is being done by the amount you acknowledge and has been done for as long as animals exist it is natural

It serves a purpose amongst animals that live together in larger numbers

It's there for a reason

Just because you find it distasteful it doesn't make it in natural

Far from it

It is natural

It serves a purpose and has a genuine reason for existing

Therefore it's natural

You just don't like it for your own ignorant bigoted reasons

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If it is being done by the amount you acknowledge and has been done for as long as animals exist it is natural

It serves a purpose amongst animals that live together in larger numbers

It's there for a reason

Just because you find it distasteful it doesn't make it in natural

Far from it

It is natural

It serves a purpose and has a genuine reason for existing

Therefore it's natural

You just don't like it for your own ignorant bigoted reasons

Well then let's all have a free for all then, people rape and murder kids, it happens in nature and in humans it must serve a purpose and be a natural thing to do so let's all crack on same for anything according to tillimangro anything that happens must be how nature intended it so why have any laws?

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Thanks for stopping using Google for sources and now using a respected non biased source. The pink news f***ing hell
this reads as stop using facts to counter my shitty arguements

I can draw the same facts from any source

This was the first one I found and I thought it very apt

You've presented no facts what so ever so far so the onus is on you chap

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lol no that's not consensual you half wit

You're proving you're right gnorance by clutching at straws

I've seen ferrets mating nature doesn't have laws on rape, your the one saying it happens in nature so it ok for human society. I'm saying it doesn't exist in nature beyond something going wrong with individual animals and even if it did that is not barometer for what is acceptable in society.

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Present facts or shut up

All you have is personal bigoted opinions

The facts are there homosexuality exists in nature

If you can provide facts contrary I'll listen otherwise I'm bored of debating you as you've got nothing to say other than it's not natural

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Why don't you stop quoting shite and just use your own brain power? If men were supposed by nature to bum each other we,d have wombs and ovaries up our jacksies. I don't need the pink news, brown news or any other news to draw that conclusion.

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