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Were Clean F****d, Its Happening

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I'm sorry mate and I'm not trying to start a row but I don't see any difference in allowing a 40,50,60 year old man to bugger a male child of 16 to what sick fuckers ,like the one FranceI mentions in

I thought ww3 had started

It's not natural and things that are not natural should not be accepted, I freely admit is does little harm to anybody, but in my very humble (and it seems somewhat outdated) opinion it's the constant

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I'm beginning to think you're a nutjob

I knew that months ago mate lol

Typical response, if someone doesnt agree with yous two, there nutjobs, ok lads


Grow up lads, everyone doesnt have the same opinions, in the world, i could call you nutjobs also, but im not that stupid or cringey.

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What is about homosexuality that's un natural

Imo,They cannot bring forth children, the way nature allows.
Do you only believe in sex for procreation then? Genuine


Put it this way, its not the b all an end all pal, its not on my list of prioritys.


But lets look at it from your prespective, saying im a nutjob an mine is false.


If we evolved from molecule to man, then how come evoloution took the path of male an female?


When did the first reproductive systems appear?

An how an why did they take this path?

How did these first "animals" reproduce before sexual organs "evolved"?


Think about it, survival of the fittest, evoloutions finest paraphrase.


When these organisms finally "evolved" reproductive capabilitys, who do you think would survive an keep "evolving", the organisms that could reproduce or the ones that couldnt?


See theres big gaps were no one has filled in in the evoloutionary process, how an why? Did they end up male an female?


Millions of qs unanswered.

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What is about homosexuality that's un natural

Imo,They cannot bring forth children, the way nature allows.
Do you only believe in sex for procreation then? Genuine


Put it this way, its not the b all an end all pal, its not on my list of prioritys.


But lets look at it from your prespective, saying im a nutjob an mine is false.


If we evolved from molecule to man, then how come evoloution took the path of male an female?


When did the first reproductive systems appear?

An how an why did they take this path?

How did these first "animals" reproduce before sexual organs "evolved"?


Think about it, survival of the fittest, evoloutions finest paraphrase.


When these organisms finally "evolved" reproductive capabilitys, who do you think would survive an keep "evolving", the organisms that could reproduce or the ones that couldnt?


See theres big gaps were no one has filled in in the evoloutionary process, how an why? Did they end up male an female?


Millions of qs unanswered.


It started with cell division

After that It evolved because cell division is only possible at cellular level and became male and female

And sex became enjoyable to make sure we indulged in it as often as possible

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I'm not taking anything bad mate I'm curious at your belief

And it won't let me post what I write unless I use non racy words

Yes would the same act be wrong heterosexually

Or even with her mouth

my beleif is in God nothing to do with aexual orientation, Lad look you have yours an i have mine opinion, discussing this shit on the net is no good, get on with your orientations an i will mine, procreation is private matter, it shouldnt be broadcast. Edited by Francie
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I'm beginning to think you're a nutjob

I knew that months ago mate lol


Typical response, if someone doesnt agree with yous two, there nutjobs, ok lads

Grow up lads, everyone doesnt have the same opinions, in the world, i could call you nutjobs also, but im not that stupid or cringey.


you're also a hypocrite. You have called me far worse and others in previous god threads when they dont have the same opinion or criticise the "good book". Lol

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The majority of peadophiles are men the majority of victims are boys there is a real link between gays and peadophiles sorry to rock the gay brigades politically correct boat but fact is fact

your logic follows there's also a link between heterosexuality also since a lot is men and girls

Also abuse has very little to do with sex it's about power and abuse

Sex is what consenting adults engage in

Rape is always about power

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I'm not taking anything bad mate I'm curious at your belief

And it won't let me post what I write unless I use non racy words

Yes would the same act be wrong heterosexually

Or even with her mouth

Lad look you have yours an i have mine opinion, discussing this shit on the net is no good, get on with your orientations an i will mine, procreation is private matter, it shouldnt be broadcast.
no you said you would answer my questions

You can't

All you can do is repeat what your book says and your books says nothing about that

I'm asking your opinion

I've answered all you questions quite happily and you've been very vocal about acts of s e x you find unnatural

Yet all of a sudden you have issues with normal s e x

Ring your vicar see what he says

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