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Were Clean F****d, Its Happening

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See my above point dogs and animals do consent

I've never said intranspecies can consent or should

Try getting a dog to f**k a bitch when she's not in season

It won't happen

Make up your mind, so its ok for non transpecies to have consensual queer sex, but i cant?


Whys that, sure you said were all animals a minute ago, ffs lad make up your mind ha.

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I'm sorry mate and I'm not trying to start a row but I don't see any difference in allowing a 40,50,60 year old man to bugger a male child of 16 to what sick fuckers ,like the one FranceI mentions in

I thought ww3 had started

It's not natural and things that are not natural should not be accepted, I freely admit is does little harm to anybody, but in my very humble (and it seems somewhat outdated) opinion it's the constant

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See my above point dogs and animals do consent

I've never said intranspecies can consent or should

Try getting a dog to f**k a bitch when she's not in season

It won't happen

Make up your mind, so its ok for non transpecies to have consensual queer sex, but i cant?


Whys that, sure you said were all animals a minute ago, ffs lad make up your mind ha.

shownme where I said sex between different species is ok


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No you havent pal, so you dont agree with sex between diff species lol


Youve no comeback at all pal away an ride a donkey hehe


You cant have one rule for consenting animals an not the other haha


After all were all animals its discrimination.?

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Animals eat each other and there young, we dont. But if we are animals then surely there's no right an wrong? So things like buggery, canabilism, rape, murder are surely all part of being an animal. Yet we know they wrong

Things are only wrong whilst we live in a stable civilization but say we had a civilization ending event and it became dog eat dog then the moral compass changes that's when our true inner animal would surface ..we only kid ourselves we are somthing we are not its all a illusion deep inside us is " THE ANIMAL "

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Things are only wrong whilst we live in a stable civilization but say we had a civilization ending event and it became dog eat dog then the moral compass changes that's when our true inner animal would surface ..we only kid ourselves we are somthing we are not its all a illusion deep inside us is " THE ANIMAL "


I would argue that the reason we have civilisation in the first place is because we want to live in a degree of harmony together. If you remove the laws of the land I wouldn't suddenly feel the need to kill my neighbour and eat his corpse. You could also argue your points that it's akin to faulty wiring in certain individuals. Even if that's the case what consenting adults get up to isn't any of my business.

Edited by ChrisJones
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Things are only wrong whilst we live in a stable civilization but say we had a civilization ending event and it became dog eat dog then the moral compass changes that's when our true inner animal would surface ..we only kid ourselves we are somthing we are not its all a illusion deep inside us is " THE ANIMAL "


I would argue that the reason we have civilisation in the first place is because we want to live in a degree of harmony together. If you remove the laws of the land I wouldn't suddenly feel the need to kill my neighbour and eat his corpse. You could also argue your points that it's akin to faulty wiring in certain individuals. Even if that's the case what consenting adults get up to isn't any of my business.

History shows us in times of trouble the survival instinct far out weights the moral code...it happened quite a lot with the early American pioneers :thumbs:
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History shows us in times of trouble the survival instinct far out weights the moral code...it happened quite a lot with the early American pioneers :thumbs:

True but in times of trouble. If we were as animal and as lawless as is being suggested we would have annihilated ourselves long ago, before we ever had the chance to form communities with laws and regulations. :hmm:


I'm not saying that in times of extreme stress that shit happens. There are plenty of examples, but if it was something that was ingrained in us then it would be far more common regardless of legality.


If the law collapsed tomorrow, a bartering economy would spring up almost immediately, as it's done in every place where civil unrest has happened. If you look at yourself, honestly, you know you're not going to suddenly start raping and pillaging, and eating people. If the law is the only thing that stops people from committing atrocities then what's the point of discussing morality?

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from peodo's to canibals you got to love thl

Lol you gotta love this place


A question why in the modern world do we still hunt? ... I hunt because I enjoy it I have a inner drive to hunt my inner animal commands me to do it and I'm not ashamed to say so .

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A question why in the modern world do we still hunt? ... I hunt because I enjoy it I have a inner drive to hunt my inner animal commands me to do it and I'm not ashamed to say so .


Why? Because every single one of us is still running on stone age hardware. We're evolving but that urge is still in us, until we evolve into something else that is... then who knows?

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