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Were Clean F****d, Its Happening

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I'm sorry mate and I'm not trying to start a row but I don't see any difference in allowing a 40,50,60 year old man to bugger a male child of 16 to what sick fuckers ,like the one FranceI mentions in

I thought ww3 had started

It's not natural and things that are not natural should not be accepted, I freely admit is does little harm to anybody, but in my very humble (and it seems somewhat outdated) opinion it's the constant

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So your saying animals have the mind frame to consent?


I dont have to prove nothing pal, science shows clearly humans produce humans, dogs produce dogs, birds produce birds an so forth, evoloution has no observabal science just theorys on what might have happened long time ago, thats not science thats dreaming.


Id rather stick with what i can see not what might have happened.

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Yes of course they consent to it thats the point

They seek it out for wheat ever reason

If you aren't prepared to debate this and support your claims your just talkinng out if your are mate

You're like a kid with his fingers in his ears goinf g trallalala your not there

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Yes of course they consent to it thats the point

They seek it out for wheat ever reason

If you aren't prepared to debate this and support your claims your just talkinng out if your are mate

You're like a kid with his fingers in his ears goinf g trallalala your not there

Iv done this to death on here pal, look back on threads from years ago.


Im sitting here laughing at this, your arguments are shite an easily disproven, but iv been here before, your worldview is dangerous, anything goes whicj i want no part off, disgusting perversion.


So you have no problem with infantacide, after all animals do it?

What about beastiality?


Anything goes according to your evoloution view, an you cant say any of the above is wrong, cause youl be a hypocrite.


So if my dog consented an let me have sex with it, youd have no problem with it?


After all were animals were consenting.


This is repulsive.

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Consenting you moron


Consenting consenting consenting

Look it up

Learn what it means

None of what you is consenting


I'm fine with anything consenting people of the correct age

I admire you're faith but you're an ignorant halfwit

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I'm done

I won't criticise you for your faith as I admire it

But it's pointless

The onus is on you since you refute scientific evidence

None of the naysayers have provided a shred of evidence to counter

Because you can't

Scientific evidence

That we evolved?where, youve shown nothing of the sort pal.


Youve just showed a few biased ramblings trying to prove animals are queer haha.


Show me one just one, bit of observabal science not theory, thats shows we evolved from whatever it is you say, cause if you have it youve solved the mystery, which none other scientist could do, im ready with the noble peace prize.


Humans produce humans, observable tested science, or do you disagree.


Monkeys same

Dogs same


Etc etc


This is observable testable scientific fact.


Show me observable testable scientific facts to show we came from whatever it is you say.


You cant itll be long ago an far away, thats not science.





the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

"the world of science and technology"

synonyms: branch of knowledge, body of knowledge/information/facts



Thats what science is above, show me science that back up your theory?

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I have

I'm done with you

You are closed minded

Science proves lots of things

One that we are descended from animals

You refute me and say you're laughing at me

Lol good luck pal

You've dodged every question I've asked

I've answered everyone of yours

I'm done mate

You're an ignorant bigot

And sadly there's never a valid excuse to stay ignorant btw why are you bringing intraspecies sex into this conversation

I've never said I'm ok with that or mentioned

You've lots to learn chap and zero capacity

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Consenting you moron


Consenting consenting consenting

Look it up

Learn what it means

None of what you is consenting


I'm fine with anything consenting people of the correct age

I admire you're faith but you're an ignorant halfwit

Mate i debated with your tpye thousands of times face to face, you cant answer so you resort to name calling haha.


Im consenting, my dogs cosenting (your the one who said animals consent) so can i have a queer relationship with my dog an its normal?

Do you have a problem with it, no you cant cause youd be a hypocrite if you did.


You cant get past my points can you?

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I have

I'm done with you

You are closed minded

Science proves lots of things

One that we are descended from animals

You refute me and say you're laughing at me

Lol good luck pal

You've dodged every question I've asked

I've answered everyone of yours

I'm done mate

You're an ignorant bigot

And sadly there's never a valid excuse to stay ignorant btw why are you bringing intraspecies sex into this conversation

I've never said I'm ok with that or mentioned

You've lots to learn chap and zero capacity

Haha blah blah im proving your view is total hogwash, no were have you given evidence cause you cant, if you cant take the heat get out kitchen, i thought you wanted to debate.


You dont want to now cause iv tied you up in knots haha


Im away to have consexual sex with a lurcher lol an from your point of view till, its all ok natural consenting haha


Im pulling your logic apart, an you cant take it, see you later.


Hi would you be against me marrying my lurcher, theres an invite for you?

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