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No I believe it's 14 for boys and 16 for girls. That's my point it should be across the board same for all

If I'm wrong I apologise but that's what I was always told

I think anyone would have to question an older man wanting sex with adolescents of that age but of roughly the same age they should be allowed consensually to have sex

Your backtracking now, you said it was fine a minute ago, so your saying now if theres an age gap its not right?

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I'm sorry mate and I'm not trying to start a row but I don't see any difference in allowing a 40,50,60 year old man to bugger a male child of 16 to what sick fuckers ,like the one FranceI mentions in

I thought ww3 had started

It's not natural and things that are not natural should not be accepted, I freely admit is does little harm to anybody, but in my very humble (and it seems somewhat outdated) opinion it's the constant

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So could the people commenting to wilf answer me this, explain to me how you can condem the paedo an not the homosexual, weres the line an whats your reason?


Cause if we evolved, whos right an whos wrong? You cant say no to one an not the other, whats your basis? For saying no to paedo, you cant?

because one is consensual and the other is rape

What part of that don't you understand

Or is rape natural too

You seem to not understand my questiin, i was asking how can can atheists say paedophillia is wrong an not homosexuality?


If someone claims there born queer, well why cant paedos say the same thing? Or beastiality?

Because one wants to have fuucked up weird sex with a likeminded person and the other two want to f**k something that can't argue back ;)
So who deceides the age of consent, gov, parents?


If a man that says he attracted to young children, has sex with a 16yr old its fine an consensual.


All this f***ing filfth an debauchery wouldnt be happening if people just waited until they get married.


I didnt wait, but thats cause my da is a useless fooker who taught me f**k all, if he hada layed the law down, i would have adhered to it.

I think I established my views earlier by aligning with WILF that an adult is the age of 18+ years old.

?same here mate, apolagies i misunderstood you.

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No I'm not backtracking at all

Answer my question

If there is a link between homosexuality and heterosexuality (there's not) why are you only singling homosexuality out as the "bad " one

No, he is saying it's not natural which it obviously isn't because human beings are Not designed for that.


Same as a bicycle is not designed to fly.

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Yes why is homosexuality bad because there's a link between it and paedos

When it follow by your batbshit logic there's a link between paedos and hetero sex

Surely they're both then bad

You seem to only want to condemn the homosexual acts

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Its not normal, if it were an people were born queer, then why didnt evoloution accomadate for this? Or why is it a small % are "born " queer, why is more not "born" queer if its normal?


I dont beleive in evo, just making my point threw it cause noone will entertain creation, for some strange reason.

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Its not normal, if it were an people were born queer, then why didnt evoloution accomadate for this? Or why is it a small % are "born " queer, why is more not "born" queer if its normal?

I dont beleive in evo, just making my point threw it cause noone will entertain creation, for some strange reason.

Ok so god created homosexuals then, it's still consenting sex

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So who defines natural

Since homosexuality was practiced and observed long before biblical times and we didn't die out as a race how is it not "natural"

The creator defines its, even tho you prob dont beleive, well put it this way, a penis goes into vagina, to create babies, yes you following, penis in shitter does not, its against natural law is it not?


Lesbians flap to flap doh doh its not working ffs?

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Its not normal, if it were an people were born queer, then why didnt evoloution accomadate for this? Or why is it a small % are "born " queer, why is more not "born" queer if its normal?

I dont beleive in evo, just making my point threw it cause noone will entertain creation, for some strange reason.

Ok so god created homosexuals then, it's still consenting sex

No he didnt, imo something in the youngers years of life has happened, or that they just reject God an do it anyway.


What about bisexuals suppose there born that way?

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Its not normal, if it were an people were born queer, then why didnt evoloution accomadate for this? Or why is it a small % are "born " queer, why is more not "born" queer if its normal?

I dont beleive in evo, just making my point threw it cause noone will entertain creation, for some strange reason.

Ok so god created homosexuals then, it's still consenting sex

No he didnt, imo something in the youngers years of life has happened, or that they just reject God an do it anyway.


What about bisexuals suppose there born that way?


there just greedy

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Its not normal, if it were an people were born queer, then why didnt evoloution accomadate for this? Or why is it a small % are "born " queer, why is more not "born" queer if its normal?

I dont beleive in evo, just making my point threw it cause noone will entertain creation, for some strange reason.

Ok so god created homosexuals then, it's still consenting sex

No he didnt, imo something in the youngers years of life has happened, or that they just reject God an do it anyway.


What about bisexuals suppose there born that way?


yes they are

divine inspiration


to translate "its not natural" equals i dont like it but cant actually support my opinion with any reasonable fact

btw youre still not answering my questions

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