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People are born gay wilf, not much choice in that is there? To not allow it is just not possible. To suggest excepting homosexuality as a part of life & the decriminalisation of canabis is somehow akin to sympathising with pedophiles is absurd!

But Im not going to change your view, so crack on.....;-)

One question, what if they are born that way?.......can you or I say they are not?

Wrong is f***ing wrong no matter what way you cut it or age limit you put on things to justify it.

Even if they are born that way & not saying they are, it's a crime against a non consenting child & should be dealt with in the harshest way possible! No argument on that.

How can consenting adults having gay sex be a crime? who is the victim, you? Because you find it disturbing?

A lot people find killing non consenting animals disturbing, they would like to make us all criminals, are they wrong? Maybe not?

Like I said, I was responding to a very broad statement you made, which insinuates I sympathise with nonces, because I know there is nothing you can do about homosexuality or smoking a joint? & that's total bollocks to me!

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I'm sorry mate and I'm not trying to start a row but I don't see any difference in allowing a 40,50,60 year old man to bugger a male child of 16 to what sick fuckers ,like the one FranceI mentions in

I thought ww3 had started

It's not natural and things that are not natural should not be accepted, I freely admit is does little harm to anybody, but in my very humble (and it seems somewhat outdated) opinion it's the constant

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How can you prove they are not born that way ?

Because if "born that way" is the excuse for un-natural behaviour then we would be letting every f****r get away with everything.

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People are born gay wilf, not much choice in that is there? To not allow it is just not possible. To suggest excepting homosexuality as a part of life & the decriminalisation of canabis is somehow akin to sympathising with pedophiles is absurd!

But Im not going to change your view, so crack on.....;-)

One question, what if they are born that way?.......can you or I say they are not?

Wrong is f***ing wrong no matter what way you cut it or age limit you put on things to justify it.

Even if they are born that way & not saying they are, it's a crime against a non consenting child & should be dealt with in the harshest way possible! No argument on that.

How can consenting adults having gay sex be a crime? who is the victim, you? Because you find it disturbing?

A lot people find killing non consenting animals disturbing, they would like to make us all criminals, are they wrong? Maybe not?

Like I said, I was responding to a very broad statement you made, which insinuates I sympathise with nonces, because I know there is nothing you can do about homosexuality or smoking a joint? & that's total bollocks to me!

No, I find it hypocritical as f**k to class one unatural act as fine and another as not fine........none of its fine but justifying one weakens the moral case against the other imho.

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How can you prove they are not born that way ?

Because if "born that way" is the excuse for un-natural behaviour then we would be letting every f****r get away with everything.

You're just repeating the same thing though mate.

It's a crime against children ffs!! Born that way or not! I think all you are doing is steering the argument round to what you find unnatural & disgusting, Homosexuality & taking drugs.

That's fine, it's your opinion, but to align them things with pedophilia is wrong imo.

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Ask any homosexual

They are born that way

Conversely were you not born heterosexual?

Or did someone turn you or are you of the ilk that believe being gay is just another level of depravity

Nonces are created

Usually by being abused themselves or utterly shit childhoods

In roman times there was no Hetero or homosexuality just sex between consenting adults

Just because a thing isn't to your taste doesn't make it Unnatural

They've always played a role in society

You still aren't making the distinction between rape and consent

I agree to some extent a line in the sand needs to be drawn and I think this is it

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I'm sorry mate and I'm not trying to start a row but I don't see any difference in allowing a 40,50,60 year old man to bugger a male child of 16 to what sick fuckers ,like the one FranceI mentions in his post, want to do.

To me, it's not f***ing natural and should be illegal.

The more we accept the less it gives us the right to condem.


But what does the sexual orientation have to do with it really? Surely that is just as wrong if it's heterosexual?

I suppose, now you have asked, that as a society that we set a medium between the natural age at which the human animal reaches breeding maturity and what we can morally accept as right and proper and in the best interest of welfare.

Nature designed male to breed with female did it not ?

Nature never designed men to copulate with other men, it just didn't and that is an indisputable fact.


I don't hate gay people, I just try and be honest about it.



You say that but how do you know. One belief I have read regarding Homosexuality is that it's a mechanism to improve surviveability of groups of humans. To stop conflict in certain situations between members of the same sex competing for mates. You might think it bollocks but then I'd also say that homosexuality is witnessed in other species not affected by human social movements.


I would honestly be just as disgusted by a heterosexual 50yr old f***ing a 16 yr old girl as I would him buggering a 16 yr old boy. I'm fundamentally a very strong advocate of civil liberty and the harm principle. Any restriction of behaviour for me can only be justified by the need to protect vulnerable people from harm. Homosexuality doesn't really cause a problem with that, nor do I see it as one step from paedophilia. I just can't get on board with the idea of legislating against perceived social decadence/degeneracy that is most commonly seen in extreme right authoritarian ideology/regimes.


I'm away from the net for a few days so I'll not get to reply for a while. :thumbs:

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Serious question Wilf, put everything else aside for a moment. Ideally, what would you like done about gay people? Men & women that is........heavy fines? Imprisonment etc?

Because you've made it clear it should be illegal, so how do we deal with it?

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Serious question Wilf, put everything else aside for a moment. Ideally, what would you like done about gay people? Men & women that is........heavy fines? Imprisonment etc?

Because you've made it clear it should be illegal, so how do we deal with it?

We send it underground where (imho) it belongs.

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Serious question Wilf, put everything else aside for a moment. Ideally, what would you like done about gay people? Men & women that is........heavy fines? Imprisonment etc?

Because you've made it clear it should be illegal, so how do we deal with it?

We send it underground where (imho) it belongs.

The Catholics did that mate & look what happened there, does it make for a better society?......repression isn't the answer, it's unhealthy.


I think the evidence for being born gay is overwhelming, I mean let's be honest, some people end up topping themselves over it! Hardly a lifestyle choice I would of thought?


Anyway....I'm off now......the school run beckons....

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Serious question Wilf, put everything else aside for a moment. Ideally, what would you like done about gay people? Men & women that is........heavy fines? Imprisonment etc?

Because you've made it clear it should be illegal, so how do we deal with it?

We send it underground where (imho) it belongs.




Serious question Wilf, put everything else aside for a moment. Ideally, what would you like done about gay people? Men & women that is........heavy fines? Imprisonment etc?

Because you've made it clear it should be illegal, so how do we deal with it?

We send it underground where (imho) it belongs.



if you spend your life with your head buried in the sand all people will see is an arse

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Seriously lads, the post is about a f***ing paedo on tv an tthe scum that supports it, no mention of that then.


Ok how about this, il bring it from a atheist point of view, saying most commenting are atheists.


So most atheists say that we evolved, if not let me know, if people were born homosexual, then how the f**k did we evolve.


You need a penis an a vagina to reproduce, this is natural, how if being homo is normal, how did we evolve????


That right there proves your not born a homosexual, if you were, they how did evoloution happen???


Homosexuals would die out if they were left to there unnatural habit, so it goes against nature.


Homosexuals perverted the word gay, it used to mean happy until it was perverted.

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