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Were Clean F****d, Its Happening

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I cant beleive what ive just seen, " salon" are now giving tv time to paedophiles, im vomiting right now.


This is just f***ing sickening to the core, im not even putting the vid up, some ginger paedo fantasising about a 5 year old.


Lord help us.

Edited by Francie
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I'm sorry mate and I'm not trying to start a row but I don't see any difference in allowing a 40,50,60 year old man to bugger a male child of 16 to what sick fuckers ,like the one FranceI mentions in

I thought ww3 had started

It's not natural and things that are not natural should not be accepted, I freely admit is does little harm to anybody, but in my very humble (and it seems somewhat outdated) opinion it's the constant

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A big magazine in america, an its not just them, type into youtube salon promoting paedos.


Dont let your children out of your sight people, dirty satanic scum.

I would not advise anyone to do what Francie states. It will leave a trace on your PC / phone and your IP address on the web site, a site that may or may not be a honey trap for peadoes?



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A big magazine in america, an its not just them, type into youtube salon promoting paedos.


Dont let your children out of your sight people, dirty satanic scum.

I would not advise anyone to do what Francie states. It will leave a trace on your PC / phone and your IP address on the web site, a site that may or may not be a honey trap for peadoes?



Its not an offical website its youtube video t.

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Honestly kanny this is truly disturbing,how the f**k could they let a paedo on tv an let him drool over a child an describe his sick fantasy, an try an justify it.


Im lost for words, an that doesnt happen often.

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A big magazine in america, an its not just them, type into youtube salon promoting paedos.


Dont let your children out of your sight people, dirty satanic scum.

I would not advise anyone to do what Francie states. It will leave a trace on your PC / phone and your IP address on the web site, a site that may or may not be a honey trap for peadoes?





Salon's a very big left wing media outlet,it's no secret.


And they first started pushing for pedo acceptance about 6 months ago,a long time after all those Labour MP's did :whistling:

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A big magazine in america, an its not just them, type into youtube salon promoting paedos.


Dont let your children out of your sight people, dirty satanic scum.

I would not advise anyone to do what Francie states. It will leave a trace on your PC / phone and your IP address on the web site, a site that may or may not be a honey trap for peadoes?



Salon's a very big left wing media outlet,it's no secret.


And they first started pushing for pedo acceptance about 6 months ago,a long time after all those Labour MP's did :whistling:

Aaahhhh i see? This sick twisted f**k is called todd nickerson, hes needs put down,dirty filfthy scumbag

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