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Now. I know some pellets are the same under different names and such, JSB/AA etc with the casting dies but surely not the same pellet, same manufacturer, same name, same weight bar adding the word diablo infront...


Didn't need to damn buy one of those packs... :censored:










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So this testing went down like this. For any one interested :) 6 shot groups, slightly windy, but not to much, no cleaning of the barrel between groups. The Exacts where fed through the mag, the others were hand loaded. 27 yards first then, depending on whats good and bad, 45.


I currently use JSB Exacts. I just fancied a change. Accuracy wise, there spot on. So no real reason...




I got the Webley Accupells for reasons of they reminded me of Premiers and my first Rapid loved Prems. They seemed OK at 27 yards. There heavy though, .22 heavy at 14.3grn. I expected them to drop off somewhat more than they did.




The 'Diablo' Barracudas were just like the Pells and grouped the same. Proper Bisley Magnum lookalike.




And so did the standard Barracudas. Although these fit the breech the best. Strange, as they felt, and looked identical. There must be .01 wider or something.




Strangely the FTT's didn't group at all well, considering I first used these with the rifle and they're bangin in my other rigs.




And then the Predators. I was kinda hoping they'd be a tad better than this. One of the shots missed the paper completely. So these aren't liked by the rifle at all. First time Ive held one or two though and they do look the dogs bollox. I can see why poeple use them when they group better. Felt really loose in the breech.






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Out at 45, the pells and the barra's seemed the ones to test from the previous shooting at 27 yards. It would appear the Webley Accupells lost a bit of stability at the longer range, which I didn't expect. So, maybe Ill try the barra's :D They are outputting only 10.2 FPE. But Ill try them on the rabbits and see how I get on.






I they wondered how they deform on impact at one of the pooches old rubber chew toy things... The barra's kept there shape ok, the head hardly mushed or distorted in anyway. They did, however, knock the rubber ball the furthest back, considering they're lowest power of the lot.




The Webleys, again, not much deformation at all. The ball is quite tough. I thought they'd all squash a bit more. They didn't give as much whack as the barra's though.




Then it got out of hand and I tried .22 and FTT's, and .177 and Barracuda Hunters.


The .22's again didn't deform much. What I did notice though is the amount of grooves that are left on the 22 pellet from my 97, compared to the rifling on all the others. The more rifling, the more spin, the more accuracy. But there was hardly any from my 97 compared to the others... Considering how accurate it is.




HM and Exacts, plenty of rifling.




98 and Hunters. Plenty of rifling. These do mushroom a bit though :)




The HM and Exacts... plenty.




So. Overall, proved and shown nothing, the exacts are most accurate, the barra's hit hardest, the 97 defies logic.

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With the predator pellets, don't be surprised if you get completely different performance between the shorts and longs, I don't know which you have tried but may be worth trying the other style from what you have Rez.



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