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Fencing Training And Pointer Lurcher Update.

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Easy fella so iv Hurd anyway, I know some lads that went some dodgey country to do abit of digging with jagd terriers they were digging coons and they told me it was rubbish no fight in them.


LOL sounds like they dug a baby coon and made a broad statement. Just like any animal, there are easy, average, and hard individuals. There are adult raccoons that don't get much above 10 lbs, and I've personally caught raccoons just under 40 lbs. Catching two or three of any animal doesn't give you a very accurate indication of what the animal's like. I've caught hare with a border collie before, but it doesn't mean their all that slow. If they say coon have "no fight in them" then they haven't dug to very many coons.......

Edited by Minkenry
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Poor wee critter in that video,...feck all to do with hunting,..more akin to baiting.....   If ya gonna kill something,..get it fecking done...

WOW, I should just erase the post!!!! What a joke!!!! I come on to discuss jumping feces with young dogs, and the topic gets derailed by some guy who's never seen a raccoon in his life telling a guy w

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Easy fella so iv Hurd anyway, I know some lads that went some dodgey country to do abit of digging with jagd terriers they were digging coons and they told me it was rubbish no fight in them.


LOL sounds like they dug a baby coon and made a broad statement. Just like any animal, there are easy, average, and hard individuals. There are adult raccoons that don't get much above 10 lbs, and I've personally caught raccoons just under 40 lbs. Catching two or three of any animal doesn't give you a very accurate indication of what the animal's like. I've caught hare with a border collie before, but it doesn't mean their all that slow. If they say coon have "no fight in them" then they haven't dug very many coons.......

Proberly right mate think they went for 4 days and dug around 5 including one with Cubs and yeah they did say it was crap and boring but like I say iv not done it I'd like to just to get the experience, I think there's a video of 3 young boxer dogs kill one in America but only one really gets involved iv owned boxer dogs and if one of them can do it I'm pretty certain my dogs wouldn't need to break a sweat lol

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Exactly haha that dog would spew anything more than a raccoon and it still killed it with a few bites, these things can kill pitbulls on a regular basis? I beg to differ

Edited by Shaddy93
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I could be wrong here shaddy but if the lads found digging coons boring the terrier lads were probably doing something right. Much the same as digging any where if you have the right men and dogs they will make it look easy and boring. You just need to be into it.

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I could be wrong here shaddy but if the lads found digging coons boring the terrier lads were probably doing something right. Much the same as digging any where if you have the right men and dogs they will make it look easy and boring. You just need to be into it.

It depends what your into I guess, by boring they meant easy digging, not deep and no fight in them, it was a case of put a terrier in the terrier would go on bay for a few seconds and then grab hold dig two foot and pull the trigger move onto the next one which would be near enough a replica to the first dig

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Poor wee critter in that video,...feck all to do with hunting,..more akin to baiting.....


If ya gonna kill something,..get it fecking done... :yes:

I agree,that's shocking is that..& if that's the kind of drive/gameness a Shepherd or Mali blood puts into lurchers then you can stick the c**ts where the sun don't shine!! I've a f***ing Pomeranian here better than that useless piece of shite!!

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Poor wee critter in that video,...feck all to do with hunting,..more akin to baiting.....

If ya gonna kill something,..get it fecking done... :yes:

I agree,that's shocking is that..& if that's the kind of drive/gameness a Shepherd or Mali blood puts into lurchers then you can stick the c**ts where the sun don't shine!! I've a f***ing Pomeranian here better than that useless piece of shite!!

Proberly a pet mate I know lads with gsd x greyhounds and beleive me they'd do a better job than that newspaper fetching lump of a dog

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https://youtu.be/CubY9zQN8xs I think this video says it all... piss poor


First off, this is clearly a baby raccoon. That is made very obvious more so by how it acts than just it's small size alone. After all, there are adult raccoons in the south who don't even break 10 lbs. If you knew anything about hunting raccoons you would have known this was a baby, and saved yourself the embarrassment of posting this video. Second off, if it were a fox it would have just ran away, not tried to fight, so what's your point? Raccoons are no badgers, but they are harder than ANY fox ANY day of the week! At least that's what ANYONE who's been on more than two or three of both species has to say about it........ I'm sorry, but you're making a fool out of yourself showing videos of baby animals being killed by very large dogs. You're proving noting but your ignorance on the subject.


If I, having never seen a dog on a fox, found and posted a video of a baby fox being killed by a very large dog, then used it as "proof" that foxes were easy to kill, I would get laughed off this page! I suggest you keep to subjects you know something about. Come to America and put your terrier on an adult boar coon and if you have half the dog you say you have it will kill the coon, but you'll be impressed with the fight the coon puts up in comparison to anything you would see a fox do above ground.


Any good terrier should be able to kill a good hard coon solo, or it isn't much of a terrier. In my opinion, if a dog is any good at all it should be able to kill multiple raccoons in a night without any help. Put your terrier on even a very average raccoon in deep water and you'll have a very real chance at coming home without a dog.............. Talk's cheap mate, fly yourself over hear and I'll be happy to show you how easily our coons can drown any and every terrier you've got. Heck, you don't even have to fly over here to find raccoons. They are spreading from Germany, I'll bet you could find populations in countries a lot closer, and any one of those coons over there would be happy to drown your dog for you....... So quit talking and start hunting! ;)

Edited by Minkenry
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