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Election Time..????

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  On 22/04/2017 at 20:38, arcticgun said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 20:36, kanny said:



  On 22/04/2017 at 20:24, WILF said:



  On 22/04/2017 at 20:14, kanny said:



  On 22/04/2017 at 20:07, arcticgun said:



  On 22/04/2017 at 19:50, kanny said:



  On 22/04/2017 at 19:42, BGD said:


If you liked Tony Blair and New Labour vote Conservative because that's what May is a continuation of ;)


How's that then?
  On 22/04/2017 at 19:50, kanny said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 19:42, BGD said:


If you liked Tony Blair and New Labour vote Conservative because that's what May is a continuation of ;)


How's that then?
because at the very least the one thing they do have in common is that they don't give a toss about the likes of you and me, they have seniors whom they answer to and they aren't the general public of this country, they have agenda's again they aren't anything to do with the best interest of this country and its people, mind theres sod all choice to vote for one or the other or is there? maybe just don't bother turning out too vote enmass, they are only going to tell you more or less what you want to hear,, once they got your vote, they gonna do exactly what benefits them, and the best of it is any changes you asked for are going too cost you more of your money , nice eh
So our only option is to do a guy fawkes and move to Ireland lol
As far as I can see, the only option is to opt out......you will be getting f****d in the arse whatever happens but at least you won't have asked for it ;)
I will go with better to have tried and failed is better than not tried at all ....sits better with me

thats all it really takes for it all too continue as it always has done,
It's a very cynically view ...doing nowt would achieve nowt it always has done ...there's power in the masses still we proved that with brexit ...just not turning up to vote would give them more ground imo.
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its a chance she going to take, there is little point in trying to plan a future with them lot sniping away in the background, lets see where we all stand on a national scale, then we can maybe move o

I'm thinking Conservative - even though May voted remain, at least she had the balls to stand up and give the electorate what they voted for, after her predecessor chucked his toys on the floor and wa

For me it's all about who I hate least at the moment I hate may and the Tories less than I hate the whingeing failed student minded left

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it would be nice to have a new choice , one that's credible and realistic, doesn't have its roots set in the last century, at least something new would not contain so many tainted individuals that make it hard to too see it ever changing whichever way you end up voting,


Look at it like this everything in life changes does it not? food we eat, the clothes we where, cars we drive, music we listen too, where we live, who we friends with, jobs we have, passions, etc, its sort of natural and it works yea, but in this particular case, we just know its going to be very distasteful either way t swings, sort of know they going too have us over and sell us down the river, fail to deliver anything and take more out your pocket, they have always done the same , so why when we always benefit from change do we allow these two to remove the choice and remain the only prospects, neither can really deliver what they originally set out to do and stod for , simply because its a very different world nowadays.


we did get Brexit, the Scottish also elected to stay but both issues are wide open still to this day, truth be known both labour and conservative would love nothing more than too stay in Europe, it gives them both somebody else to blame when they screw you and provides them with a place too collect yet more money when they finally chased out of this country usually after being caught on the take or causing somebody untold misery

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  On 22/04/2017 at 20:58, arcticgun said:

it would be nice to have a new choice , one that's credible and realistic, doesn't have its roots set in the last century, at least something new would not contain so many tainted individuals that make it hard to too see it ever changing whichever way you end up voting,


Look at it like this everything in life changes does it not? food we eat, the clothes we where, cars we drive, music we listen too, where we live, who we friends with, jobs we have, passions, etc, its sort of natural and it works yea, but in this particular case, we just know its going to be very distasteful either way t swings, sort of know they going too have us over and sell us down the river, fail to deliver anything and take more out your pocket, they have always done the same , so why when we always benefit from change do we allow these two to remove the choice and remain the only prospects, neither can really deliver what they originally set out to do and stod for , simply because its a very different world nowadays.


we did get Brexit, the Scottish also elected to stay but both issues are wide open still to this day, truth be known both labour and conservative would love nothing more than too stay in Europe, it gives them both somebody else to blame when they screw you and provides them with a place too collect yet more money when they finally chased out of this country usually after being caught on the take or causing somebody untold misery

  On 22/04/2017 at 20:58, arcticgun said:

it would be nice to have a new choice , one that's credible and realistic, doesn't have its roots set in the last century, at least something new would not contain so many tainted individuals that make it hard to too see it ever changing whichever way you end up voting,


Look at it like this everything in life changes does it not? food we eat, the clothes we where, cars we drive, music we listen too, where we live, who we friends with, jobs we have, passions, etc, its sort of natural and it works yea, but in this particular case, we just know its going to be very distasteful either way t swings, sort of know they going too have us over and sell us down the river, fail to deliver anything and take more out your pocket, they have always done the same , so why when we always benefit from change do we allow these two to remove the choice and remain the only prospects, neither can really deliver what they originally set out to do and stod for , simply because its a very different world nowadays.


we did get Brexit, the Scottish also elected to stay but both issues are wide open still to this day, truth be known both labour and conservative would love nothing more than too stay in Europe, it gives them both somebody else to blame when they screw you and provides them with a place too collect yet more money when they finally chased out of this country usually after being caught on the take or causing somebody untold misery

Now that I can agree with :thumbs: I think far from withdrawing from politics we should be getting more involved at every level and on mass and weed the feckers out ourselves if they dont deliver. Other than taking up arms I think its the only way to force change as they rely on us being lazy and not engaged. We have more power than them on mass time we made em accountable.
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  On 22/04/2017 at 19:42, BGD said:

If you liked Tony Blair and New Labour vote Conservative because that's what May is a continuation of ;)


I couldn't agree more....regardless of what flavour of politics you like there is no point pretending that your 'brand' is something it isn't. Blair's Labour wasn't the working man's party they claimed to be and May/Cameron's Conservatives aren't even conservative.


I would never vote for the man but I can respect Corbyn for being honest about his politics, Farage was a Libertarian but UKIP has changed to centre ground politics recently as well.


Personally I think our elections are meaningless, it's down to France to deliver the next shock, if it happens the world will change completely and irreversibly, the EU will be finished and that will be that.

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The likes of UKIP and Liberals are just sub parties created by the main players, too sound out public and allow the illusion of choice, test publics mood and try out policies etc, look at UKIP Brexit was partly there victory and at that point the single biggest in their history they dissolve faster than an asprin,

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  On 22/04/2017 at 21:38, Nik_B said:


  Lenmcharristar said:

i see may as new thatcher


May was pro EU in the referendum, the only thing she has in common with Thatcher is tits and a vagina

Im sure thatcher had a set of balls and stood up taking a piss. Well spitting image certainly potrayed that lol

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It makes me smile when you have all these dyed in the wool labour supporters saying J.C is not like Tony Blair and the labour party has changed bla bla bla then 2 of our local M.P.s were in government under Blair.The torys are different under May that is as plain as daylight but some are compairing her to Thatcher.

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  On 22/04/2017 at 20:36, kanny said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 20:24, WILF said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 20:14, kanny said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 20:07, arcticgun said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 19:50, kanny said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 19:42, BGD said:

If you liked Tony Blair and New Labour vote Conservative because that's what May is a continuation of ;)

How's that then?
  On 22/04/2017 at 19:50, kanny said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 19:42, BGD said:

If you liked Tony Blair and New Labour vote Conservative because that's what May is a continuation of ;)

How's that then?
because at the very least the one thing they do have in common is that they don't give a toss about the likes of you and me, they have seniors whom they answer to and they aren't the general public of this country, they have agenda's again they aren't anything to do with the best interest of this country and its people, mind theres sod all choice to vote for one or the other or is there? maybe just don't bother turning out too vote enmass, they are only going to tell you more or less what you want to hear,, once they got your vote, they gonna do exactly what benefits them, and the best of it is any changes you asked for are going too cost you more of your money , nice eh
So our only option is to do a guy fawkes and move to Ireland lol
As far as I can see, the only option is to opt out......you will be getting f****d in the arse whatever happens but at least you won't have asked for it ;)
I will go with better to have tried and failed than not tried at all ....sits better with me

I understand mate, but I reckon if I came round and knocked at your door every day and every time you opened the door you punched me in the gob..........after 20 or 30 years.......I'd stop knocking ! Lol

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Corbyn is in charge of his party cos no sane up and coming labourite would want any part in that job for next few years, its lost its routes altogether, its simply does not resemble the labour party as we think of it, socialism is dead as a door nail , has been for decades, they just a protest vote when the conservatives go too far fleecing us all,


the greed of the unions cost Labour its power and by the time they regained it the world had changed so much, The Conservatives are just what they always have been the aspiring upper ruling class toffs with a mix of middle class for show and the odd ethnic chucked in for pc effect but hey are what they always been ruthless snivelling self serving scum


the reckless spending and trail of debt gambling first on subprime mortgages in usa when we where flush ,(fetching a recession on us) then when busted for that, turn too starting playing extortion with the usa over in the middle east, (fetching terrorism too our streets) invading countries based on packs of lies, hunting for terrorists who where your new best mates dads best friends, all shady deals and speculation, that's not the sort of behaviour you would expect from socialists now is it ,Blair was more conservative than May would ever be, he is also a war criminal, no better than Osama Bin laden or Saddam Hussien, Gadhafi,


truth is they locked into America and its wider aims interests whoever is in charge, so its really all about who is really in charge of America and what their personal/global agenda is here we go nest , it all comes down to money at the end of the day I guess, and yea the wars and corruption will continue, cos its profitable and serves some's agendas really well, financially it makes a lot more sense than peace, more so if your also the one providing all the weapons and ammunition to both sides, and also the high interest loans to finance the purchase of them too, hell it would even be better and more profitable if all the laws and political decisions went your way too, all as you would need to do is bride a few politicians maybe eh? oh hang on a minute :laugh: ,

Edited by arcticgun
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  On 22/04/2017 at 23:57, WILF said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 20:36, kanny said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 20:24, WILF said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 20:14, kanny said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 20:07, arcticgun said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 19:50, kanny said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 19:42, BGD said:

If you liked Tony Blair and New Labour vote Conservative because that's what May is a continuation of ;)

How's that then?
  On 22/04/2017 at 19:50, kanny said:


  On 22/04/2017 at 19:42, BGD said:

If you liked Tony Blair and New Labour vote Conservative because that's what May is a continuation of ;)

How's that then?
because at the very least the one thing they do have in common is that they don't give a toss about the likes of you and me, they have seniors whom they answer to and they aren't the general public of this country, they have agenda's again they aren't anything to do with the best interest of this country and its people, mind theres sod all choice to vote for one or the other or is there? maybe just don't bother turning out too vote enmass, they are only going to tell you more or less what you want to hear,, once they got your vote, they gonna do exactly what benefits them, and the best of it is any changes you asked for are going too cost you more of your money , nice eh
So our only option is to do a guy fawkes and move to Ireland lol
As far as I can see, the only option is to opt out......you will be getting f****d in the arse whatever happens but at least you won't have asked for it ;)
I will go with better to have tried and failed than not tried at all ....sits better with me

I understand mate, but I reckon if I came round and knocked at your door every day and every time you opened the door you punched me in the gob..........after 20 or 30 years.......I'd stop knocking ! Lol


shame the average brit don't think the same,, we could all have it so much better if we just cared enough or where allowed time too

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I got called a scab and a traitor to my class the other day what with being an ex miner not to my face might I ad because I am not supporting Corbyn and the labour party lol .Though the only answer he could give me to this link was it was right wing bile from the BNP this was also a union man lol https://rotherhampolitics.wordpress.com/2017/04/23/can-the-labour-mps-be-trusted/

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