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Le Pen & The French Elections

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Very good BGD :laugh::laugh:


When I was a kid I was a Guardian reading leftie, I even voted for Bliar much as it pains me to admit. I'm not sure if I even voted for anyone when he was elected for his second term, but I discovered UKIP and dabbled with all kind of ideas, Farage was a Libertarian as was Bloom and I listened to what they said and quite agreed with their principles but I didn't vote UKIP for libertarianism and UKIP stopped being libertarian when they geared up for a serious stab at gaining MPs.


At the end of the day libertarianism is a nice idea but it is not going to work in the world as we have today it is as pie in the sky as people who think they're going to get communism.


As I've said before I think a modern nationalist party which would ensure pensions, health services and other government help is far more viable and I would hope that if it was created it would attract people from the left and right if done right.


UKIP tried it but you cannot go from Libertarian and small c conservative to left of centre overnight, it just doesn't work. I remember the horror of many old school kippers when they listened to Louise Bours talk about working with Len Mccluskey lol


Edit when Bliar ran for his second term I may have tactically voted Lib Dums, it was a major Labour stronghold and voting for anyone other than Labour was basically a waste of time

You think that's bad a Guardian reading lefty I was once for a very brief wile a member of the socialist workers party lol how fekin sad is that.The organisation thought all their birthdays had come at once a genuine working man joining them.lol

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I hope she wins and wins easily. I look forward to the days we will be looking back on these times discussing corrupt politics and crazy immigration policy as something we can never ever let happen ag

Partly to blame then....no one should die or be raped by those animals but if its going to happen then let it happen to those who welcome them with open arms

the world is slowly waking up too the fact its been lied too and played, mainstream media is unreliable not to be trusted its far too tainted, the censoring of 4chan says it all,

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When it comes to politics in my opinion it's just a complete waste of time.

The system is so fecked, there are so many people who still think voting labour or Tory is the way to make things better despite all the evidence, there are so many vested interests that to break the thing down is a task of gargantuan proportions.........worrying about it as an individual is like trying to flatten Everest with a toothpick......you will drive yourself mad and then die without ever having achieved anything that anyone would notice.


Because let's be frank, if someone holds a beleife not much is going to convince them otherwise........there will always be millions voting for the thing that some other bloke thinks is stupid.


I took the view that if it really sits badly with you then remove yourself to a place where it can't touch you and let the world turn........it will either get better or it won't but either way you won't die giving a shit about it.

Problem solved!

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When it comes to politics in my opinion it's just a complete waste of time.


I used to think that too, then I saw the results of the recent US election! I do think democracy is alive and well, in the world and the youth of today are going to be the most active.

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When it comes to politics in my opinion it's just a complete waste of time.


I used to think that too, then I saw the results of the recent US election! I do think democracy is alive and well, in the world and the youth of today are going to be the most active.

The idealist in me would like to think so mate......the cynic thinks not ;)

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When it comes to politics in my opinion it's just a complete waste of time.

The system is so fecked, there are so many people who still think voting labour or Tory is the way to make things better despite all the evidence, there are so many vested interests that to break the thing down is a task of gargantuan proportions.........worrying about it as an individual is like trying to flatten Everest with a toothpick......you will drive yourself mad and then die without ever having achieved anything that anyone would notice.


Because let's be frank, if someone holds a beleife not much is going to convince them otherwise........there will always be millions voting for the thing that some other bloke thinks is stupid.


I took the view that if it really sits badly with you then remove yourself to a place where it can't touch you and let the world turn........it will either get better or it won't but either way you won't die giving a shit about it.

Problem solved!


I think that eventually in some European countries politics and democracy will fail, nothing is impossible including some kind of civil unrest leading to civil war or even military coups. Today that seems unlikely but every time they vote in people who keep bring more pain & unemployment, mass 3rd world immigration and terrorism they just go further down the rabbit hole.


It all comes down to how people think the demographic changes will play out, when white native people get even closer to becoming minorities in some European countries and what is that going to be like? Or will they pull back from the brink and reverse this mess?


The UK getting out of the EU and aligning with the US is probably going to insulate us, we will continue to have more prosperity which will keep people happy so there is very little chance of any unrest here, the demographic shift is still going to be a concern though.


Politics does feel like a waste of time though, people are brainwashed, apparently wanting a future for OUR children in OUR countries is somehow unpalatable which I find strange because for the entire of human existence it has been at the core of nationhood.

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Said it for a long time mate, they have not learned the lessons of history when it comes to abusing the indigenous people of proud countries with rich history...........its how Hitler came to power and you could well see it again.

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Said it for a long time mate, they have not learned the lessons of history when it comes to abusing the indigenous people of proud countries with rich history...........its how Hitler came to power and you could well see it again.


An economic collapse would cause something like that for sure, people would be wishing they had someone 'moderate' like Le Pen if things do get bad.


It all comes down to one thing, will the Euro survive the next recession or will it cause chaos. I don't think the European banks have learned from their lessons yet unlike the American banks which have been through crisis after crisis. I think that some of the PIGS are going to have to leave the Euro especially Greece which are in a very powerful position, if I owe you £100 that's my problem if I owe you billions that's your problem. Greece will never pay back it's debt which means someone has to take the hit.


P.S at the moment Stocks are at an all time high, house prices are at an all time high and borrowing is through the roof....where have we seen that before? It's a bubble.

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Nothing has changed from 2008 mate.......except the debt got bigger.

Same people Advising in the White House, same people advising at the ECB, same people in the LSE.......none of them will feel the pain and they know it.

If you walk away from Morgan Stanley with a $100 million handshake what can realisticly harm you?........f**k all, that's what.


People have very short f***ing memories mate........their attention span gos as far as the Audi on the drive ;)

Edited by WILF
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WILF I am glad that I will not be holding much in debt at the end of this year, in the mean time I am going to try and save what I can, the oil industry is especially sensitive to economic changes. At least if I am wrong I will have more cash in the bank lol


I reckon we'll see the beginning of a US recession by the end of 2017, it doesn't mean it will turn in to a global recession or crisis but there is every chance it could and the main victims will be the Europeans especially the Germans & followed by the Russians and Chinese. The UK should fair well because capital flight would send money from their markets in to ours and the US.


The Italian banking crisis barely gets a mention in the news but if you quickly google it you'll it is a major headache for the EU far far bigger than Greece's paltry 300 Billion.


I wish I understood this stuff better but to be honest most economists get it wrong so a wild guess is probably just as good

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Very good BGD :laugh::laugh:


When I was a kid I was a Guardian reading leftie, I even voted for Bliar much as it pains me to admit. I'm not sure if I even voted for anyone when he was elected for his second term, but I discovered UKIP and dabbled with all kind of ideas, Farage was a Libertarian as was Bloom and I listened to what they said and quite agreed with their principles but I didn't vote UKIP for libertarianism and UKIP stopped being libertarian when they geared up for a serious stab at gaining MPs.


At the end of the day libertarianism is a nice idea but it is not going to work in the world as we have today it is as pie in the sky as people who think they're going to get communism.


As I've said before I think a modern nationalist party which would ensure pensions, health services and other government help is far more viable and I would hope that if it was created it would attract people from the left and right if done right.


UKIP tried it but you cannot go from Libertarian and small c conservative to left of centre overnight, it just doesn't work. I remember the horror of many old school kippers when they listened to Louise Bours talk about working with Len Mccluskey lol


Edit when Bliar ran for his second term I may have tactically voted Lib Dums, it was a major Labour stronghold and voting for anyone other than Labour was basically a waste of time

You think that's bad a Guardian reading lefty I was once for a very brief wile a member of the socialist workers party lol how fekin sad is that.The organisation thought all their birthdays had come at once a genuine working man joining them.lol


Yes funny these people who go on about 'the working man' have rarely done a proper days graft in there whole lives.

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Nothing has changed from 2008 mate.......except the debt got bigger.

Same people Advising in the White House, same people advising at the ECB, same people in the LSE.......none of them will feel the pain and they know it.

If you walk away from Morgan Stanley with a $100 million handshake what can realisticly harm you?........f**k all, that's what.


People have very short f***ing memories mate........their attention span gos as far as the Audi on the drive ;)

The Audi is normally leased, the people are mortgaged up to the eyeballs and they are about two months missed wage packets away from using food banks.

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Very good BGD :laugh::laugh:


When I was a kid I was a Guardian reading leftie, I even voted for Bliar much as it pains me to admit. I'm not sure if I even voted for anyone when he was elected for his second term, but I discovered UKIP and dabbled with all kind of ideas, Farage was a Libertarian as was Bloom and I listened to what they said and quite agreed with their principles but I didn't vote UKIP for libertarianism and UKIP stopped being libertarian when they geared up for a serious stab at gaining MPs.


At the end of the day libertarianism is a nice idea but it is not going to work in the world as we have today it is as pie in the sky as people who think they're going to get communism.


As I've said before I think a modern nationalist party which would ensure pensions, health services and other government help is far more viable and I would hope that if it was created it would attract people from the left and right if done right.


UKIP tried it but you cannot go from Libertarian and small c conservative to left of centre overnight, it just doesn't work. I remember the horror of many old school kippers when they listened to Louise Bours talk about working with Len Mccluskey lol


Edit when Bliar ran for his second term I may have tactically voted Lib Dums, it was a major Labour stronghold and voting for anyone other than Labour was basically a waste of time

You think that's bad a Guardian reading lefty I was once for a very brief wile a member of the socialist workers party lol how fekin sad is that.The organisation thought all their birthdays had come at once a genuine working man joining them.lol


Yes funny these people who go on about 'the working man' have rarely done a proper days graft in there whole lives.


Very true and when I told them I was an ex miner they must have creamed their drawers.The only one meeting I attended all 5 of us all they were banging on about was fekin Palistine and the plight of its people f**k all about Kashmirie child grooming gangs operating in the town.

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Very good BGD :laugh::laugh:


When I was a kid I was a Guardian reading leftie, I even voted for Bliar much as it pains me to admit. I'm not sure if I even voted for anyone when he was elected for his second term, but I discovered UKIP and dabbled with all kind of ideas, Farage was a Libertarian as was Bloom and I listened to what they said and quite agreed with their principles but I didn't vote UKIP for libertarianism and UKIP stopped being libertarian when they geared up for a serious stab at gaining MPs.


At the end of the day libertarianism is a nice idea but it is not going to work in the world as we have today it is as pie in the sky as people who think they're going to get communism.


As I've said before I think a modern nationalist party which would ensure pensions, health services and other government help is far more viable and I would hope that if it was created it would attract people from the left and right if done right.


UKIP tried it but you cannot go from Libertarian and small c conservative to left of centre overnight, it just doesn't work. I remember the horror of many old school kippers when they listened to Louise Bours talk about working with Len Mccluskey lol


Edit when Bliar ran for his second term I may have tactically voted Lib Dums, it was a major Labour stronghold and voting for anyone other than Labour was basically a waste of time

You think that's bad a Guardian reading lefty I was once for a very brief wile a member of the socialist workers party lol how fekin sad is that.The organisation thought all their birthdays had come at once a genuine working man joining them.lol


Yes funny these people who go on about 'the working man' have rarely done a proper days graft in there whole lives.


Very true and when I told them I was an ex miner they must have creamed their drawers.The only one meeting I attended all 5 of us all they were banging on about was fekin Palistine and the plight of its people f**k all about Kashmirie child grooming gangs operating in the town.


They are beyond satire :D


In fact the majority are emotionally damaged individuals.

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