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A Trip Out With The Wonky Imp

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After looking on here at other people's trips and pics I thaught it was about time to put a post on of a hunting trip.


I grabbed the wonky imp (and my usual 20 bore) my plan was to mainly practice with the 99 and try to just use that. I headed up to my faveroute perms. Its 2 farms next door to each other in north yorkshire...




Its a wonderful place and been coming here for very many years. Theres lots of wild life to see, today a couple of deer bolted in the woods and there's load of birds of prey. If you leave anything out to pick up on your way back it's often missing or a carpet of feathers!


Today I made an effort to do a bit of sub 12 airgun hunting which I never do (I mainly plink and odd trip to the range with sub 12 airguns) . After a few hours messing about and getting my holdover right I headed into the woods and got sat down near some sitty trees. After an hour I managed a couple of woodies and missed 1 (was tricky threading shots through them twigs)


I took my usual 20 bore with me as well. I was concentrating on getting used to the airgun but braught the shotgun with me for when I'm wandering about incase anything bolts. It was a great combo I hardly noticed I had the 99 on my back until it touched a twig or branch while wandering.


Theese 2 farms I ferret hard through the winter and in spring its thin pickings for the bunnies but today there was quite a few about by a lane. I can't ferret it as the hedge backs onto a lane and I can't use fac/sgc as it's not safe. This is the spot I hot legged out at....




Its full of holes the lentgh of 2 fields and provided lots of sport with sub 12 rifles over the years. I waited about 40 mins and out popped 2 rabbits together. I shot the 1st one near the hole with a perfect headshot and over it went. The other jumped and sat upright so I sneekily loaded the 99 again and it shot off back down the hole with the one I shot kicking and following it. I run over but it was out of sight. The hole dropped away steeply. I had to ho home after that so i but I'll be back soon and will have a day at them.


Here's the small bag I finished with...




A modest bag but spent most of the day pellet testing and pinking. I really love this 99 and look forwards to getting out with it soon! Iv got a target card of a 30 yard 10 shot group in my jacket I'll get it out soon and stick a pic up.

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Cheers guys!


This was with purple wasps....




(Edit iv lost the 30yard card I think this was bout 25 yards)


Also saw my first white phesant, and had the usual chat with the farmer - he is a real charecter! Seeing him is all part of going there catching up with him is great. And as usual he left me eggs on my bonnet for when I return.

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