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I would like to think that there are big cats living and breeding in the UK


But what happens when socks views the footage.

He ain't no big cat expert as far as I know.im not knocking him at all

But socks will come on here and say.

I've just viewed the footage and I'm convinced that it confirms that Greyman has indeed got footage of big cats..

Then people will question socks on his knowledge and experience of big cats which is nil.

And say how can a lurcher man verify that it's real 100% evidence.

It's just going to go around in circles I think.

Greyman have you been in touch with big cat experts around the world.

There's African big cat documentarys on tv.

Where the film makers man and wife have spent 30+yrs living in Africa filming nearly every day.i would think they can say yes or no to the footage.

Socks isn't a world wide authority on big cats.

He's a lurcher man who catches rabbits for a living.

You might aswell show it to a doctor or a Plummer or dentist.

Like I said I'm not knocking socks.

But he can't make a yes or no decision.

On the subject.

Your right mate I'm not an expert but I have seen numerous big cats in their natural environment including lions cheetahs leapords lynx jaguar and mountain lion and if the footage is decent I don't think you need to be a big cat expert we all know the difference between a big moggy and a real predator .......

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Well I just met up with greyman and seen the footage he has and here is my verdict .......   As far as I'm concerned I was looking at a video of a young mountain lion type big cat ... the video is o

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I would like to think that there are big cats living and breeding in the UK


But what happens when socks views the footage.

He ain't no big cat expert as far as I know.im not knocking him at all

But socks will come on here and say.

I've just viewed the footage and I'm convinced that it confirms that Greyman has indeed got footage of big cats..

Then people will question socks on his knowledge and experience of big cats which is nil.

And say how can a lurcher man verify that it's real 100% evidence.

It's just going to go around in circles I think.

Greyman have you been in touch with big cat experts around the world.

There's African big cat documentarys on tv.

Where the film makers man and wife have spent 30+yrs living in Africa filming nearly every day.i would think they can say yes or no to the footage.

Socks isn't a world wide authority on big cats.

He's a lurcher man who catches rabbits for a living.

You might aswell show it to a doctor or a Plummer or dentist.

Like I said I'm not knocking socks.

But he can't make a yes or no decision.

On the subject.


spot on mate,,,,he cant tel the difrence between a lurcher and a whippet.... :D

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I would like to think that there are big cats living and breeding in the UK


But what happens when socks views the footage.

He ain't no big cat expert as far as I know.im not knocking him at all

But socks will come on here and say.

I've just viewed the footage and I'm convinced that it confirms that Greyman has indeed got footage of big cats..

Then people will question socks on his knowledge and experience of big cats which is nil.

And say how can a lurcher man verify that it's real 100% evidence.

It's just going to go around in circles I think.

Greyman have you been in touch with big cat experts around the world.

There's African big cat documentarys on tv.

Where the film makers man and wife have spent 30+yrs living in Africa filming nearly every day.i would think they can say yes or no to the footage.

Socks isn't a world wide authority on big cats.

He's a lurcher man who catches rabbits for a living.

You might aswell show it to a doctor or a Plummer or dentist.

Like I said I'm not knocking socks.

But he can't make a yes or no decision.

On the subject.


spot on mate,,,,he cant tel the difrence between a lurcher and a whippet.... :D

Stand them both in a cold wet field and you know the difference straight away .......

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I would like to think that there are big cats living and breeding in the UK


But what happens when socks views the footage.

He ain't no big cat expert as far as I know.im not knocking him at all

But socks will come on here and say.

I've just viewed the footage and I'm convinced that it confirms that Greyman has indeed got footage of big cats..

Then people will question socks on his knowledge and experience of big cats which is nil.

And say how can a lurcher man verify that it's real 100% evidence.

It's just going to go around in circles I think.

Greyman have you been in touch with big cat experts around the world.

There's African big cat documentarys on tv.

Where the film makers man and wife have spent 30+yrs living in Africa filming nearly every day.i would think they can say yes or no to the footage.

Socks isn't a world wide authority on big cats.

He's a lurcher man who catches rabbits for a living.

You might aswell show it to a doctor or a Plummer or dentist.

Like I said I'm not knocking socks.

But he can't make a yes or no decision.

On the subject.

Your right mate I'm not an expert but I have seen numerous big cats in their natural environment including lions cheetahs leapords lynx jaguar and mountain lion and if the footage is decent I don't think you need to be a big cat expert we all know the difference between a big moggy and a real predator .......

That's fair enough socks.

I was under the impression that you haven't even seen a big cat in the wild apart from a zoo.

Be interesting to see what you think then.

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I would like to think that there are big cats living and breeding in the UK


But what happens when socks views the footage.

He ain't no big cat expert as far as I know.im not knocking him at all

But socks will come on here and say.

I've just viewed the footage and I'm convinced that it confirms that Greyman has indeed got footage of big cats..

Then people will question socks on his knowledge and experience of big cats which is nil.

And say how can a lurcher man verify that it's real 100% evidence.

It's just going to go around in circles I think.

Greyman have you been in touch with big cat experts around the world.

There's African big cat documentarys on tv.

Where the film makers man and wife have spent 30+yrs living in Africa filming nearly every day.i would think they can say yes or no to the footage.

Socks isn't a world wide authority on big cats.

He's a lurcher man who catches rabbits for a living.

You might aswell show it to a doctor or a Plummer or dentist.

Like I said I'm not knocking socks.

But he can't make a yes or no decision.

On the subject.


spot on mate,,,,he cant tel the difrence between a lurcher and a whippet.... :D

Hey tomo you've heard of kennel blind.

Socks must be suffering from the very rare.

Whippet blind syndrome lol.

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I would like to think that there are big cats living and breeding in the UK


But what happens when socks views the footage.

He ain't no big cat expert as far as I know.im not knocking him at all

But socks will come on here and say.

I've just viewed the footage and I'm convinced that it confirms that Greyman has indeed got footage of big cats..

Then people will question socks on his knowledge and experience of big cats which is nil.

And say how can a lurcher man verify that it's real 100% evidence.

It's just going to go around in circles I think.

Greyman have you been in touch with big cat experts around the world.

There's African big cat documentarys on tv.

Where the film makers man and wife have spent 30+yrs living in Africa filming nearly every day.i would think they can say yes or no to the footage.

Socks isn't a world wide authority on big cats.

He's a lurcher man who catches rabbits for a living.

You might aswell show it to a doctor or a Plummer or dentist.

Like I said I'm not knocking socks.

But he can't make a yes or no decision.

On the subject.

mate I,m a fairly illiterate man and I do know my own limitations, I,m pretty decent at the tracking and finding signs in the field side of things, but the photo analysts and biologists with letters behind there names are the people I send my stuff to for there opinions, the footage I have is currently on its way to Montana to be looked at by people that have spent years studying mountain lions, there is a convention held there every few years with experts from all over the world, so although I am not an expert in anything and don't even have a GCSE, I am 100 percent looking for the truth and want my photo studied by people that know what they are talking about, I have plenty of emails from these people confirming what is on my camera and when I meet socks I will produce a full case including the emails I receive and the photos I have, I never set out to prove anything to anyone and don't really care what others think, socks seems a genuine bloke and hopefully we will have a nice little lunch and a chat, what ever he says is the end of it for me and hopefully he won't become the target of the fools, it's quite funny that I don't care and socks has nothing to prove yet we are both giving up our time for people that just want to find fault and actually contribute very little in the overall scheme of things, but that's life I guess, one person actually gets off there arse and does something and twenty others sit in a chair and tell them were they have gone wrong, interestingly I think socks was probably the only one to put a photo of a wallaby up when asked instead of just reproducing someone else's work from the net, rather telling I think
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I would like to think that there are big cats living and breeding in the UK


But what happens when socks views the footage.

He ain't no big cat expert as far as I know.im not knocking him at all

But socks will come on here and say.

I've just viewed the footage and I'm convinced that it confirms that Greyman has indeed got footage of big cats..

Then people will question socks on his knowledge and experience of big cats which is nil.

And say how can a lurcher man verify that it's real 100% evidence.

It's just going to go around in circles I think.

Greyman have you been in touch with big cat experts around the world.

There's African big cat documentarys on tv.

Where the film makers man and wife have spent 30+yrs living in Africa filming nearly every day.i would think they can say yes or no to the footage.

Socks isn't a world wide authority on big cats.

He's a lurcher man who catches rabbits for a living.

You might aswell show it to a doctor or a Plummer or dentist.

Like I said I'm not knocking socks.

But he can't make a yes or no decision.

On the subject.

Your right mate I'm not an expert but I have seen numerous big cats in their natural environment including lions cheetahs leapords lynx jaguar and mountain lion and if the footage is decent I don't think you need to be a big cat expert we all know the difference between a big moggy and a real predator .......

That's fair enough socks.

I was under the impression that you haven't even seen a big cat in the wild apart from a zoo.

Be interesting to see what you think then.

I spent four months in Kenya and seen big cats on a daily basis and I've been to Canada and Belize numerous times and whilst more difficult to see I did see big cats in both places ... I also witnessed a grizzly that was to close for comfort but that's another story ........

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Your dedication is admireable mate and although I've been a bit negative in places I am certain you will get closure one way or the other .After socks has viewed the pic will you put it up for the world to see or keep it to yourself mate .

From what i can gather he won't be releasing it until he's got foolproof evidence . That was my reading of it

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What socks will do I'm sure is put down any doubt that it is any commen species we see here regular .no one's expecting a conformation it's a cat of the large variety I'm sure but that would be nice .

Is certainly would be good.

And if there are big cats there living and breeding.

That there left to be.

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What socks will do I'm sure is put down any doubt that it is any commen species we see here regular .no one's expecting a conformation it's a cat of the large variety I'm sure but that would be nice .

Is certainly would be good.

And if there are big cats there living and breeding.

That there left to be.

if it's proves their wild and breeding I'd imagine they will all be dead in a decade . To many people would want to kill them
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Now I have never met socks or grey man but they both seem decent men to me. I see that certain people are already questioning socks integrity or knowledge saying he is no big cats expert. In that casense I am prepared to ask a friend of mine who has over 25 years experience working with big cats and other exotics in captivity as well as being a qualified zoologist to give an opinion. Would this satisfy everybody? And of course if greyman is prepared to send the footage on trust

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I would like to think that there are big cats living and breeding in the UK


But what happens when socks views the footage.

He ain't no big cat expert as far as I know.im not knocking him at all

But socks will come on here and say.

I've just viewed the footage and I'm convinced that it confirms that Greyman has indeed got footage of big cats..

Then people will question socks on his knowledge and experience of big cats which is nil.

And say how can a lurcher man verify that it's real 100% evidence.

It's just going to go around in circles I think.

Greyman have you been in touch with big cat experts around the world.

There's African big cat documentarys on tv.

Where the film makers man and wife have spent 30+yrs living in Africa filming nearly every day.i would think they can say yes or no to the footage.

Socks isn't a world wide authority on big cats.

He's a lurcher man who catches rabbits for a living.

You might aswell show it to a doctor or a Plummer or dentist.

Like I said I'm not knocking socks.

But he can't make a yes or no decision.

On the subject.

Your right mate I'm not an expert but I have seen numerous big cats in their natural environment including lions cheetahs leapords lynx jaguar and mountain lion and if the footage is decent I don't think you need to be a big cat expert we all know the difference between a big moggy and a real predator .......

That's fair enough socks.

I was under the impression that you haven't even seen a big cat in the wild apart from a zoo.

Be interesting to see what you think then.

I spent four months in Kenya and seen big cats on a daily basis and I've been to Canada and Belize numerous times and whilst more difficult to see I did see big cats in both places ... I also witnessed a grizzly that was to close for comfort but that's another story ........






I would like to think that there are big cats living and breeding in the UK


But what happens when socks views the footage.

He ain't no big cat expert as far as I know.im not knocking him at all

But socks will come on here and say.

I've just viewed the footage and I'm convinced that it confirms that Greyman has indeed got footage of big cats..

Then people will question socks on his knowledge and experience of big cats which is nil.

And say how can a lurcher man verify that it's real 100% evidence.

It's just going to go around in circles I think.

Greyman have you been in touch with big cat experts around the world.

There's African big cat documentarys on tv.

Where the film makers man and wife have spent 30+yrs living in Africa filming nearly every day.i would think they can say yes or no to the footage.

Socks isn't a world wide authority on big cats.

He's a lurcher man who catches rabbits for a living.

You might aswell show it to a doctor or a Plummer or dentist.

Like I said I'm not knocking socks.

But he can't make a yes or no decision.

On the subject.

Your right mate I'm not an expert but I have seen numerous big cats in their natural environment including lions cheetahs leapords lynx jaguar and mountain lion and if the footage is decent I don't think you need to be a big cat expert we all know the difference between a big moggy and a real predator .......

That's fair enough socks.

I was under the impression that you haven't even seen a big cat in the wild apart from a zoo.

Be interesting to see what you think then.

I spent four months in Kenya and seen big cats on a daily basis and I've been to Canada and Belize numerous times and whilst more difficult to see I did see big cats in both places ... I also witnessed a grizzly that was to close for comfort but that's another story ........


Hi Socks

did you see a Cougar while you was in canada ? I lived out there for 7 years and never managed to see one LOL

but there wasnt that many around were i lived, it was a bit to far north of there range. there was a lot of Lynx though

I did hunt down in southern bc near vancouver with a friend, and tried calling over fresh tracks but no luck

cheers Dan

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