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Well I just met up with greyman and seen the footage he has and here is my verdict .......   As far as I'm concerned I was looking at a video of a young mountain lion type big cat ... the video is o

Not just big cats we have roaming the countryside in the UK, we've got some big primates also. Managed to capture this image of a mountain gorilla in a secret location in the Scottish highlands just a

Id like to thank socks, had a lovely drive up saw my first hare of the year and also a red kite on the way back, met a decent like minded bloke that has certainly had many years experience and knows h

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Some serious specimens aint there, i know lots try make lions, wolfs bear an even boar bigger in some pics, but cant deny there are some monsters out there

To right I didn't think they were half that size.

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This is no disrespect to anyone who beliefs in big cats uk I just think it's crazy to belief cats which got the potential to reach those sizes are hiding in such a small crowed place like the uk and never get seen moving hundreds of miles across main motorways and other busy areas I think there's a lot if thaw bengal cats about and that's what people see sometimes and not disputing the cases of people releasing them in past or escaping but imo they ain't still out there my question to socks is now you have seen this photo video grey man produced has it made you think they are out there or not


Also greyman glad you are dedicated To it and here's to hoping you can finally come up with something to get concrete evedence as your clearly very interested good luck to youv

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a puma will easy eat 30lbs in one meal. remember these creatures will only kill maybe every 1-2 weeks in the wild so need to make the most of whatever they catch. if they dont eat it all in one go there are plenty of other animals that will come i the meantime

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This is no disrespect to anyone who beliefs in big cats uk I just think it's crazy to belief cats which got the potential to reach those sizes are hiding in such a small crowed place like the uk and never get seen moving hundreds of miles across main motorways and other busy areas I think there's a lot if thaw bengal cats about and that's what people see sometimes and not disputing the cases of people releasing them in past or escaping but imo they ain't still out there my question to socks is now you have seen this photo video grey man produced has it made you think they are out there or not

Also greyman glad you are dedicated To it and here's to hoping you can finally come up with something to get concrete evedence as your clearly very interested good luck to youv

the funny thing is Cush the area you spend a lot of your time in is one of the richest area,s in the country, I get reports from Gloucester to Somerset from various people and have even had a guy confess to releasing a few in the area back in the early 80s, the thing people don't really get is that even in country,s were we know they excist they are bloody hard to find in Rajasthan they have just got a drone with thermal imaging camera on to count the native population of cats as its impossible to find them, I think withing a few years we will have something like that to use and the mystery will be blown wide open, the police have lots of footage from the helicopter and cctv but choose to keep it under wraps, someone else has mentioned DNA I do carry a swabbing kit with me but since I had it I have not found a fresh carcass to test it on, Sod's law, plus it's not as easy as they make it look on crime watch, to get DNA from something out in the elements, dental markings are much more effective due to the distinct marks the carnasal teeth leave on the bones it's almost like plugging a three pin plug into a socket, it's the back teeth of the cat that they use to cut through the animal very distinct and not likely to be anything else other than a feline
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I saw a stripped out bobcat carcass, last night, while I was out with the dogs. It looks like it's been killed, and partially consumed by another cat. If it's still there when I walk the dogs, later, I'll snag a picture.



The fresh carcass has gone. Scavenged by everything else, by the looks of it. There is another older one but I doubt anyone would want to see a picture of that! :laugh: Found a load of dead hares, too, that have been shot and dumped. :no:


The good news is that it appears last year's mating ospreys have returned to their nest site.

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Following your pic greyman does this mean this is a big cat kill too .Grass flattened for roughly 5 yards all around it. Never checked for teeth marks .

it's a bit of a tall order to confirm from a pair of legs, but at this time of year the grass around often tells a bit of a tale, if you look on the bones you may be able to see small sets of three holes set out like the pins on a plug in a triangle, these are tooth pits and are as good as DNA because if you have a jaw or toothe from a cat it plugs into the three holes, the same teeth also leave a W shaped cut on the end of any bone that's been cut right through like the ribs which normally seem to be eaten close to the spine to open up the chest cavity, look for the tooth pits if it's still there when you next pass it and try to get a pic you never know you could go from sceptic to researcher in one foul swoop
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This is no disrespect to anyone who beliefs in big cats uk I just think it's crazy to belief cats which got the potential to reach those sizes are hiding in such a small crowed place like the uk and never get seen moving hundreds of miles across main motorways and other busy areas I think there's a lot if thaw bengal cats about and that's what people see sometimes and not disputing the cases of people releasing them in past or escaping but imo they ain't still out there my question to socks is now you have seen this photo video grey man produced has it made you think they are out there or not

Also greyman glad you are dedicated To it and here's to hoping you can finally come up with something to get concrete evedence as your clearly very interested good luck to youv

in country,s were we know they excist they are bloody hard to find in Rajasthan they have just got a drone with thermal imaging camera on to count the native population of cats as its impossible to find them,

I have been to rajasthan a few times,its not impossible to find them if you really want to see a leopard in rajasthan there are several companies that will take you out and you have a high percentage of chance seeing one,thats why the companies have sprung up,its a desert state,mainly scrub in the areas I went,the companies tend to concentrate their sightings near rocky areas where the leopards den up.

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