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The problem with the antis is that they allow blinkered emotions take over from rational common sense! They never considered what happens when foxhunting is banned. Everyone accepts that foxes are pes

I don't get what people get from doing this type of shooting. There's no field craft needed what so ever. It really sickens me to think lads can call this sport just wiping out populations of Fox.

IMO it's a step to far. It's one thing controlling foxes by taking out the potential trouble makers but these gadgets could potentially make the fox a rare species. Sadly the days where field craft w

Forget lamping, infra red etc. Thermal is now king and far far superior. First seen it a few year back and was amazed but my heart sank thinking of the future.There are lads who aint seen a thing for weeks in the beam then 1st night with thermal are shooting 3s 4s and more.Nothing knows your there, nothing gets shy, and real easy to use. I'm no shooting man but have nothing against it however as ive said before thermal will be the ruin of the fox population. No matter how many you think there are it aint a bottomless pit.

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  On 15/04/2017 at 18:22, Rabbit Hunter said:

I've only ever had a look through one during the day and you could see all sorts that you couldnt see with the naked eye.

Some boys are using them at dawn/dusk as well as in the dark.Talking to a man with a gamefarm not long since. He has shot 40 odd xmas to end of Feb from his bedroom window 1st night 5. He was stakeing dead birds down n checking with thermal every half hour or so while watching tv.When he got to 40 odd he said there was nowt coming in anymore. This aint control or sport it is mass destruction.Seen it used on a few times and it was like those night scenes off tv. What you see is staggering. When you got the wind right hares n deer don't know you are there. This was a few year since today they are common amongst keepers etc. Very soon the undesirable dog n field driving boys will have em. Some already have.Police/ Military must have had some results with them.

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I reckon if anyone who knows anyone useing one an they starts giveing it the how many they shot with it just say ye but anyone could do that mate 40 with that thing not even impressive.


if it was on the lamp I'd think you know what your doing but that thing does all the work for you might aswell be sat on play station.


do you not like the test you wit an give your self a bit of a challenge or are you doing it to brag about numbers cause I'm not impressed .


Cause as soon as they say I got 40 with it an someone goes fairplay mate you must be good there ego will take over and they will think everyone thinks there amazing.


if they think everyone just thinks there just a prick they might think twice about useing it .

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  On 14/04/2017 at 11:54, Rabbit Hunter said:

The thermal imaging is a disgrace IMO. No guile, field craft or even a LAMP needed. The poor twats are shot in the dark with no chance. The lads with this gear are obliterating the job. Its not just foxes either, I know a lad that shot 70 odd hares in one night. Sitting ducks.

A Trigger Happy Hammerhead with this type of equipment could do some serious damage alright
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  On 15/04/2017 at 20:22, foxbolter said:

foxdropper were all twats but blabbing on our own is worse

The low lifes that leave deer dead in fields aint nothing to do with the life i know .Perhaps your one of them ,wouldnt surprise me .Im up front about everything ,are you .

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I've never seen or used thermal but is it any worse than up until lately the same lads giving out about it have for the last half century laced the countryside with poison and wiped out every carnivore, omnivore and bird of prey in their county. Lads ask how come bird of prey and pine Martin numbers have rocketed in the last 20 years? Well it's for no other reason than since setting poison has been made illegal most are afraid of a jail sentence if they,re caught setting it. Night vision has replaced strychnine.

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  On 15/04/2017 at 21:41, jiggy said:

I've never seen or used thermal but is it any worse than up until lately the same lads giving out about it have for the last half century laced the countryside with poison and wiped out every carnivore, omnivore and bird of prey in their county. Lads ask how come bird of prey and pine Martin numbers have rocketed in the last 20 years? Well it's for no other reason than since setting poison has been made illegal most are afraid of a jail sentence if they,re caught setting it. Night vision has replaced strychnine.

I really do believe that your comparison between night vision and strychnine is something we should be all aware of! There is definitely a lot of truth in that statement and I take my hat off to you!
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  On 15/04/2017 at 21:49, eastcoast said:

How ironic. No foxes, no hunting, no hounds, no terriers. Job done. They win.

What worries me is where Bucknell and his mob are going to go next to eradicate the fox as he has always maintained that fox shooting is his passion! The two books he has written did not once state about the total annihilation of Vulpes Vulpes! Can't ever see him ever writing a third book!
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