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The problem with the antis is that they allow blinkered emotions take over from rational common sense! They never considered what happens when foxhunting is banned. Everyone accepts that foxes are pes

I don't get what people get from doing this type of shooting. There's no field craft needed what so ever. It really sickens me to think lads can call this sport just wiping out populations of Fox.

IMO it's a step to far. It's one thing controlling foxes by taking out the potential trouble makers but these gadgets could potentially make the fox a rare species. Sadly the days where field craft w

& name like this is just writing articles for money, the passion they once had has been exchanged for the coin.


Controversy will sell, a lazy writer greedy for the coin will just become a controversial writer, the magazines can then print replies from readers and the lazy author can milk out an article or 2 more.


All the while your being told to buy shit you dont need..



Cynical me? nahhh never :angel:

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I know the land he is on about i do a couple of farms near by keeper on one told me they took 180 of that particular bit of ground last season complete wipe out had a fella over from Ireland we had to drive through part of London to pick up my mate for a days digging we seen 14 foxes in town he could not believe it we had 4 digs that day on way back as we hit the city we seen. Another 6 all urban here soon will only be strong holds in towns and cities

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The problem with the antis is that they allow blinkered emotions take over from rational common sense! They never considered what happens when foxhunting is banned. Everyone accepts that foxes are pests. And if you dont then you disagree with the very farming community that have managed the countryside since time began and whose livestock and livelyhoods are affected by these predators. Usually the problem foxes are injured, diseased or a vixen with cubs. These are the very foxes that are usually accounted for by hounds & terriers. While this removes the troublesome foxes it takes the pressure off the remaining population through less competition for food. Therefore they are less likely to cause problems. Never could or does a hunt wipeout or want to wipeout foxes completely. The natural balance is maintained! No other method can be as effective at targetting the problem foxes. Poison and traps/snares are not species specific ie. other species may also be killed. No marksman can kill 100% of the time. Therefore injured foxes can die a lingering death or become a worse pest due to that injury. No foxes live to see another day once caught by hounds! The antis have made life worse for the very animal they sought to protect. And into the bargain ruined a traditional fielsport that was the way of life for many and the heart of many rural communities. Less reason now for landowners to maintain covers and thick ditches that not only benefitted the foxes but all other wildlife! Same with the coursing. If there was poaching happening who were up at all hours protecting the hare, the local coursing community. Who does it now, definitely not the dreadlock waster of a hippe anti!! Muppets!!

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  On 14/04/2017 at 15:32, Onlyworkmatters said:

I hate a lot of shooters as much if not more than antis (which a lot of shooters are)

I have spoken to many rifle shooting guys who turn around and say they are against the hunting of foxes with dogs of any kind!! WTF
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There will always be places where it's not safe to use a gun,next to busy motorways,railway lines,back gardens etc-that's when the rifle brigade will be found lacking imo-let them all crack on-there will always be jobs for a good earth dog and good men on the banjo.plenty shooting from the roads around here indiscriminately leaving litters of cubs to starve-found a vixen in the week left in the feild, less than 100 yards away cubs on top calling out-who's the bigger cnut in the eyes of the law/public the knob who dropped the vixen from the road?or me for rounding them up and pts?not something I personally enjoy doing.atb dc

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  On 14/04/2017 at 14:58, kirstysdad said:

I know the land he is on about i do a couple of farms near by keeper on one told me they took 180 of that particular bit of ground last season complete wipe out had a fella over from Ireland we had to drive through part of London to pick up my mate for a days digging we seen 14 foxes in town he could not believe it we had 4 digs that day on way back as we hit the city we seen. Another 6 all urban here soon will only be strong holds in towns and cities

What keeper is that then? PM me ..Plenty of foxes in that area and I know of one litter about 500 yards from Roberts house .

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I reckon thermal is going to be our sports and the foxes down fall. That's just off the shooting men. When it comes down to the track suit n trainer brigades prices and it is coming down in price everything with four legs will be endangered. Hope I'm wrong.

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  On 14/04/2017 at 15:17, Kaizer Sozĕ said:

The problem with the antis is that they allow blinkered emotions take over from rational common sense! They never considered what happens when foxhunting is banned. Everyone accepts that foxes are pests. And if you dont then you disagree with the very farming community that have managed the countryside since time began and whose livestock and livelyhoods are affected by these predators. Usually the problem foxes are injured, diseased or a vixen with cubs. These are the very foxes that are usually accounted for by hounds & terriers. While this removes the troublesome foxes it takes the pressure off the remaining population through less competition for food. Therefore they are less likely to cause problems. Never could or does a hunt wipeout or want to wipeout foxes completely. The natural balance is maintained! No other method can be as effective at targetting the problem foxes. Poison and traps/snares are not species specific ie. other species may also be killed. No marksman can kill 100% of the time. Therefore injured foxes can die a lingering death or become a worse pest due to that injury. No foxes live to see another day once caught by hounds! The antis have made life worse for the very animal they sought to protect. And into the bargain ruined a traditional fielsport that was the way of life for many and the heart of many rural communities. Less reason now for landowners to maintain covers and thick ditches that not only benefitted the foxes but all other wildlife! Same with the coursing. If there was poaching happening who were up at all hours protecting the hare, the local coursing community. Who does it now, definitely not the dreadlock waster of a hippe anti!! Muppets!!

the local coursing community does more damage than anybody.lot of cnuts lifting hares not putting them back,ect.

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Things I'd love to ban,


Barbed wire,


Electric fencing,


Night vision and those who think it's hunting,


the use of trail cameras as a hunting aid,


But it aint going to happen.

One thing we have in our favour in Ireland compared to ye in Britain is small farms.

If you go to any large blocks of land in Ireland and go a few fields of the road the game is often a lot greener than that nearer the road. In Britain ye do a lot more lamping and hunting from quads and ATVs etc where as here you wouldn't get more than two or three fields with out having to go back to the road to come in again.

One thing that doesn't go hand in hand with the gadget geeks is walking. In other words hopefully quarry that keeps a field or two away from the road will be safe from the Night Nerds.

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growing sport the rifles sadly. I love the photos of the men standing with a pile of foxes spread out that they have shot in the matter of a hour and don't forget the gun which they are very proud of . give me a photo of a young lad who have walked the hills all day with is little terrier and had a three hour dig to finish the bond they have together beats any bond that can be had with a riffle.

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