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  On 13/04/2017 at 21:42, W. Katchum said:


  On 13/04/2017 at 21:36, bell said:


  On 13/04/2017 at 21:33, Phil Lloyd said:

:hmm:Seen plenty in The New Forest,..big old things.... My old dogs never made any impression on them ,..and in a way I was glad....Also walked into large Reds on Scottish Isles,...plus had a few runs, down in the West Country,...ugly girt feckers....more akin to Donkeys than Deer...

Can they be taken with lurchers that are committed to the task ?,...I believe they can.... :yes:

However,... it would not be a pretty sight,...sure, a buzz and a definite turn on, for them as needs it no doubt,...but,..the job would hold no interest for me.... :thumbs:

'More akin to donkeys'.....made me chuckle...atb
Iv said before on here but the wild uns up the lakes are like cross horses an goats haha iv seen em jump some serious leaps an almost go up vertical walls haha, some serious beasts

A couple weeks ago I was taking some sheep to the fell and spooked a few reds and they made easy work of jumping the DEER FENCE lol.

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Seen plenty in The New Forest,..big old things.... My old dogs never made any impression on them ,..and in a way I was glad.... Also walked into large Reds on Scottish Isles,...plus had a few runs,

In the past, I've caught plenty of Fallow Does and Pricketts with my roustabout curs,..but only a couple of fairish Bucks,...a wire fence, (and a deep ditch) helped out Big floppy old things,

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I always think because of the locale, the environs and the magnitude of the animal a typical red stag is in this day and age off the menu for a roustabout lurcher owner


I'm uneducated in the new forest paths and tread ways , however twice in my life I have have extracted injured men from the hills , once in the lakes and once in the Cairngorms ,


To Harry down hill and scree with a person reliant upon your strength and nous to get to the nearest car access is not a pleasant experience


Now to assume that a succcessful hunt on these creatures with a running dog requires strength physically, resourcefulness to pick the best route, equipment to haul, watchful over your dogs all in the need to avoid keepers walkers other hill people is stretching on the nigh on impossible


All for years later to stare at its stuffed cervid head above the mantle place remembering old gyp and Ben who took it that day ??


How many are that keen ?


Whereas the other rather less dignified option is to kill , snap and ditch?


Much easier but for me a pointless exercise where no one comes out smelling of roses


So In answer Andy, im afraid regardless of canine weaponry, id give best and try back

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Without doubt I'd say it has,can and will be done. Fences and terrain work as much in favour of the dog as it does the deer.

But dragging one of those from high on the fell or through bog , has me making excuses about my bad back :D

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Some one told me of a pup not 12 months old that took a stag hard to bileve single handed I now the man with the dog was on his Owen and only four foot tall and spoke with funny accent sed he had a small crane to get it in the truck.some tales get told on here lol

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I most certainly would slip, but I expect the result would be disappointing. But I do not have anywhere near the willpower nor the intelligence to stop myself having a go. Please lord let me witness at least once in my life a capable dog coursing something close to as magnificent as these stags!

Brilliant pictures, they must have been some sight for you holding the camera! Atvb

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  On 14/04/2017 at 10:16, D Lloyd said:

Some one told me of a pup not 12 months old that took a stag hard to bileve single handed I now the man with the dog was on his Owen and only four foot tall and spoke with funny accent sed he had a small crane to get it in the truck.some tales get told on here lol

Don't believe everything you hear in this game Dai,unless you seen it with your own eyes I'd take it with a pinch of salt fella

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  On 13/04/2017 at 22:41, stop.end said:


  On 13/04/2017 at 22:18, C.green said:


It's something I'd like to have a go at one day within the law of course even if it does take 2 dogs a fence and a lamp still some achievement. I reckon last thing I'd do is kill it though.

so why run it?

To see what I'm feeding. Got no probs with what anyone else would do but myself I'd have no probs breaking dogs off and letting him fight another day.

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I would do it if I could who wouldn't really it's got to be the ultimate creature for a lurcher men to have caught, but to say a dog can do it single handed is a bit far fetched really I would need to have seen it with my own eyes to believe it

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  On 14/04/2017 at 10:16, D Lloyd said:

Some one told me of a pup not 12 months old that took a stag hard to bileve single handed I now the man with the dog was on his Owen and only four foot tall and spoke with funny accent sed he had a small crane to get it in the truck.some tales get told on here lol

wanker! Lol
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