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I was given a Feinwerkbau sport k11 2.2 of a old fella down the road. It has laid in his garage for years, its not in to bad of condition considering. It has a pellet ceased in the barrel. Needs strip

Took the gun into a field to set scopes up, just got them done when a woody dropped in the tree behind me. Nailed it no bother, ferrets enjoyed it.  

Feck you asked the wrong question there   mark will be a long with the pics now :fool:   atvbjimmy :thumbs:

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Fair play that looks to be a pretty good condition example. :thumbs:


These air rifles set a high standard of excellence for hunting accuracy and power. I had one of the first Feinwerkbau Sport .22 rifles in the UK and it was a revelation after shooting and owning a number of solidly-built Webleys for some years before. The quality of these FWB Sport rifles is amazingly high for a rifle from the late 1970s.

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I got the pellet out no bother, i carefully put a bit of stainless welding wire down the barrel and it come out no bother. Barrel was very dirty. Used a pull through about 8 times to get it clean. It looks spotless now. Not fired it again yet. The barrel seems as if it may have a slight crack in it or it is just rust. I have cleaned it up a few times and it is in pretty good nick. It seems lighter than my 95k with is the one i like hunting with, i prefer it to my hw100.








I was thinking of maybe getting it tuned up, i got it free so would still be a cheap gun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well i had a go at stripping the gun down today. I wanted to have a look inside it then go from there. The piston seal was virtually non existent, broken down over time. No wonder it wouldn't move a pellet. I cleaned all the parts up. Now to decide if i should buy a new spring as well as a seal. Might buy one of them kits Mark put me onto. Also i believe there are other types of set ups you can put in them, could anyone shed any light on this please. I took a few pics as i went along but photobucket won't work tonight for some reason. I am pleased i tried it, wasn't as complicated as i thought it would be, hopefully get it back together the same. ATB.



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Give it all a good clean even in side the chamber


stick the piston in a drill and use some wet and dry 800grit but use it dry set the drill away and put the paper on the piston this will remove all the crap on the piston and start to polish it up


once this is done get some auto sol and a cloth place the auto sol on the piston and rub it all over then get a cloth and set the drill away and polish it with the cloth this will bring it to a high shine and will look like new,


use the same in side the air chamber as well wet and dry 800grit and then the auto sol on a cloth this time but dont take to much off with the wet and dry


find some thing that will fit in the drill and the chamber and use the drill to clean and polish the chamber


do the top hat the same way as the piston


polish the spring ends as well using the wet and dry place the wet and dry sheet on a flat service and rub the spring ends across it until you have a high shine then use the auto sol on a polishing wheel if you have one and polish both ends ,


this will reduce recoil and the cocking of the rifle will be nice and smooth with no noise just the click at the end of the cocking cycle.


hope this helps


and good on you for giving it a go your self


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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