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Truck Driven Into Crowd In Sweden.

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D.B halal has been forced on the masses to appease the few , schools are a typical example , Muslims will scream the house down with "Racist" taunts if there denied there demands and halal has benefit

Some of you lot think this conspiracy is so clever , how you see through it and no one else can , that Isis are a ghost force of Israelis   In a few years once it all comes out there are heroes who

The only reason i asked is because you and the other Muslim chap off here whos name escapes me always defend your faith and people which is fair enough we all do that.....but according to the Office f

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I wonder if the west made a zero involvement policy in wars in muslim countries.. and no financing, would terrorism completely stop in the west.


Because if terrorism continues then it means that its not western armies involvement thats causing .

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I wonder if the west made a zero involvement policy in wars in muslim countries.. and no financing, would terrorism completely stop in the west.


Because if terrorism continues then it means that its not western armies involvement thats causing .

You could give a Muslim all the money and land you could imagine and the fcuker would still find a way to cause trouble......

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Answer me this then.

They said for yrs that the satellites can see a fag packet size object on the earth's surface.

So how the feck can't they see this lot.



More importantly who paid for them, Toyota sales increased in Iraq from 6000 to 18000 from 2011 to 2013 and then back down to 13,000 the following year.



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Answer me this then.

They said for yrs that the satellites can see a fag packet size object on the earth's surface.

So how the feck can't they see this lot.attachicon.gifISIS-trucks.jpg


More importantly who paid for them, Toyota sales increased in Iraq from 6000 to 18000 from 2011 to 2013 and then back down to 13,000 the following year.



Someone is obviously supplying them.

Who.i don't know

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Stop blaming DB, stop blaming Muslims in general, stop blaming governments.....Look around you, look at yourself!


Don't vote lib/lab/con, don't buy halal, don't give money to Muslim businesses.....If everyone who is outraged played their part we could make a difference.

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Did you read the comments at the end of that? People are not happy with islam and deservedly so. What I want to know is why do people always compare anti islam sentiment to nazi Germany and not compare islam to nazi Germany. I think if you compare with an open mind you will find islam is actually much worse.
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Axum are you in support of Isis ?


Not a trick question just a yes or no will do.



I would put a bullet between their eyes..


They would kill me .. im not even considered muslim to them

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I like liberal laws and freedom of speech.. im not anti gay actually id defend their right of choice of sexuality.. with cartoonists who were drawing i would defend his right of expression .. anti islamic speechers i think they have every right to say what they want about islam.. we muslim have right to be offended but not violant or threatening.

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Did you read the comments at the end of that? People are not happy with islam and deservedly so. What I want to know is why do people always compare anti islam sentiment to nazi Germany and not compare islam to nazi Germany. I think if you compare with an open mind you will find islam is actually much worse.

No i didnt.. its a long page.. read most of it but not all.. didnt see comments

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