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Truck Driven Into Crowd In Sweden.

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Answer me this then.

They said for yrs that the satellites can see a fag packet size object on the earth's surface.

So how the feck can't they see this lot.


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D.B halal has been forced on the masses to appease the few , schools are a typical example , Muslims will scream the house down with "Racist" taunts if there denied there demands and halal has benefit

Some of you lot think this conspiracy is so clever , how you see through it and no one else can , that Isis are a ghost force of Israelis   In a few years once it all comes out there are heroes who

The only reason i asked is because you and the other Muslim chap off here whos name escapes me always defend your faith and people which is fair enough we all do that.....but according to the Office f

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  On 07/04/2017 at 19:48, lanesra said:

D.B halal has been forced on the masses to appease the few , schools are a typical example , Muslims will scream the house down with "Racist" taunts if there denied there demands and halal has benefited from that , it's a religious statement which should not be favoured in this country , certain schools took pork off the menu and I will tell you why , those making these decisions also realise they can use the race card if there challenged keeping Muslims happy but what they don't realise the more you bend for these people the more they will demand & there lies the problem . . Give an inch they'll take a mile !!

Your own Politicians changed the ball game not me I eat Halal its my concern no one elses so what you eat is no concern of mine just the same as Hunting with Dogs I do it because I choose to ,not because some one says I cant. As for giving an inch and taking a mile pretty much what the Brits did in the African states, Asia Palastine but oh thats OK because it was your country doing it. My Faith is mine to follow as I wish even Common law permits that to all as a basic freedom. If your Government dictates your freedoms thats your fault not mine or Islams. Edited by desertbred
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  On 07/04/2017 at 20:16, desertbred said:


  On 07/04/2017 at 19:48, lanesra said:

D.B halal has been forced on the masses to appease the few , schools are a typical example , Muslims will scream the house down with "Racist" taunts if there denied there demands and halal has benefited from that , it's a religious statement which should not be favoured in this country , certain schools took pork off the menu and I will tell you why , those making these decisions also realise they can use the race card if there challenged keeping Muslims happy but what they don't realise the more you bend for these people the more they will demand & there lies the problem . . Give an inch they'll take a mile !!

Your own Politicians changed the ball game not me I eat Halal its my concern no one elses so what you eat is no concern of mine just the same as Hunting with Dogs I do it because I choose to ,not because some one says I cant. As for giving an inch and taking a mile pretty much what the Brits did in the African states, Asia Palastine but oh thats OK because it was your country doing it. My Faith is mine to follow as I wish even Common law permits that to all as a basic freedom. If your Government dictates your freedoms thats your fault not mine or Islams.

You're at it again, "You started it first" bullshit. If Britain is so bad then why the fcuk are you here then?

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  On 07/04/2017 at 19:59, king said:

Answer me this then.

They said for yrs that the satellites can see a fag packet size object on the earth's surface.

So how the feck can't they see this lot.


I thought the same ,but a lot has to do with where the satalites are at specific times ,when they where watch Osama bin laden in that compound in Pakistan they had quite a small window of opportunity to actualy see him

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  On 07/04/2017 at 14:28, AXUM said:


  On 07/04/2017 at 14:10, kanny said:

More madness.. Rip the dead and and a quick recovery for the injured... Perpetraitor on the run

Just to add why Sweden?

Big muslim population




Last year They doubled their military presence in iraq to fight isis



Sweden set to double anti-Isis troops in Iraq



your point is????????????????????

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You're at it again, "You started it first" bullshit. If Britain is so bad then why the fcuk are you here then?



Told you you dont know your own Countries history you are thick as folks think.

Edited by desertbred
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  On 07/04/2017 at 20:16, desertbred said:


  On 07/04/2017 at 19:48, lanesra said:

D.B halal has been forced on the masses to appease the few , schools are a typical example , Muslims will scream the house down with "Racist" taunts if there denied there demands and halal has benefited from that , it's a religious statement which should not be favoured in this country , certain schools took pork off the menu and I will tell you why , those making these decisions also realise they can use the race card if there challenged keeping Muslims happy but what they don't realise the more you bend for these people the more they will demand & there lies the problem . . Give an inch they'll take a mile !!

Your own Politicians changed the ball game not me I eat Halal its my concern no one elses so what you eat is no concern of mine just the same as Hunting with Dogs I do it because I choose to ,not because some one says I cant. As for giving an inch and taking a mile pretty much what the Brits did in the African states, Asia Palastine but oh thats OK because it was your country doing it. My Faith is mine to follow as I wish even Common law permits that to all as a basic freedom. If your Government dictates your freedoms thats your fault not mine or Islams.
DB you'll notice I never blamed Islam or Muslims for the problem , I blame those bending over backwards to please Muslims , Politicians , local councils , schools etc but that bending over backwards has been abused , you can eat what you like but so should the rest of us and as I've said that ain't the case concerning us , if I went to a Muslim country I wouldn't be demanding / expecting bacon sarnies every morning as that would be plain stupid or taking the piss , and no it's not alright what my country does , but i / we can't be held responsible for what happened over the last 100yrs , and more recently by the same politicians who you now correctly say changed the ball game and not in a way that favours the British . . They've done what favours the ones who can't be classed as racist no matter who they do or say !!
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  On 07/04/2017 at 20:38, desertbred said:

You're at it again, "You started it first" bullshit. If Britain is so bad then why the fcuk are you here then?



Told you you dont know your own Countries history you are thick as folks think.

Oh but I do know my countries history unlike you imbacile. ?

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Some of you lot think this conspiracy is so clever , how you see through it and no one else can , that Isis are a ghost force of Israelis


In a few years once it all comes out there are heroes who you don't even know who are stopping these abominations day after day


You are a pawn in a game being played where the true players on one side are the same people wearing different hats


They will never win.


We will clean them out


What you don't understand is you just can't stick 10000 soldiers onto the ground


It doesn't work like that


It's a death knell once boots get deployed


But we will


And when we do, we will hit you like nothing you've seen


"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night cause rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"


Today my son was born, I don't want him to be raised in a world where he feels the need to have a rifle in his hand, I don't want him to be a soldier


We owe it to the future generations to put these gremlins back into their box asap

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Just to add your comment on "your faith" & common law permits that etc only seems to work in the western world , could you imagine how long any of us would last going to some Muslim country demanding "our basic British / Christian / Jewish rights" :) :) we'd be condemned immediately . . By are own leaders the same pathetic fukcers who grant you yours !!

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