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Yesterday i joined a small American hunting Forum , it was abit out of my league because it dealt with snaring hogs ,Wolves Deer ,Beaver, and Coyotes and my little picture of a couple of Leicestershire Bunnys did look a little out of place, whithin three hours i had over one hundred notifications , they wanted to know every thing , permits ,seasons , fur prices , recipes ,how the snares were made,what breed was my dog and did i know King Charles, i was good fun for a couple of hours, one chap asked if I had any more pictures, .........Ain't he in for a treat.

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  On 04/04/2017 at 12:06, micky said:

Yesterday i joined a small American hunting Forum , it was abit out of my league because it dealt with snaring hogs ,Wolves Deer ,Beaver, and Coyotes and my little picture of a couple of Leicestershire Bunnys did look a little out of place, whithin three hours i had over one hundred notifications , they wanted to know every thing , permits ,seasons , fur prices , recipes ,how the snares were made,what breed was my dog and did i know King Charles, i was good fun for a couple of hours, one chap asked if I had any more pictures, .........Ain't he in for a treat.

good stuff, mate ;) ,....i had a look in on some of the 'mole catching' groups, on 'facebook', for a while,...only for a 'nosey' (was never gonna stay long), i will tell you , they are very 'active', & plenty o posts,......but there was far too much, 'look how many ive caught', & 'how well ive done, here',.....type of thing, for me ? (looking for a 'pat on the back', & 'praise' , types),......they are also lucky to have , a few folk, who USED too, be on here ? (& one or two, who still are :bye: !), ....it was good 'catching up' , with them,.....(theres still that 'element' too, who are overly eager, to hand over ALL their 'advice & knowledge', gained over the years, to all the 'newbies', etc,....who want 'fast tracked' :yes: ,.....ha ha,....just my opinion, of course !)

Edited by earth-thrower
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It winds me up earth thrower , some of those molecatching groups where everyone is a "legend in their own head" so i avoid.

Im in one and only one pest control group on FB and can hand on heart say that 90% of them are seriously good pestys, much better than i am (Urban pest control), so i just keep adding my tuppence worth and try to learn as much as i can.

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@earth-thrower I know which ones you're talking about and you have to wonder at why the people are doing it

It's not out of the goodness of their heart

Daily questions from newly set up molers on how much to charge and how to catch

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Aye,...& " four today , off of here ",......"got seven from this place, thats it clear", "i got 34, from 'x' amount of traps"....etc etc ,....all expecting a 'well done',.. (endless photos of dead moles, of varying number ,...you soon get bored , of seeing ?,..& the SAME old 'enquiries' , from the newbies, answered, time & time again !) lol

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On another group, theres seems to be a sort of 'king' of 'pest control', type (well intentioned, no doubt ? lol) ,.....(in a very 'dodgy' choice , of 'country attire' ( its definitely not !), for his work,.... :huh: ),.....ach well, it takes all sorts, i suppose,....(im no one, to judge !)

Edited by earth-thrower
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Same thing everywhere mate, just gotta ignore it. This place is the same. Newbies asking the same questions, newbies telling everyone how to trap like a pro after catching two moles and a squirrel. Im guilty of putting up 'moles caught' pics up simply cos for five months of the year im virtually a full time mole trapper. Just gotta see through the bullshit i reckon. Haha

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  On 04/04/2017 at 20:14, trappa said:

Same thing everywhere mate, just gotta ignore it. This place is the same. Newbies asking the same questions, newbies telling everyone how to trap like a pro after catching two moles and a squirrel. Im guilty of putting up 'moles caught' pics up simply cos for five months of the year im virtually a full time mole trapper. Just gotta see through the bullshit i reckon. Haha

Aye, your right,....by the way, thats a bit different, that post you put up, mate (about the 'big tally' you had , over that time period ?),...genuinely, impressive achievement, and worthy, too post about ! :yes:

Edited by earth-thrower
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Lads, I dont get all this whinging about newbie's asking questions, and the photo thing.


Yea it's a little irritating when someone sticks up photo's for self praise. But it ain't the end of the world, is it! Once there's a story to go with the picture, or something beneficial to be gained from it, then it's fine in my book. If that's not the case, just ignore it. Those who stick them up will wonder why they got no likes or comments.


Newbie's asking the same questions. Well that would be peffectly natural, I'd say. Help them out, or don't bother. That's up to you.


Remember when that new (old) mole trap was first mentioned here. A lot of newbies to the Putangue, asked a lot of questions. None of you were told to Google it.


So just keep that in mind. The lot of us has benefited from free advise on here, and none of us has seen it all.

Edited by EDDIE B
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Yes forums are for every one not just the elite few. Some good ones out there. i enjoy the Aussie hunting ones as they really love there hunting and there grub. Make good reading and I might even have to buy a bottle of this watties tomato sauce to see what the fuss is about. Sounds like Micky has found a good one with shared interests

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It's newbies who aren't pro or full time catchers asking how to catch how much to charge etc

Been several cases on these hrpups of guys in the same area being under cut by hobbyist trappers

I think some stuff you have to work out yourself

If people ask for specific advice when stuck I'm happy to help out

But I'm not happy to help amateurs put me out of business

Call me old fashioned

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  On 05/04/2017 at 06:05, EDDIE B said:

Lads, I dont get all this whinging about newbie's asking questions, and the photo thing.


Yea it's a little irritating when someone sticks up photo's for self praise. But it ain't the end of the world, is it! Once there's a story to go with the picture, or something beneficial to be gained from it, then it's fine in my book. If that's not the case, just ignore it. Those who stick them up will wonder why they got no likes or comments.


Newbie's asking the same questions. Well that would be peffectly natural, I'd say. Help them out, or don't bother. That's up to you.


Remember when that new (old) mole trap was first mentioned here. A lot of newbies to the Putangue, asked a lot of questions. None of you were told to Google it.


So just keep that in mind. The lot of us has benefited from free advise on here, and none of us has seen it all.

Fair comment,.....

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