desertbred 5,490 Posted April 7, 2017 Report Share Posted April 7, 2017 (edited) it would appear that the common opinion held on here, is to little to late and there appears to be a lack of trust and enthusiasm as to what is actually being proposed and which sections are being represented? Edited April 8, 2017 by desertbred Quote Link to post
arcticgun 4,548 Posted April 8, 2017 Report Share Posted April 8, 2017 might be a good idea first too see if people want representing, then what they would actually like too gain from it all, maybe start with a anonymous questionnaire, whalads actually hunt, why do they hunt, there's loads of questions that need too be asked to build up a pcture of the average lurcher man, his opinions, why he does what he does, more so in the unlawful end of the game, from the questions you could build up a picture of what is what and opinions he holds, easier to represent if you know what they really want out the club who represent them, bear in mind theres a whole world of people who only got involved after the ban, so they need hearing too, likey the best way to do it is via questionaires on forums like these and facebook, you would reach so many people, at least by getting a full set of facts you can establish a proper direction to go forward in representing the working lurcher and its owners Education s definitely the key too it all, we living in a fast changing world, where by the looks we slowly being heading back too our routes we are making choices that them in charge would prefer we didn't so it seems we maybe trying to regain our national identity present the argument in a different light as well, show just who the lurcherman really is, show how he cares for the land, his animals and his quarry, also what an asset he can be to the countryside and its economy, get all them land owners you graft your arses off for too stand up and be counted, them that where victims of the coursers where quick enough to slide down too parliament on a quiet day too have their say, what about the ones who get all the free pest control can they not be persuaded to say there piece then there is the whole question of 'why' the ban is in place, that needs looking at, it was put in place by one of if not the most 'hated' people in British history, a man who should be hung for the crimes he has committed against humanity, every thing him and his kin put in place was too see this country stripped of its identity, history and pride, well country sports is a massive part of that history and the poacher is every much as bit of a part of it as the local hunt, its our country and we ask them too run it not run us into the ground, we can ask for whatever we want, its doesn't have to suit the masses, infact we used to appeasing the minority anyhow 3 Quote Link to post
Flynn 314 Posted April 8, 2017 Report Share Posted April 8, 2017 Carpe Diem, did that a few days ago. thank You for Your input Artic. some of which You have mentioned , i have on the go. .... 1 Quote Link to post
sandymere 8,263 Posted April 8, 2017 Report Share Posted April 8, 2017 (edited) Carpe Diem, did that a few days ago. thank You for Your input Artic. some of which You have mentioned , i have on the go. .... you have been going for 3 years and its just on the go what have you been up too????? Er arh a starter for ten, you have a member on the hunting council?? What have they done so far?? Face book etc is currently full of people off to the shows, many of which will be hunt lurcher/terrier shows, how’s about the council member getting the hunts to agree to a class supporting the AWL at all these shows??? Free advertising for the club and a chance to get people email addresses, (perfect for future campaigns i.e. some twit puts a video on the TV about lurchers that portrays an unfair picture, you email everyone to ask, would you mind taking 5 mins to email them to complain? Add link and maybe a sample complaint letter and bobs your uncle.) don’t even need to be members just on an email list that can be engaged for support…… Gottta make it a special class that people want to win, get a final at one of the big shows for all winners, speak to a few big shows and get the best to hold the AWL championship…. . Get a trophy for each show and really big it up, don’t need to be expensive better a little odd in fact. Few years back went to the Crewkerne show and they had the most awful stuffed hares head for winner of the working class, bloody awful but different and people wanted to win it for the year. So get people to donate trophies, either cups or odd sporting stuff like that hares head. When we looked at starting a club one of the main points was local clubs affiliated to the main one and each could have come up with a trophy of some sort and set up AWL classes at all local shows handing out leaflets etc. advertising is key if no one knows you exist you might as well not. With your membership so low you need to spread the appeal from solely working to those who are more show oriented but will be the easiest to appeal too. I would be happy to supply a prize to the local show if they held a class and I’m sure many other would as well but, and it’s a big but, people need to see some action on your part to get out there and if you’re not willing or able to do so to step away. Edited April 8, 2017 by sandymere Quote Link to post
sandymere 8,263 Posted April 8, 2017 Report Share Posted April 8, 2017 (edited) PS There’s also, getting dogs registered with the AWL, basically enter a class and if the judge recons the dog is well kept and healthy it gets the AWL approval, don’t need to win anything just gets registered, name, owners name and email get registered with the AWL . incentive of it can then be entered into online show and or a class in a local end of summer show just for those who are registered.…… big shows can have a class solely for AWL registered dogs, work towards getting all dogs and owners registered, would be thousands…….. plus you can then say you are actively promoting good lurcher ownership and husbandry. Edited April 8, 2017 by sandymere 2 Quote Link to post
desertbred 5,490 Posted April 8, 2017 Report Share Posted April 8, 2017 Sandymere your inbox is full. Quote Link to post
dodger 2,765 Posted April 8, 2017 Report Share Posted April 8, 2017 (edited) Carpe Diem, did that a few days ago. thank You for Your input Artic. some of which You have mentioned , i have on the go. .... you have been going for 3 years and its just on the go what have you been up too????? Er arh a starter for ten, you have a member on the hunting council?? What have they done so far?? Face book etc is currently full of people off to the shows, many of which will be hunt lurcher/terrier shows, hows about the council member getting the hunts to agree to a class supporting the AWL at all these shows??? Free advertising for the club and a chance to get people email addresses, (perfect for future campaigns i.e. some twit puts a video on the TV about lurchers that portrays an unfair picture, you email everyone to ask, would you mind taking 5 mins to email them to complain? Add link and maybe a sample complaint letter and bobs your uncle.) dont even need to be members just on an email list that can be engaged for support Gottta make it a special class that people want to win, get a final at one of the big shows for all winners, speak to a few big shows and get the best to hold the AWL championship. . Get a trophy for each show and really big it up, dont need to be expensive better a little odd in fact. Few years back went to the Crewkerne show and they had the most awful stuffed hares head for winner of the working class, bloody awful but different and people wanted to win it for the year. So get people to donate trophies, either cups or odd sporting stuff like that hares head. When we looked at starting a club one of the main points was local clubs affiliated to the main one and each could have come up with a trophy of some sort and set up AWL classes at all local shows handing out leaflets etc. advertising is key if no one knows you exist you might as well not. With your membership so low you need to spread the appeal from solely working to those who are more show oriented but will be the easiest to appeal too. I would be happy to supply a prize to the local show if they held a class and Im sure many other would as well but, and its a big but, people need to see some action on your part to get out there and if youre not willing or able to do so to step away. Good point sandy not that I go to many but I see quite a few wildlife officers with stands at shows promoting lurchers in a bad light amongst other things with pics such as a dog in a boot with a few rabbits brain washin folk into thinkin the circumstances of the pic is illegal or poaching when they could be we'll otherwise but no stands showing the positives and that some aspects of lurcher work are still legal etc.. Edited April 8, 2017 by dodger Quote Link to post
Flynn 314 Posted April 8, 2017 Report Share Posted April 8, 2017 I have spoken with the wildlife officer here in Lincs, , suffice to say he was more interested in his show truck being off the road I have raised the issues of shows etc with other members, but its too late for this year i fear, however it wont be forgotten . Most of what is being added here, will be brought up at the AGM, many thanks Quote Link to post
dog man 176 Posted April 8, 2017 Report Share Posted April 8, 2017 It is very good to see everyone giving there good ideas keep them coming good reading. 1 Quote Link to post
dytkos 17,841 Posted April 8, 2017 Report Share Posted April 8, 2017 How much is it to join AWL please? Cheers, D. 1 Quote Link to post
trenchfoot 4,243 Posted April 8, 2017 Report Share Posted April 8, 2017 How much is it to join AWL please? Cheers, D. £11. Here you go.membership 2 Quote Link to post
WILF 47,971 Posted April 8, 2017 Report Share Posted April 8, 2017 (edited) AWL....first I have ever heard of you !!.....been around since 96?!!!...........what the f**k have you been doing?, working deep under cover? So, a bloke who actually is into dog work has never ever heard of many of the general public who you are "promoting lurcher work" to have heard of you in that case? My guess ! I see you also recommend joining the CA !..........what do you all go on holiday together with the subs? Lol Edited April 8, 2017 by WILF 1 Quote Link to post
Flynn 314 Posted April 8, 2017 Report Share Posted April 8, 2017 AWL....first I have ever heard of you !!.....been around since 96?!!!...........what the f**k have you been doing?, working deep under cover? So, a bloke who actually is into dog work has never ever heard of many of the general public who you are "promoting lurcher work" have heard of you in that case? My guess ! I see you also recommend joking the CA !..........what do you all go on holiday together with the subs? Lol former the ALC . Wilf me dears it was very much coursing orientated back then, and was part of trying to save lurcher work , in the 2004 Hunting Act.... Now i can happily let You rant and rave , it goes right over the top of my head, and my eyes go bleary ... but never insinuate the funds are used for jollies ..! All members can view the Club funds on request . 1 Quote Link to post
WILF 47,971 Posted April 8, 2017 Report Share Posted April 8, 2017 (edited) I'm not ranting and raving mate, and I am naturally very cynical about "clubs" so don't take me too seriously.......the funds thing was obviously a joke as in fairness you are hardly charging the earth. What I think that club does highlight in all seriousness is the complete waste of money and the impotency of all these such clubs......AWL, CA blah blah blah They have achieved precisely f**k all from what I can see of it......and I mean that in the politest way possible (no ranting here ) I think your line above about "getting email addresses for campaigns" illustrates the wrong direction (imho) that all such organisations have been going in.........let's be honest, how many people really in sufficients numbers to make any difference are going to mosy up to a lurcher stall and jot down their email address?.........the people that do will most probably already be into lurcher s so it's not much use sending them a bloody email about it is it? I personally have never seen any of the clubs in the national news media reaching big numbers of non that in random articles or full page ads (very much like the anti hunt groups regularly do) Those people are masters, take a leaf out of their book and follow their example because as it stands it has been amature night so far at all the field sports organisations. Jmho Edited April 8, 2017 by WILF 4 Quote Link to post
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